The Longest Thread

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

The Longest Thread

The Longest Thread EVER!!!!


Let's make a mission to make the longest thread in CaC EVER! I think we just need to get more than 144 posts right now. We'll need lots of different themes to talk about to keep this thread from dying, but I think we can do it, right? I mean, that's why this is called the CHATTERbox, isn't it? :-)  Okay, then. Ready? Set?



P.S. Let's try to do CaC first, and if we accomplish our goal, we can do other sections, okay? Good. Now let's get chatting!!!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 3:48 pm)

Yes, now that I know more about the conditions the chimps were in when the went to space, I too believe that it was wrong to send a defenseless creature into space. So, if that bacteria is on the squids, then would they be sending them up to space to see what color and shape they really are? Probably. You know how an over bite is when your top jaw, like, covers up your bottom teeth? Well an over ject is when the top jaw is too far forward from the bottom jaw. And an under ject and under bite is the same thing, but with the bottom jaw. So the head gear holds the top jaw in place while the bottom jaw grows forward to catch up to it. It really makes your jaw hurt. Gosh, what I want to be when I grow up... well, I have a lot of ideas. But, here's a little list: Archaelogist, historian, travel agent, writer, architect, editor, and if none of that happens, I like acting, so maybe an actress, theater, not television.

submitted by ZB ☮
(May 1, 2011 - 11:10 am)

Oh, yeah! I'd love to be an archaeologist too! Though *is confessing something that's a little embarassing* I've had an enormous fear of mummies since I was six... 

@ZB-- What's the mouth gear like, actually? That sounds really awful.


submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 23 Day
(May 1, 2011 - 1:13 pm)

@Ima-- etheologist. That sounds pretty interesting. I'm trying to think of an animal to study... 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 23 Day
(May 1, 2011 - 1:14 pm)

ZB, hey I wear that same thing! Doesn't it make your jaw HURT??? My teeth do, too, because a few of my teeth are in the wrong places. When do you wear it? I wear it during the night. Oh, and don't worry about rambling. This thread is kind of for rambling. We just want people to keep posting. This thread is already at the top. Let's see if we can keep it there!

P.S. How in the world did we get on the topic of squids and space?? :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(May 1, 2011 - 2:08 pm)

I brought it up; I found it interesting. :)

I want horses, too; did you know that there's actually a book of core personality types for horses? I plan to read it sometime; it sounds... interesting. :)

submitted by Ima
(May 1, 2011 - 6:56 pm)

I would love love love, more than just about anything, to be a published author. I'm currently writing a fantasy novel, which I hope to finish and write the sequel to by the time I'm twenty, when I'll get them published (I hope...)

Aside from that, I would like to own and do something with horses when I grow up. 

submitted by Jess
(May 1, 2011 - 2:26 pm)

YES PRINCESS P!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO RECOGNIZES MY PAIN!!!! I just got it on, so doctor says to wear it 2 hours on the first night and add 2 hours until I get to 12 hours a day, and then keep it at 12. Since I have to wear it for a short amount of time, I wear it during the day becuase we are one spring break. But now it's 8 hours so I have to wear it while I sleep. Gosh, it hurts like crazy!! It's kind of hard to explain what it is exactly, so I might post a picture. Admins, are there rules on posting pictures? If not I'll just try and explaiin it.


I WENT TO THE GETTY VILLA TODAY!!!! I'm sooo happy, I've always wanted to go to the Getty Villa! If you don't know what it is, it's a museum in SoCal where they display Greek and Roman art! It's soooo awesome!!! There's also a Getty Center, which they made when the got too much stuff for the Villa to hold. But the art there is just beautiful, has anyone else gone to it? It's soooo amazing! The book store there if HUGE!! It was a paradise for me, I mean, ancient civilization+books?! AWESOMESAUCE!!! But I bought soo much stuff that I couldn't pay for it, so I have to work for my mom for 2 weeks to pay off the debt! ;) Here's a list of stuff I got: Greece; A Musical Odyssey (CD), 1000 peice mosiac puzzle, magnetic hieroglyphics, 'D'AULAIRES' Book of Greek Myths, hieroglyphics on papyrus, Ancient Egyptian newletter, Ancient Roman newsletter, Ancient Greek newletter, Ancieng Egyppt (CD), a ruler with Greek monsters on it, 'Cleopatra, A life', Mythlopedia; OH MY GODS, and a bunch of free bookmarks for buying so much stuff. :D


Does anybuggy else watch The Amazing Race? It's my favorite show! I'm really bummed becuase my favorite team got eliminated, and tonights show is cancelled becuase Usama Bin Laden (sp?) died and Pres. Obama was giving a speech at the same time that it's on. It's when these teams of two are on a race around the world and they have to use clues and learn about the history and culture of that country. They haven't been in Greece or Egypt in any of the season's that I've watched it in, though it's still my favorite show! Our whole family watches it as a good way to end our weeekend.


