CBer Appearances

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

CBer Appearances

CBer Appearances

Hey fellow CBers and most excellent dudes! I saw this comment on the old Ask Admin thread:

Howdy Admins 1, 2 & 3! A while back we had a "what do you think other CBzers look like thread", I was wondering, what do you think we look like?


Oh, there are so many of  you, I really can't take the time to describe you all. However, you I picture as a large daisy with a bent stem/neck, swaying in the breeze and listening to all the sounds of life with all your petals.


submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(October 8, 2012 - 2:17 pm)
I've no clue where the previous thread about this subject is, but I thought it would be nice to have a new one!
I will not give any descriptions right now, as I want to hurry and finish posting before I get caught using the computer without permission. So I'll talk more on this tomorrow, dudes! See ya! (It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy past my bedtime...)
submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Description Vortex
(June 18, 2013 - 8:43 pm)

You read my mind. I was thinking about making one of these yesterday. 

Joe Dosie Doe- A boy (duh) with dark hair and circular glasses. I can picture your voice more than your appearance, actually. You sound very confident.

Gollum- A girl with red hair and square glasses. A cynical voice of a sort.

L- A female version of L from Death Note. A more "mature" cynical voice.

SC- A tall girl with long hair (blond?) and a cape. Light blue and made out of a light fabric, I believe. Usually standing on top of a large bluff. Commanding voice (that sounds like Saruman, doesn't it?)

Red- What Red looks like in real life. 

Daffodil- A girl's face in a daffodil. Does that sound strange? Slightly plaintive voice.

Blackberry- A hyper elf with fairy wings and black hair. Peppy voice.  

Blue Fairy- A blue fairy. Big surprise, right? A higher pitched version of Daffodil's voice.

Melody- A girl with long red hair. You seem very energetic and your voice reflects that.

Ima- A girl with dark purple hair. You have kind of a invigorating, warm voice.

Ivy- A girl with bubble-gum pink hair and green eyes (sorry, I have a character named Ivy and that's what she looks like). A purple sounding energetic voice.

Admins- Your voices sound patient and vaguely yellow-brown.

Blond Heroines Rule- A blond girl with freckles and hair in a ponytail, I think? Your voice souunds exceedingly warm yellow and very energetic and fun.

Theo- Your voice sounds quite brown. It's kind of patient but clever at the same time. I picture you as a brown-haired boy wearing a top hat and carrying a candle.

Lexi- Your voice sounds purpley pink and kind of shy and I picture you as a blond girl (what's up with all the blondes?) with kind of a shy grin.

TNO- A tall black-haired young woman. Your voice sounds knowledgeable and reminds me of fabric.

I know I'm forgetting people. Please remind me.


submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(June 19, 2013 - 10:33 am)

Notes about the description of me from Ruby: I do have darkish hair, yes, but do not wear any glasses or other eyesight aiding device. Our optometrist calls my eyesight "static", meaning it's great and always stays the same. I can read bus numbers from far away, farther than my mom or Daffodil can. Daffodil is not a daffodil, although the daffodil is her birthday flower, and she does wear glasses.

Also, Theo and Lexi are one and the same person. I would never call my voice confident. I am a sometimes idiot and a sometimes genius, and both sides have shown in my posts here.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Appearance Vortex
(June 19, 2013 - 12:00 pm)

Yes, I am two differnet people (you don't get to say that every day) but when I post as Lexi or Theo, I tend to use different tones. Sort of. 

I would say you sound confident, JDD. So, there you go.  

submitted by Theo W.
(June 20, 2013 - 6:55 pm)

My glasses are kind of aviator frames.  My voice is more sarcastic than cynical.

Ruby M: for some reason I think of a tropical flower.  I don't know why.

Joe Dosie Doe: Like Al Capone in the Tintin comics, except shorter and thinner.

TNÖ: Like Sabriel with a fez.

