Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
On this thread, post random quotes that family and friends said TODAY! They can be dialogue.
I'll start...
(we started trigonometry today)
Me: Trig is scary...
Classmate: No, trig is only scary if you don't know what you're doing. Therefore, yes, trig is terrifying.
submitted by Tiffany W.
(February 23, 2012 - 9:03 pm)
(February 23, 2012 - 9:03 pm)
"You were most amusing to watch." My 16 year old sister, laughing at me. I had been sleeping in the car. We were coming back from Atlanta, and I had been up past midnight the night before (reading fanfiction, but she didn't need to know that) so predictably, with nothing to do in the car but read Les Miserables (which is an amazing book, but anyway), I fell asleep. For ten minutes, maybe. Still, they (she and my 7 year old sister) thought I was ridiculous. Like that time when we were in Germany and I, being jet-lagged, had crashed on the couch of our rental apartment, and they took pictures of me. Which I promptly deleted.
I spent the rest of the trip whacking those two minions with my (empty) Mello Yello bottle.
"Bloody 'ell." Me, after getting back from said car trip and watching said Mello Yello bottle roll under the (stationary) lawn mower. I had been aiming for the recycling bin, but missed.
(July 30, 2012 - 7:49 pm)
I was attempting to finish some homework (summer homework) while talking to my friend on Scratch.
"I have now officially finished two math problems in half an hour! Go me!"
(July 31, 2012 - 12:02 pm)
Along those lines: when trying to write the first stupid sentence of my NaNo: "Okay, page one-- too hard!"
(August 1, 2012 - 8:44 pm)
Me: I don't really like crepes with sweet toppings. I prefer savory toppings.
My mom: (referring to the word savory) Wow, (my real name), that's a big word.
Me: I watch a lot of cooking shows.
(August 2, 2012 - 10:55 am)
(watching a conducting class, with a very harsh teacher)
Teacher: You conduct with your head. But you have a shiny head, so it's distracting.
(August 4, 2012 - 2:29 pm)
By conducting, I thought you meant conducting electricity.XD
Last night, I turned on a flashlight and said, "Wow, this works much better in the dark."
(August 4, 2012 - 5:21 pm)
LOLAIRMI! (laugh out loud and I really mean it) I think I figured out the flashlight bit, like, when I was four.
This morning I thought to myself, "Shouldn't the Redwall series be called the Miceflower series?" as opposed to the Mossflower series. This started from my improved location.
(August 5, 2012 - 7:16 am)
..... Why, oh why, do you have a shiny head?
(August 5, 2012 - 7:02 pm)
The student was bald. Like my uncle. :^D
(August 14, 2012 - 5:33 pm)
I was role playing with my two best friends today...
Chuji: Why do you two have to fight so much?! *runs west*
Ky: I hate you, Lupus! *runs east*
Lupus: NOOO! *runs north*
Obsidian: Ah! This is all my fault!*runs south*
Quartz (to Spark) Uhh...I think we're the only two people left here.
(August 8, 2012 - 6:30 pm)
My two-year-old sister: I don't actually need my pants.
Mom: Sarah come back here and put your pants on!!
(August 9, 2012 - 8:45 pm)
My family and I are on vacation in Lake Tahoe. I was reading one of the info sheets:
Me: "metal bear-proof hut." Does that mean it's metal-bear proof?
No, it means the hut is metal and bearproof.
(August 10, 2012 - 11:27 pm)
I know what it really means, I was just joking around.
(August 12, 2012 - 12:07 pm)
Annie: "Let's just pretend she turned off the explode-outside-of-premises thing."
Dad (filling cracks in the wall): "CrackSpackle. That was my nickname in high school, you know. Jiminy CrackSpackle." (This one was a few days ago, but I wanted to put it here anyway.)
Me: "Hey, it has a little tail in the back! I never knew that!" (I was looking at a picture of a little robot thingy online. ^.^)
(August 11, 2012 - 3:22 pm)
My dad is trying to capture search engine searches!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Flying Whales!
An adult killer whale measures 26 feet from tip of nose to tip of tail. You can bubble bigger!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Flying Refrigerators!
Bubble Thing! Bubble big as Flying Camels!
A typical camel measures about 8 feet long. You can bubble bigger!
---Your bubble fortune: Joy, joy joy! Joy is on the way! Joyously enjoy the joy!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Flying King Size Beds!
A king size bed measures 6 feet by 6 feet ten inches. You can bubble bigger!
---Your bubble fortune: The best! The best! oh yes, the best! It's the best, best, best!!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Flying Bathtubs!
A typical bathtub measures 5 feet long by 3- inches wide. You can bubble bigger!
Bubble Thing!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big! How Big? Super Big!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as the President of the United States!
The Typical President of the United States is 6 feet tall or less. You can bubble bigger!
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Madonna!
Madonna measures 5 feet six. You can bubble bigger.
Bubble Thing! Bubble Big as Michael Phelps!
Michael Phelps is about 6 feet long last time we looked. (Most of him was under water.) You can bubble bigger!
My dad: I think it's funny too. And it's informative. Because what is there to say about bubbles? Not much.
Anyway, you get the point. Meanwhile, my dad is laughing hysterically at his foolishness. I'm not an advertising campaign. I just think it's funny.
Spamster in his spamster cage says oyhh. Oi, oi.
Me: Dad, maybe if you misspell it, you could capture the oi search.
Dad: The oi search?
Me: You know, the search for oi. You know, oi vey.
Dad: Misspell what?
Me: Joy!
Dad: I don't think that would work...
(August 12, 2012 - 8:49 am)