Chatterbox: Down to Earth




There are a lot of new CBers nowadays. I think it's probably thanks to Crowd Sorcery. We CBers love seeing new faces on here, so I decided to create a Welcome Center! Here's how it'll work:

- If you are a newbie, fill out the form below!

- Then, we CBers who have been on here awhile will reply to your post.

- Not to be discriminatory, but please don't fill out the following form unless you are a newbie; otherwise, it'll get confusing. 

Here's the form:

1. Name:

2. Date joined CB:

3. Fav books:

4. Hobbies:

5. Other fav things:

6 Do you like the CB so far?: 

7. Questions about CB:

8. Other things you want CBers to know about you. 

submitted by Mag Fan, age Classified, Welcome Center
(July 13, 2014 - 7:39 am)


1. Forrest 

2. I would say around July 6.

3. Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes.

4. Reading, writing, making yarn and studying animals.

5. I'm a trekkie, whovian, sherlockian and potterhead.

6. Love it!

7. How long do RP's usually last?

8. I don't know? ( You can already tell I'm a nerd.)

submitted by Forrest
(July 13, 2014 - 8:37 am)

@Forrest: RP's usually last until either no one is writing for it anymore, or until the majority of the writers participating agree to stop. I hope that was clear enough. And welcome to the CB! :)

submitted by Mag Fan, age Hi!, Welcome Center
(July 14, 2014 - 6:18 am)

What is an RP, by the way? I've kind of got an idea but I was wondering what your "official" meaning is. I'm also pretty new here. 


RP stands for Role Play, a group-written story in which each author writes from the point of view of one character.


submitted by Air
(July 19, 2014 - 12:29 am)

Hi Forrest! Welcome the Chatterbox! Have fun chatting :)

submitted by Nina, age 12, CB Welcome Center
(July 15, 2014 - 12:47 pm)


submitted by Whovian
(August 2, 2014 - 8:17 am)

Welcome to the Chatterbox, Forrest! Love the name.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Welcome
(July 14, 2014 - 3:56 pm)

Alrighty, I'm just going to leave this here. I'm sure you newbies will find it very useful!


submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 15, 2014 - 1:54 pm)

Hi guys! I am having fun glad you like the name Everinne, and thanks for the link Writing Warrior.

submitted by Forrest
(July 15, 2014 - 3:23 pm)

1. Name: Cloudkit

2. Date joined CB: today...

3. Fav books: Calpurnia Tate,  The Book Thief

4. Hobbies: writing drawing, reading

5. Other fav things: umm... exploring?

6 Do you like the CB so far?: It seems cool!

7. Questions about CB: none I guess

8. Other things you want CBers to know about you. I'm shy...

submitted by Cloudkit, age 123, under a blanket
(July 15, 2014 - 10:00 pm)

Hi! Welcome to the Chatterbox, Cloudkit. I love writing, drawing, and reading too! I'm also pretty shy around big groups of people, but I am really outgoing with my closest friends. My favorite books are classics, mystery, and fantasy. I hope you have a great time at the Chatterbox! It's really safe here and you'll feel comfortable in no time. See ya later! :)

submitted by Nina, age 12, Florida
(July 16, 2014 - 12:19 pm)

Hi Cloudkit! I'm Butterfly, and welcome to Chatterbox! I am 10, love purple, and I love your name!

I hope you stay on the CB (Chatterbox) for a while!

submitted by Butterfly
(July 16, 2014 - 12:30 pm)

1. Fire Eyes Phoenix or the lovable Fep

2. Sunday July 13th? Or at least I think it was Sunday.

3. Favorite books? Nooooo!!! Don't make me answer this! Ok, I could... The Thief Lord, the Scorpio Races, the Man Who was Thursday, and the Hunger Games Series

4.  Being annoying!!! Just kidding.... * chuckles evilly* I adore reading and writing,  climbing trees, shocking my mother and grandmother by being entirely unladylike and making sarcastic comments. I'm also really into acting with my high school theatre troup. 

5. Other favorite things? Like what? I like sleeping in, eating, and reading cricket.

6. I love it!!

7. None so far.. Except top. What's wrong with top?

8. I really adore people but occasionally I get too carried away when I joke and I end up hurting people's feelings. I certainly don't mean to, which is no excuse, but what in person ends up making me seem like a lovable goof, over the nets makes me seem like a vicious maniac ( I am a maniac... Just not vicious). So if you feel insulted at all by me, reread whatever I said about 20 times, and if you are still upset tell me and I promise I will meekly apologize without further ado. I'm crazy and vivacious, but rather benign. I'm also a girl, so anyone who calls me him will be corrected with a rather cold stare. *stares coldly*

submitted by Fire Eyes Phoenix
(July 16, 2014 - 1:34 pm)

People post "Top" when we want the thread to stay at the top of the forum.

submitted by Bookbug
(July 16, 2014 - 2:45 pm)

Man! I called you "him" in the newest ski lodge mystery. Sorry. Please stop staring. 

submitted by Ellie, age 11, Place of regret
(July 16, 2014 - 4:23 pm)

1. snowkitty

2. July 14

3. Divergent, Harry Potter, Fablehaven, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles

4. drawing, writing, dancing, singing, listening to music, or hanging with my ppl

5. I love foxes, movies, friends, fun, sushi, school, hip hop.

6. yes I love it!!!!!!!!

7. none yet

8. I love to write and love to write with other ppl (I believe you ppl call it RR??) 


submitted by snowkitty
(July 16, 2014 - 5:00 pm)