New People.........

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

New People.........

New People.........


Ok, so I know that there are several new people, and not all of them have introduced themselves. 

(You don't have to do this, but it would help everybody else.)

If you want to, please fill out the form below!


Chatterbox name:

What brought you to the Chatterbox?  

Favorite Cricket character: 

Description of yourself (So we can get an idea of who you are): 

Five fun facts about yourself: 


I'll fill it out so you all can get an idea of what to do (and 'cause I have only been on here for a few months).

Chatterbox name:

What brought you to the Chatterbox? 
The Magazine was talking about it, and so I tried it out and LOVED it!
Favorite Cricket character: 
Probably Cricket!
Description of yourself (So we can get an idea of who you are): 
Straight dark blonde hair, blue eyes, spunky, caring.
Five fun facts about yourself: 
1. I play the Guitar
2. I sing duets with myself
3. I LOVE to look up popular movie scripts and read them for fun (like Frozen)
4. My best friend and I make movies together
5. I speak French, and want to go to France really badly
Thanks, everybuggy!
: ) 
submitted by Stellarbee, age 12, Diagon Alley
(April 13, 2014 - 7:41 pm)

Chatterbox Name: Everinne, formerly PiperC. I sometimes also go by Anon (the fact I told you this makes my desire for incognito-ness nil, but anyway!)

What brought me to the CB?: I really don't know. I think I was searching the Cricket Magazine website and I found the CB by a wonderful twist of fate.

Favorite Cricket Character: I'm not sure; I don't read the magazine all that often. Maybe Pudding.

Description: I prefer to let people guess how I look, mostly because my name's cool and my real self...not so much!

Fun facts:

1. I'm homeschooled!

2. I love love love writing epic stories, LOTR, Tom Hiddleston and posting here.

3. I'm miserable at foreign languages.

4. I take my dreams too seriously.

5. "Scratch a cynic, you find a romantic." That's me.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Fun and Random
(April 13, 2014 - 8:52 pm)

Chatterbox name: Katie M ( I couldn't think of anything better)

What brought me to the CB?: I honestly don't remember (I havea short term memory!

Favorite Cricket Character: Pussywillow!

Description: I would say, but I do like people guessing!

Fun facts:

1. I am homeschooled!

2. I LOVE cats!

3. I write stories, but I really don't know if they are any good.

4. I am OBSESSED with Percy Jackson!

5. I have four bookshelves in my room. Three are small, but the other one is HUGE. I haven't even filled it up yet! (Although I am getting close) 


submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea, MI
(April 14, 2014 - 2:47 pm)


submitted by top
(April 13, 2014 - 9:05 pm)


submitted by topper
(April 14, 2014 - 12:25 pm)

Great idea, Stellarbee! I'm not new, but I'd love to do this anyway.

Chatterbox Name: Nina 

What brought you to the Chatterbox? The quotes from the Chatterbox in Cricket magazine

Favorite Cricket character: Pussywillow

Description of yourself: Kind of short, long black hair, black glasses. Creative, friendly, and bright!

Five fun facts about yourself: 

1. I play the piano.

2. I'm Asian.

3. I am a Disney fanatic.

4. I really love art.

5. I enjoy reading, especially magazines and classics.


submitted by Nina, age 12, Disney
(April 14, 2014 - 1:00 pm)


Chatterbox name: Butterfly

What brought you to the chatterbox? My older sister (True) was on and I wanted to go on too.

Favorite Cricket character: Pudding!!

Description of yourself (So we can get an idea of who you are): I have a little under shoulder length brown hair, brown glasses, dark brown eyes, and I am 10. 

Five fun facts about yourself: 


1. I love grapes.

2. I am home schooled.

3. I carry a small blue towel everywhere (aka Icy) because my stomach acts up a little.

4. My favorite color is purple.

5.  I am computer obsessed.

submitted by Butterfly
(April 14, 2014 - 1:14 pm)

I'm not new, but I'm bored!

My beautiful name:


What brought me to the Chatterbox?

Secret reasons involving a hat, an Umbreon, and the back porch. You probably think I'm coming!

Favorite Cricket character:

Um... I don't know?

Description of me:

I have black hair in... a haircut. I don't know any fashion terms. I like wearing basketball shorts and T-shirts. I have dark brown eyes. Sorry guys, no red hair. Besides, red hair is pretty much orange, isn't it? I am also in possession of a large and beautiful ego.

Five fun facts about me:

1. I am the epitome of fun. All facts about me are fun!

2. I like randomly saying "Dryers, mate!" There is really no deep meaning in this.

3. Fun fact number 4 is actually the beginning of 5.

5. Fun fact number 4 is actually the end of 3.

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(April 14, 2014 - 9:56 pm)


yah just make sure not to tell everyone your whole life, identifying features, insecurities, cuz yk even though u are working under a pseudonym someone can look you up. also you dont want to have the same pseudonym for every website, that's trouble.

submitted by The Critic
(April 15, 2014 - 10:10 am)

Um... I think we're ok on the CB. The CB's pretty safe and fun and it's not like we're giving away our addresses, pictures of ourselves, and full names. Just a thought...

submitted by Moss, age 13
(April 15, 2014 - 3:10 pm)

@ The Critic:

Yes, thank you for bringing this up! My family is big on that sort of thing, and I hope all of you are safe on the internet!


: ) 

submitted by Stellarbee, age 12, Diagon Alley
(April 15, 2014 - 3:38 pm)

We're not saying that much about ourselves. In fact, all these things seem rather trivial. I think the CB is about as cool an internet hangout as you could find.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Thank you no
(April 15, 2014 - 8:32 pm)

My Parents are that way too, The Critic.

I did not share my description. (Well, I did. I tweeked it a lot. (I did not include what I look like.))

submitted by Magic Dragon, age ???, By the Sea
(June 14, 2014 - 9:13 am)

Nice idea!

Chatterbox name: Blonde Heroines Rule

What brought you to the Chatterbox? I saw mention of it in the magazine during a time when I was becoming more... internet adventurous.

Favorite Cricket character: Dang, this question should be illegal. Um, Old Cricket? 

Description of yourself (So we can get an idea of who you are): I am me, that's all you need to know! (I like people to guess.)

Five fun facts about yourself: 

1. I am human. I think. (Other people like to beg to differ.)

2. American History is one of my all time FAVORITE subjects! I love Love LOVE it!

3. I love playing video games, and I've been playing them for years, so I'm rather experienced. My favorite game is Kingdom Hearts!

4. I am a natural born fangirl. I had fandoms when I was three. (No joke.) 

5. My biggest fandom forever, even more than Percy Jackson because this came before Percy, is Kim Possible. I was devestated when it was taken off the air. WE NEED A NEW SEASON OF KIM POSSIBLE!!! (Anyone else in the KP fandom?)

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Camelot
(April 15, 2014 - 11:57 am)

Actually, BHR, no one could argue with the fact that you're human. The fact that your post was posted must mean you are because the spambox checks that you aren't like a robot or something.


submitted by Nora the Singer
(April 20, 2014 - 9:17 am)

Ha! True! Though I'm pretty sure a lot of people think I'm from space or something. And I am a mutant orange fuzzball ghost.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Land of the Fuzzball
(April 22, 2014 - 12:02 pm)