Fear.What ar
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Fear.What ar
What are ya'll afraid of? Here's my list:
1. Vampires
2. Paul
3. Sauron
4. The Corry
5. The King in Princess of the Silver Woods
6. The hag in Snow White
7. The white witch
8. My imagination
submitted by S.E.
(December 23, 2013 - 9:01 am)
(December 23, 2013 - 9:01 am)
"I fear oblivion." - The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green.
Sort of, yeah. Not really. I'm not sure.
(December 23, 2013 - 10:52 am)
1. Spiders
Yes, I know. Spiders are just eigh- legged creatues that usually are harmless, especially where I live. I am still scared of them.
2. Falling From High Heights (I am not afraid of heights though, just falling)
3. Umm...I can't think of anything else at the moment.
(December 23, 2013 - 12:50 pm)
1. Everything (haha)
2. The Puppet Master
3. Dolls, puppets, etc.
4. Storm, to some extent
5. Humans around me
6. Non-humans around me
7. Inanimate objects
8. My enemies
(December 23, 2013 - 9:27 pm)
More seriously:
1. My death before my job is complete
2. The loss of any of my three loved ones
3. Losing my purpose. As in, I have a purpose that drives me, sort of like a competition. I'm afraid of losing the competition.
4. The loss of my humanity before I can lose it safely. I'm not that worried about this, but I feel like I should be more disturbed that I am.
(December 23, 2013 - 9:33 pm)
Thinking about losing my loved ones scares me really badly.
(December 24, 2013 - 6:37 am)
I worry about a lot of things. Like when I'm high up in the air, I imagine all the horrible things that could happen to me and that scares me.
(December 24, 2013 - 2:39 am)
Deep water. If there are such things as past lives, I think I drowned. Possibly on the Titanic.
(December 24, 2013 - 2:45 am)
1) Mind readers. I have a horrible fear of mind readers.
2) A disease I will catch that will keep me from drawing just as I am getting out of college. That would be horrible.
3) Heights. Or, more speicfically, falling.
4) This will sound stupid, but I'm afraid that Glenn Dakin is going to publish the final book in the Candleman trilogy and I won't care about it anymore. Or that Matthew Cody's VILLANOUS will come out and I will have no interest in it whatsoever.
(December 24, 2013 - 10:31 am)
@ Teresa: I completely get your fear of spiders! Spiders may be smaller than you, but then again, so are grenades.
@ Ivy: I FEAR DEEP WATER TOO! I mean, if I'm in a pool or something with edges, it doesn't bother me. But if I'm anywhere that has nothing to grab on to, I start to panic. That's one of the things that attributes to my extreme fear of the ocean. Well, that and the things that live in it. I have this weird phobia that I'll somehow end up stranded in the middle of the ocean. It's why I can't watch things like Life of Pi.
One of my fears is honestly emotions. I can't explain it on here, but I fear strong emotions. Like fear, anger, nervousness, anxiety, even happiness or excitement, I dread it.
(December 24, 2013 - 6:07 pm)
scared of:
- losing control of my emotions
- I don't want my conciousness to end, even though-um. Yeah.
- I'm afraid that my friends are going to leave me for nicer, happier people
- I'm afraid of doing things I'm bad at
- I'm scared of making a fool of myself
- I'm scared of losing the people I care about (which only includes some of my family members occasionally)
- I'm scared that no one would notice/care if I were to disappear
- I'm scared that no one really cares about me and they're only putting up with me out of politeness (Southern hospitality; have you heard of it?)
(December 24, 2013 - 7:47 pm)
@Ivy and BHR
That's what I forgot! Deep water!
(December 24, 2013 - 10:16 pm)
I'm afraid of a lot of things, and most of them are pretty silly, but really scary to me. Believe it or not, after twelve years of living in a house where siblings will turn the lights off on you randomly, I'm still afraid of the dark. Not any place that has a little light, like a stairwell with a flickering bulb, no I mean complete and utter darkness. Or somewhere with darkness and a little bit of moonlight coming in through a window. I freak out if I'm left alone in a place like that, I literally freak out.
Spiders and other bugs are also a main fear of mine. And I actually have to deal with them a lot. I've been scared of crickets since I by accidently put my foot in my shoe and there was one in there and I crushed it and . .. it was still alive when I took it out. But really dead, just holding for life and I didn't know what to do . . . Thus my fear of crickets.
Storms and water and winds scare me majorly since Hurricane Irene and Sandy scared me out of my wits. Also, when I was little (four or five) there was a big tropical storm and it scared me for life. The house was shaking, and that I couldn't deal with.
Being alone, though that's also really stupid fear, is probably my most prominent fear. Lucky I have lots of siblings, isn't it? No, but really, if you leave a room, so I'm alone, I will scream like I'm going crazy. Sometimes I like to be alone, but mostly it just scares me.
Yeah, so I'm pretty afraid. And most of it is stupid fears and I'm probably overreacting to most of them, but when I'm scared, my body takes control of itself and I can't control it anymore, so I usually will scream. Loudly. And do other stuff I wouldn't normally, if I'm really scared.
(December 25, 2013 - 9:01 am)
A lot of things!
Falling from high up
Losing family members
Dreams about drowning, falling, fire, and anything horrible
And so many more things. But I guess it would be hard to list them all. Oh and seeing blood is another thing (nearly passed out before). But I try not to let my fears control me. If they did, I would be staying in a house the rest of my life (but I guess fires and stuff can still happen in a home).
(December 25, 2013 - 2:28 pm)
I'm scared of doing anything that could possibly result in me embarrassing myself in any way at all.
(December 26, 2013 - 10:00 am)
- Anyone dying or getting injured.
- Squirrels (when 5-0 feet away)
- The dark (sometimes)
- Hights
- Getting kidnapped
Lots more but I cannot think of any.
(December 26, 2013 - 1:07 pm)