Global Warming is

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Global Warming is

Global Warming is the talk of the world these days. I was wondering who here believes in Global Warming and who doesn't. I always think that it's interesting to hear other people's views on this hugely contraversial topic.

Please post to say your opinion on climate change!

~Koffee (who believes very strongly in Global Warming!)

submitted by Koffee, age 13:), OR
(February 2, 2009 - 10:42 pm)

Yes!  I agree with Megan, Lena, Jenni, Willa, and Martia!  I wrote something, but I have no idea why it got edited . . . Admin., do you know?

Anyway.  It is a proven fact that the temperature IS rising.  It is a proven fact that the ice caps are shrinking.  It is a proven fact that polar bears are dying.  God is not proven to exist.  What is the proof of his existence?  There is no proof.  And even if, say, He does exist, why would He save us?  Didn't He flood the whole Earth when He didn't like the way things were going?  And think about it: things on Earth are NOT going smoothly.  War, pollution, destruction--why would God want to save us?  Maybe Global warming is His way of destroying us, like the flood.
Okay, sorry, that's me being morbid.  It don't believe in God, anyway.  Sorry.
I believe in Global Warming because all facts point to it's existence.  I don't believe in God because very few facts point to His existence.  I think that we should take care of this planet even if there is no such thing as Global Warming, because you can't just use up and dispose of the place that gave you life.  And honestly, would you like to destroy Earth?
I didn't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I did.  That's just how I think.  I don't have the slightest problem with you believing in God, I just don't think everything should always have to Him.
Admin, please don't edit that, and if you have to, please leave a note.
 Bellatrix, I don't know what comment you're referring to that got edited. We get so many. We do edit topics that may be unsuitable for our youngest readers and any comments that sound unkind to others.
submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(March 15, 2009 - 10:16 am)

That's okay, Admin. :)

Whoopsie! "I just don't think everything should always have to DO WITH him."
submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(March 16, 2009 - 10:46 am)

Yo, sis!

Martia u cuckoo. Who d'ya  think you're trying to impersonate?

submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere
(March 15, 2009 - 12:30 pm)

Nobody. I'm just being myself.

*throws blackberry pie*



*looks around*

*runs off somewhere*



THE END (or is it?)

submitted by Martia, age 9, in a book
(March 16, 2009 - 8:05 pm)

OK, I've been skipping this page for a while, 'cause I thought it was just more talk on global warming. I didn't realize there were some people actually denying it!? In my opinion, I think it's kind of dumb to deny globel warming. I mean you can argue about the causes, or how serious it is, but come on-- it's basically proven! 


More on this later.

submitted by Candle, age Absolutly , Still in a pack
(March 18, 2009 - 12:34 pm)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

submitted by Laura M., age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(March 18, 2009 - 10:44 pm)

I'm not saying we should go and waste water, pollute the earth, and all that. I agree with being good to the earth. [Though not to a point that I only by products made by natural ingrediants.] I try to be too!

I'm just saying I don't believe in global warming! :D If there is global warming, then I think it won't kill us. I believe God will protect us from that.

Again I say, that doesn't mean I don't help the earth and stuff. ^_^

 I don't think that we should stop using cars. :D We drive a lot. ( Unless of course you're suggesting we ride our bikes, or walk, four hours to our other house.) Maybe just not use them to walk to a store down the block when it's a perfectly lovely day. -Cough-

submitted by GloWorm
(March 18, 2009 - 11:08 pm)

But wait a second! Supposing there is a God, and He is going to save people from what ever disasters are coming, what about the people who don't believe in God, or the people who aren't sure? Are they just going to die, with a single thought in their direction? Does that seem like something that should happen?


So, even if there is a god who will save people, we should still stop bad things (like global warming) from happening, so that those of us who don't believe, or aren't sure (or are even of a different religion, where they believe in God, or God's, but not necessarily the one that will save people) won't die!!!!


I don't care if I sound silly. This has been on my mind for a long time, and I want an answer, no matter how whiney it sounds.

submitted by Laura M., age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(March 19, 2009 - 11:42 am)

OK, about global warming, I don't see how humans increacing carbon
levels can cause the drastic effects Gore says there is. I mean, there
is less than 0.5% of carbon in the atmosphere, and humans have only
created about 10% of that 0.5%. That means we have creaated 1 out of every 5000 carbon molecules. Also, I hate to break it to you Prius owners, all the cattle in the world contribute 60% more than all the cars. I'm not saying I don't believe in it, I just don't think we are causing it.

submitted by Henry, age 14, Florida
(April 28, 2009 - 4:12 pm)

Ok.  In a nutshell, here it is:

I believe in global warming.

I just do not believe in manmade global warming.

I also believe in global cooling.

That's it.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(July 7, 2010 - 8:54 pm)