We don't allow pictures of people, but aside from that, you can try! Sometimes the pictures don't show up, sadly, so explaining might be easier...


submitted by ZB ☮
(May 1, 2011 - 11:04 pm)

@ZB I'm so, so sorry that you have headgear!  I used to have it and it's absolutely terrible.  For me, when I slept with it on at night, it would creak whenever I moved, which was rather annoying.  And I got a few scratches on my cheek from when I'd try to put it on, but failed.  So anyway, I totally understand what your going through.  It'll end, though!


I LOVE the Getty Villa (as well as the other main Getty)!!  I totally agree that it is an amazing place.  I've been there many times - with family, friends, my school, etc. and it never gets old. :)


@Ima: Oh my gosh, you will have to tell us about that paper!!  Tardigrades are truly amazing animals, and it's so cool that you found a professor who was willing to send you that paper about them.  Wow, that is awesome. :D


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 14, on a tree!
(May 3, 2011 - 11:12 pm)

A book on horse personalities? What?? Ok... XD I'm thinking of taking horseback riding, though horses intimidate me slightly! 

I have never finished a book I started. I don't know why! I always have an amazing idea and then... Plop! It's gone! 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 22 Day
(May 2, 2011 - 7:26 am)

I LOVE horses! I took horseback riding lessons for a while, but then it got way too expensive (like fifty dollars for an hour of lessons), so I stopped. It was a lot of fun, though! Well, except for the part where Ginger (the pony that I rode) threw me off. I was trying to canter her, and before I knew it, I was on the ground crying! You can't blame me, though, because I was like nine years old. Other than that it was a lot of fun! And you don't get kicked off right away if you are on a good horse. It was just that Ginger was just like her name. She had a lot of spunk. AND I was CANTERING her for the first time. I guess I just did it wrong. But I did get back on right away and kept riding until we stopped. Anyways, ZB, could you explain what your mouthguard looks like or post a picture of it so that I know if we have the same thing or not? My dad is a dentist, so that's why I got it. :-)

Here's another subject: If you are homeschooled, what curriculum do you use? I use Abeka math, Apologia and Abeka science, Spelling Power for spelling (of course!), and Abeka language and history. I think that's pretty much it.

On another note, we're on our second page in a matter of a couple of days! Also, we're second to the top, although when I get this in, we might be first! Yay!!!!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 2, 2011 - 10:24 am)


submitted by TOP!
(May 2, 2011 - 10:27 am)

These are possible career choices in descending order: Mother, Herbalist, Dietician, Lawyer, Actress, and Teacher.

It is quite a wide variety isn't it. I don't know why, but I have been told about six or seven times that I should become a lawyer. To me it just doesn't make sense. Sometimes it was from people I had only just met.

Anyway I just got back a couple of hours ago from doing my first ever standarized test. I will have to go two more mornings this week.


submitted by Elizabeth D. , age 14 , Texas with a co
(May 2, 2011 - 3:16 pm)

You know, you could be a mother and have one of those careers. I don't expect being an herbalist would be too time-consuming.

It's actually a bit strange; when I was younger, I had no notion of what I'd want to be when I was older--or rather, I had a list of options about a page long--but then when I was 8, I just suddenly decided to be a zoologist, and my mind hasn't changed since. Well... I did change preferred specialties several times until I realized that my obsessions are not everlastng, but that's it.

I've also been told I should be a lawyer, probably because I'm good at debating and very, very precise (to the point where people get annoyed), but I don't want to be. I've also been told I should be a professor, which makes sense because I fit so many of the stereotypes. I think it would be fun, but I have other priorities.

Oh! Speaking of professors, I just e-mailed one because he wrote a paper on tardigrades, and according to a website, it was available from him, and the website had his e-mail address, and I wanted to read the article, so I asked, and he gave me 4 papers on them! He also said that if I tell him my location, he'll give me some information on the tardigrades in my area! I'm quite excited.

I just finished standardized testing for this year, which was quite boring; now I'm going to take the optional SAT this Saturday. Oh, well.


Ima, be sure to check with your parents before you share your location with the professor.


submitted by Ima
(May 2, 2011 - 7:24 pm)

@Ima-- What's a tardigrade? 

@Princess P-- That's one thing that intimidates me. Getting thrown off a horse must hurt. You didn't break anything though, right? 

@ZB-- I've only seen a movie called The Amazing Race. Is it the same? 

This is random but it's kind of weird. There was a woman near where I live who was attacked by a deer on a morning jog. She wasn't seriously hurt, just a few scratches and stuff. But a deer attack?!  I truly thought deer were sweet animals!

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 21 Day
(May 3, 2011 - 7:42 am)

Tardigrades are microscopic animals that look sort of like tiny bears (sometimes) and can survive a plethora of incredible things. I'm obsessed with them, so I research them a lot. I also have a tardigrade pillow, 4 tardigrade brooches, and a stuffed tardigrade; I'm actually more obsessed with them than anything else, even HP.

I've never heard of a deer attacking a person, either, even for a good reason. I don't think you should judge them all just for that one; after all, plenty of people have done bad things, too, but some are 'sweet.' It certainly isn't normal for that to happen... but some deer have to be different from the others, I suppose.

submitted by Ima
(May 3, 2011 - 10:24 am)