A few days
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
A few days
A few days ago, I joined another forum, since there's nothing really happening on here, and it was AWEFUL! First of all, they are allowed to say bad words, and just star out some letters. Secondly, the posts are not monitored by admins, or if they are, the admins don't do anything. And lastly, SOMEONE HACKED INTO ME! They said that they tried to see if they could open someone else's account in one guess! And I was the one to get hacked into! So after changing my password, I saw someone's post asking for help because they had been hacked into as well. So I made a post requesting that the hacker apologize to that person. The hacker told me that if I didn't shut up, they would hack into me as well. So I told him that I was leaving that forum-for good. And just a minute ago, I checked to see if he had hacked into me yet, and do you know what he said?! GOOD RIDDANCE, YOU WHINEY BRAT! It made me cry, if you won't think me a whiney brat for it. It was awful! So I'm a little scared away from the Internet, so don't be surprised if I don't post very often for a little while. The bottom line is-THE CB IS A VEEEEEEEEEERY NICE, KIND, CARING, SUPPORTIVE, PLACE TO GO TO WHEN YOU NEED A FRIEND OR TWO. PLEASE don't think me a whiney brat because of this post, please don't. I just had to vent a little.
(February 25, 2014 - 8:39 pm)
I've been on other forums and websites before, and bottom line: People are horrid. Just horrid. Though when someone starts being a little brat (to put it nicely) themselves, I get majorly ticked off, and often get into heated arguments. They're always in the wrong, so I always manage to win the arguments. They come to run out of things to say, and settle for petty jibes, and I start laughing my head off. I then tell them I enjoyed our "debate" cause frankly, it's fun to argue with with people!
Back to original point. No, Mag Fan, you are NOT a whiney brat. People are mean, and annoying, and utterly pointless in my opinion. Or, most people. Just ignore them. People use the internet as an excuse to be mean, and think they can get away with it. If you want, you could try to report them to the website. They should know about kids that are abusing the site, and if they're even hacking into other people's accounts, they really need to know.
(February 25, 2014 - 9:21 pm)
Thanks, BHR, you really made me feel better. I totally agree with you. I'll try to report them, because the forum rules specifically says that you MAY NOT HACK INTO SOMEONE ELSE'S ACCOUNT! But if they find me reporting them, will they try to hack into me or bully me some more? I've had enough of that, let me tell you. And to think that this all started because I was trying to stick up for someone who had been hacked into and was asking for help. Well, look where kindness got me this time. I'll let you know if anything turns out of my reporting them. Thanks again for the great advice! You cheered me up a little at least!
(February 25, 2014 - 10:10 pm)
I hear you! The horrid vulgar jargon out there is, in a word, disgusting. [Sorry, I have a penchant for big words!
] Mag Fan, I think you are most certainly not a bratty person. That boy is the brat. Don't let him make you upset.
(February 25, 2014 - 10:56 pm)
I try to stay away from forums most of the time, so that was smart of you ;) I just go here on the CB, a writing chatroom and NaNoWriMo occasionally Pottermore. Mag Fan, you're definitely not a whiny brat! You're a very smart person (:
(February 26, 2014 - 7:04 am)
Thanks, Mossy. Say, what's the name of the writing chatroom that you visit? I may consider joining there, if the people on there are nice, that is.
(February 26, 2014 - 2:23 pm)
It's called PtP, or Pencils to Paper.
(February 27, 2014 - 6:58 am)
On Chatzy?
(February 28, 2014 - 10:07 am)
(March 1, 2014 - 9:19 am)
I reported him, and he said that he'll hack into me, and someone else said that I'm way too dramatic, to put it in words the admins allow me to use. I just don't want him to hack me! Any suggstions?
(February 26, 2014 - 7:50 am)
Close your account on that forum? If people aren't being nice on that forum then I don't see why you should put up with them at all. (I hope that doesn't sound too pushy) By the way, out of curiosity and so that I can stay away from the mean people on it, what forum is this?
(February 26, 2014 - 11:20 am)
I don't think the admins would allow me to post the name of it, since they have no control over what goes on there. Here's a hint: my name is Mag Fan. Hope you get the memo there!
(February 26, 2014 - 12:17 pm)
The internet can be scary. Stick up for other people who are bullied and don't get into arguments with people who bully, because it just spirals out of control!
(February 26, 2014 - 4:05 pm)
I agree with everyone on here! Mag Fan, you are NOT a whiny brat, and you are NOT too dramatic. Whoever called you a whiney brat is an awful, unfeeling person. I'd just close my account!
(February 26, 2014 - 7:07 pm)
The only chat places I go on are CB and YWP. Internet can be a scary thing. I hope that the people on that site are lectured by the admins there.
If you dislike the site, then you could close your account. That's what I would do. I'm sorry that you had to go through with that. People can be verrry nasty, especially when they think that they can get away with it.
(February 26, 2014 - 6:35 pm)
@ Mag Fan:
Oh no! That's terrible! You are so not a whiney brat! Of course you wouldn't want your account hijacked! And especially on a website that allows just anyone to post just anything and make bets on that kind of thing! I'm so glad the CB is a nice, safe place to hang out, though. I'm so sorry that happened to you, Mag Fan. That's just terrible, especially if some random person is so insulting like that. Makes me want to punch him right in the nose! *virtual hug*
(February 26, 2014 - 11:21 pm)