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Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery
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Everybuggy at Cricket has been thrilled with the success of Crowd-Sorcery. It’s been amazing to see how Fred and Emily have worked with your great ideas to imagine “The Girl Who Writes the Future.”
We’d love to hear your ideas about what Crowd-Sorcery should do next. What should stay the same and what should change? Should we try a different genre (e.g., historical fiction) or stick with fantasy? Should we ask Chatterboxers to do something other than create characters? Were the prompts for creating the characters about right or too long? Who would be on your dream list of authors or illustrators to work with?
This is your opportunity to help us write the future with Crowd-Sorcery II! We’re happy to hear any ideas.
submitted by Admin
(November 11, 2014 - 2:09 pm)
(November 11, 2014 - 2:09 pm)
I think we should do it again exactly the same way!
(March 14, 2015 - 9:21 am)
Idea for prophecy for Fable Thatcher:
Koth will be no more and peace wil be restored.
(April 3, 2015 - 12:10 pm)
Hello Everybuggy!
i just finish reading the end of Fable's story, and it was so good! I hope you do another crowd sorcery, because I was unable to enter this one. :/. I would LOVE more fantasy, but SCI fi would be awesome too!!!
(May 7, 2015 - 6:14 am)
Here's an idea: We do a crowd-sorcery story EVERY year. It could be an annual thing and a great way to get people onto the chatterbox. We could spend the year creating the characcters so that we have LOADS of fun with it.
Thanks for the good suggestion, Zora. I've passed it on to the editors.
(July 11, 2015 - 9:28 am)
That's a good idea Zorra!
(July 28, 2015 - 9:28 pm)
What if Rick Riordan wrote it, and the author of Nimona (can't remember her name...) illustrated it!!
(February 7, 2016 - 6:27 pm)