What are some

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

What are some

What are some stupid things you believed as a kid??

I thought these when I was like 5.

I used to think that if I ate an apple seed a tree would grow in my stomach. Go Figure.

I also used to think that if my parent punished me, and I tried to do that thing, I wouldn't. I just wouldn't. Also Go Figure. 

Anymore peeps?? 


I believed the same thing about watermelon seeds.


submitted by Gilraen, age 11
(January 24, 2014 - 12:37 pm)

I thought that all cats were girls and all dog were boys. I was probably 4 or 5.

I also thought that height had to do with age, so If you were that tallest, you must be the oldest.  

submitted by Ivy
(January 24, 2014 - 1:35 pm)


submitted by Top
(January 24, 2014 - 5:43 pm)

I thought it was normal to have divorced parents.

I thought it was normal to have parents who yelled a lot. 

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 24, 2014 - 7:12 pm)

When I was young, I believed that Rush was the best band in the world. I was exactly right.

Captcha says bait. When the captcha was young, it believed this website was bait to lure subscribers to Cricket. Now it *ahem* knows better.

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(January 24, 2014 - 7:36 pm)

Until very recently I thought everyone's parents yelled at them for getting less than 100% on a test. I was wrong.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 25, 2014 - 12:11 pm)