I don't really have distinct images for a lot of CBers.  Those are all I can think of immediately.

submitted by Gollum
(June 19, 2013 - 3:48 pm)


submitted by Bounty, age Immortal, ?
(July 13, 2013 - 8:03 am)

Ivy: I picture you as a tall (5'6), thin girl with straight long blonde hair and blue/green eyes. I think you're intelligent, confident, strong, and courageous, but also gentle and kind.

Theo/Lexi: Although you haven't made it clear whether you're a boy or girl, I still picture you as a boy. I think you have brown hair, dark and deep brown eyes and you're on the shorter side. I think you're creative, smart and funny.

Blonde Heroines Rule: I picture you as a girl with, well, blonde hair that is wavy. I think you have exquisite, bright blue eyes that sparkle when you smile. I think you're brave, bright, happy and creative.

Melody: I picture you as a girl with dark brown hair and green eyes with flecks of grey. I think you're clever, a bookworm (that's a good thing!), a Disney fan (okay, I know you are), and shy around new people.

Ruby: I picture you as a girl with glossy brown curly hair and brown eyes. I think you are friendly, happy and ... I'm not sure, I don't know you as well. 

Red: I picture you as a boy with spiky brown hair and blue eyes. I picture you as medium height. I think you're strong, energetic, sports fan and funny.

L: I picture you as a girl with dark brown hair that looks black and is often done in a side braid. I think you have intense green eyes. I think you are confident, funny, musical, and smart.

Blackberry: I picture you as a girl with short light brown hair with hazel eyes and freckles.  I think you're energetic, full of excitement and ready for anything that comes your way.

Daffodil: I picture you as a girl with blonde hair and cute glasses that bring out the color in your blue eyes. I picture you always smiling. I think you're creative, smart, strong and kind.

Joe Dosie Doe: I picture you as a boy with longer (2-3 inches) brown hair and dark brown eyes. I see you as daring, smart, creative, and always ready to try something new.

Gollum: I picture you as a girl with short black hair and hazel eyes with glasses. I think you're unique, kind, bright and a bookworm (a good thing).

SC: I picture you as a girl with blonde hair and green eyes with freckles. I think your smart, courageous and creative.

Emma: I picture you with black hair and dark eyes with red lips. I really don't know you well because you're newer, so I can't say any personalities yet.

Blue Fairy: I picture you as a young girl with blonde hair and exquisite blue eyes. I picture your hair in two braids. I think you're sweet, kind, creative and sometimes daring.

Ima: I picture you as an older girl with silky blonde hair and green eyes. I picture you as helpful, intelligent and kind.

TNO: I picture you as a older girl with short black hair and dark eyes. I picture you as musical and courageous.

True: I picture you as a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. I picture you as helping your siblings, having a sweet temper and as kind and gentle. 

Butterfly: I picture you as a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. I picture you as energetic and kind.

Violet: I picture you as a girl with black hair and violet eyes. I think you're an artist, writer, creative, happy and create fun new ideas.

Everinne: I picture you as a girl with long, flowy blonde hair and blue eyes that glimmer with a secret. I think you're kind and love the outdoors. 

Maggie: I picture you as a girl with wavy black hair and brown eyes. I think you're brave and confident.

Elizabeth: I picture you as a girl with wavy blonde hair and sparking blue eyes. I think you're good at giving advice, friendly and creative.


I feel like I'm missing people, but I believe I have all of the regular Chatterboxers. Who am I missing? 





submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(June 19, 2013 - 2:58 pm)

You're good!!!!! Melody just doesn't have green eyes, and I don't put my hair in braids...wow. My mind--blown!


I will say some later. 

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, NeverLand
(June 19, 2013 - 4:07 pm)

Oh, and Melody has dirty blonde hair.

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(June 19, 2013 - 7:12 pm)

Ding ding ding! Teresa, you're the closest that anyone has ever been. I'm 5'5" not 5'6", but still, so close! For some reason, everyone thinks I have black hair.

I love these threads. I'll post some later.

submitted by Ivy
(June 20, 2013 - 8:09 am)

It seems like I'm pretty good at guessing and that is a first because usually I'm awful at guessing! 

