Hello, everybody! I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello, everybody! I

Hello, everybody! I just thought we should do a secret identites! Of course it's for you guys, since I'm myself, of course! Or, am I... anyway, we will stop on Feb. 3rd. OK? ACK! That human is coming after me again, gotta fly! 

submitted by Murphy Mosquito, running from a
(January 23, 2011 - 2:42 am)

It's february third!  Now it's time for the guessing!

Blade o' grass: I think you're ZNZ.   I don't know why, but it is true, I think you're ZNZ

May Butterfly: I do not know, but perhaps friendly Mattie?  I know she  went away, but perhaps she's back?

I'll guess some later, but now I have to go!

submitted by Sammy Snowflake, Drifting with t
(February 3, 2011 - 10:08 am)

Oh No!! We were supposed to guess... Great... Sorry! I didn't mean to reveal myself to early.

Sammy Snowflake or Murphy Misquito is ZB (I think)

I think lovely Lilly is Vida... Spring Flower.....  

submitted by May Butterfly, age Young, Shivering with
(February 3, 2011 - 1:59 pm)

Ack!  I've landed once again, and the sun is outside shining!

No, I am not ZB, keep guessing if you will!

submitted by Sammy Snowflake, On top of my br
(February 3, 2011 - 2:59 pm)

I believe Lulluby is TNÖ... Spring Flower.... Help... She could be... Uhhhh....I'm stuck


The Duke of CApthcha says maxy. Is there a chatterboxer named Maxy on here?  Is spring flower Maxy?

submitted by May Butterfly, age Young, Shivering with
(February 3, 2011 - 2:03 pm)

Murphy Mosquito:  Clair?  Hannah?  Lullaby: Brynne? Ima?


I am not ZNZ.

submitted by R~D~, age 14, wa
(February 3, 2011 - 3:51 pm)

How do I always mess these up?  Elizabeth M, you're not the only one!  Welllll- I didn't give away who I was though (although it's kinda obvious now.) so you can still guess...

submitted by R~D~
(February 3, 2011 - 3:53 pm)

Sammy Snowflake: R~D~?


HINT: I have been mentioned by none of you yet!

submitted by Murphy Mosquito, suckin blood
(February 3, 2011 - 9:04 pm)

Of course you have! I believe you're ZB!

submitted by May Butterfly, age Young, Shivering with
(February 4, 2011 - 12:55 am)

Nope, I'm not R~D~

Hint: I've recently changed my name ;-)

Spammy is such a gentleman!  He says bowp.  Bow!

submitted by Sammy Snowflake
(February 4, 2011 - 10:05 am)

I'm not ZB.

submitted by Murphy Mosquito, suckin blood
(February 4, 2011 - 9:09 pm)

@ Sammy Snowflake. Are you Charlotte/Cocheta?

submitted by Murphy Mosquito, age 11, the earth
(February 4, 2011 - 9:15 pm)

Yup, I'm Sammy Snowflake.

I love snow, have ya' guessed?

submitted by Cocheta
(February 6, 2011 - 5:50 pm)

Anybuggy know who I am yet?

Lullaby is Meadow and I know that for a fact. :]

I believe that Murphy Mosquito is Vida.

Sammy Snowflake-Cocheta?

Blade o' Grass, I bet you're R~D~!

Oh, no problem Elizabeth M., I have messed up on SI's way too many times! It's super easy to do. :) In fact, I'm rather amazed that I haven't slipped up yet. Keep guessing, it seems that nobuggy knows who I am!

submitted by Spring Flower, age Young, On a Tree
(February 4, 2011 - 11:22 pm)

Okay, I made it pretty obvious!  But you're right.  I'm Blade o Grass.  How do you know Meadow is Lullaby?  Are you Kimberly, Spring Flower?

submitted by R~D~
(February 5, 2011 - 12:52 am)

You're right R~D~, I'm Spring Flower! :D The whole time I tried really hard not to use any smileys, since I normally use so many. ;) That was fun, we should have another one soon! Well, Meadow posted on Facebook that in a book she's writing the main character's name is Lullaby. She also mentioned two names in one post that she has mentioned to me before. :) So, I am 110% sure that it is her! Am I right Lullaby? By the way, good SI R~D~! The strike was a good idea. :) Hmmmm.....Murphy, are you Olive? I'm running out of ideas! ;)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 15, USA! :)
(February 5, 2011 - 11:20 pm)