Ivy, I cannot picture you with black hair at all! For me, it seems like it could only be blonde. 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(June 20, 2013 - 1:35 pm)


submitted by Bounty, age Immortal, ?
(July 13, 2013 - 10:23 am)

Some of my descriptions at last:

Blonde Heroines Rule: Very soft and playful 14-year-old girl, light, sparkly blue eyes, loose, long blonde hair, freckles, thin build, wears shirts with peace symbols and one of those shorts that are shorter than shorts I always see girls wear, sweet, playful voice, looks kinda like a hippie...

Theo/Lexi/Theo: I think this genderless user is a boy. Brown hair, cool smile, about 5 feet tall, sunglasses, a really coolish dude who wears robot T-shirts and such, always drawing cool stuff, has a lot of video games, and is rarely seen without a pen and paper to draw with.

Gollum: A very serious brown-haired girl who rarely smiles and is very plain, simple, and smart. 4' 5" tall, wears sneakers and jeans, and is generally buried in a book.

I'll post more later.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Describing Vortex
(June 19, 2013 - 3:17 pm)

@ Theresa:

Reminds me of Eowyn (Miranda Otto) from the Lord of the Rings movies, and that's the best compliment I could ever get. Thank you!!!

As for the others:

Ivy: Fairly small, with black hair and a sweet smile.

Gollum: Also small, with secretive eyes and a Gollumish voice.

Blonde Heroines Rule: Really perky and blonde, with blue eyes and a cheerful personality.

Red: A guy in a red shirt.

Joe Dosie Doe: No offense here, but I always picture you as an very average Joe, who does a good bit of square dancing.

Theresa: A St. Theresa, kneeling and praying.

Elizabeth: Soft brown hair, soft brown eyes, very quiet and likes to read.

TNO: Black hair, fashionable glasses, very intellectual.

Blackberry E.: Tall, with short hair, dark eyes and a rather woodland look.

That's all I got for now.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Rohan
(June 19, 2013 - 4:03 pm)

I fail at this, as words are people who I've never seen, but I'll give it a shot.

Teresa, that is accurate enough for me. I do have brown hair, and try to keep my temper, but I like to help my sisters.

Butterfly doesn't have blonde hair, but does have brown eyes, like me. She is pretty energetic and kind.


Ivy: Wavy black hair and a green ribbon tied as a headband. Blue eyes and pale skin.

Theo/Lexi: As Theo, you are a boy with round glasses and brown hair. As Lexi, you're a pixie with pale skin and short blue hair, wearing a red dress.

Blonde Heroines Rule: I actually picture you as Katy in What Katy Did. I just finished the book, and I thin of you exactly like her.

Melody:A girl who has short black hair and wire rimmed glasses, playing a violin.

Blue Fairy: A fairy on a pink daisy with a blue dress on. The rest is fuzzy.

Ruby: A girl with very pale skin and black hair. 

Red: Spiky black hair, blue eyes, pikachu T-shirt.

L:*Cough* I know that you are a girl, but imagine you as Errol.

Blackberry:Wavy brown hair, light skin, brown eyes, standing next to a blackberry bush.

Emma: I don't really know you yet, but I thin as Susan The Chronicals of Narnia.

Daffodil:A white T-shirt, blonde hair, blue eyes, no glasses, light skin.

Joe Dosie Doe: Brown hair, tall boy at the computer, punching arm in the air. Glasses.

SC: A dragon with blue rimmed around it.



Ima: A older girl, tall, straight brown hair, reading a book on a cozy looking couch.

TNO: A smart, older girl with copper coulored hair.

Violet: A shy girl with brown hair that's in pigtails.

Everinne: A girl fencing.


Elizabeth: Blonde hair in a thick braid. Kind and generous.

submitted by True S.
(June 19, 2013 - 6:31 pm)

Again, I do not wear glasses! It's Daffodil who has them! So you got us way mixed up.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, No Glasses Vortex
(June 19, 2013 - 7:25 pm)