Hi again! I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hi again! I

Hi again! I am Kimberly's slightly older sister Becka! I have tried to do Cricket a few times as some of you might remember, but I never really got into it. But now that Kimmie is meeting more of her Cricket friends I decided it might be good if I knew some of you too:) Now here is some stuff about me. I am older than Kimmie by about a minute, I play guitar, flute,and some piano, I love chocolate anything! And I will read pretty much any book I can get my hands on! That is all I can think of for now but I will post more later:)


Welcome back, Becka. We're happy to hear from you.

CS Admin

submitted by Becka B., age 15, USA
(November 17, 2010 - 7:06 pm)

Hey, Becka! =) I've been here for a while, but I was off for a while... it's complicated. ;) But I do remember that the first thread I commented on was one about Michael Jackson dying, so I started about that time. ;) So... yeah. XD But welcome! =D

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 13 7/12, In LOVE! XD
(November 18, 2010 - 12:36 pm)

Thanks Kimmie! Your the tops! :):):)

submitted by Becka B, age 15, USA
(November 18, 2010 - 1:09 pm)

Hi!  ~waves~  I'm Charlotte, the daydreaming, rambling, ex-best friend of Elizabeth (she "dumped" me).  I love any fantasy book and I am addicted to Chocolate too!  I played piano for many years but quit about a year ago; we have a guitar that has been collecting dust for several years so I may pick it up sometime, and my mom can play the flute (and piano and saxaphone and clarinet.).  I love parenthesis!!!!

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Lost in my mind
(November 18, 2010 - 6:58 pm)

Welcome to the CB, Becka! I'm Ima.

submitted by Ima
(November 18, 2010 - 10:28 pm)

Welcome!  I am Meadow!  I know you!  And Kimmie!  And I hope to see Every CBer in the Whole World soon.  Well, I want to meet people!  From CB!  In Real Life!  I saw that you met Laura!!  YAY!!! 

Anyway, welcome!

submitted by Meadow, age 12, Deep In The Fol
(November 19, 2010 - 2:20 pm)

@Meadow-Ha ha, I see we both have one of the same goals in life! ;)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 20, 2010 - 12:04 am)

It's really too bad it was so long ago that I went to your town, and I didn't yet know that you were there... I mean, it would have been so easy to meet you, and I didn't get to! And I didn't get the chance to tell everyone I was leaving, and I didn't have Internet access when I was there, so we couldn't find out until afterwards... Welll, not to mention the fact that neither of us had any way of communicating in private. I suppose it couldn't have worked, anyway, because of that little detail. But still! It would have been awesome...

As it is, I doubt I could ever meet any of you and never have, which is sad. The only person I live even remotely near is Vida, and she isn't doing NaNo or JulNo or anything like that, so we could never meet, unless it somehow happened by accident, which is unlikely. Oh, well!

submitted by Ima
(November 20, 2010 - 4:17 pm)

@Ima: Sorry, I don't remember, whose town did you go to? I'm sure you'll meet at least one of the CBer's someday! :)  Wouldn't it be cool if Cricket had some kind of get-together so we could ALL meet together? That would be so awesome! :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 21, 2010 - 1:36 pm)

@Kimmie: Oooh, that would be AWESOME! :D I'd love to meet Vida, for one thing. And TNO. And Ima. And Emilie L. And you, and all the others, of course.

Andy P. C. says myat. My AT&T?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, Here.
(November 21, 2010 - 8:03 pm)

@WolfGir: I know, that would be awesome beyond words! :D I get super excited just thinking about it! As you can guess, I get excited easily. ;)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 21, 2010 - 10:48 pm)

@Kimberly: Me too. Haha. :) What state do you live in (just wondering)? I live in North Carolina.

I make a habit of asking anybody I make friends with if they are on the Chatterbox, just in case, by some chance, they might be someone I virtually know.


Andy P. C. says tybb.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, Here.
(November 22, 2010 - 11:22 pm)

Medd. I was replying to her. I didn't know she lived there at the time, as I said... Very unfortunately. It's really cool that But I really don't think I'm likely to ever meet any; there's only one in my state, and it's a big state, and as I said, I don't have any way of communicating with Vida in private, so I could never plan anything with her... But maybe I can go on vacation sometime to to a state with multiple CBers--like Washington!
A meeting would be wonderful! It would be kind of hard, though. I mean, I suppose it could technically work if we all got NaNo accounts or something (including the ones not doing NaNoWriMo) and communicated the details via NaNoMail (because the CB isn't private, and we don't want creepy stalkers to invade our meeting and kidnap us all or something), but we live in so many different places that are so far away that I'm sure we could never get everyone's parents to agree to take all of us--not to mention the parents who wouldn't let certain CBers meet the others at all in case we're creepy stalkers, of course, but I'm assuming you meant everyone except the people with those parents. I just don't think it would be plausible to gather us all in one place... How would we find somewhere we could all get to? There are CBers in multiple countries. Most of us are in the US (which is still huge), but Olive is in Canada and ZNZ is in Haiti (and Trixy is in Canada, and Elizabeth H is in England, but they don't post often.), and even the US is just so enormous... But who knows? Maybe we could do something like that after all! It would be awesome!

I might actually be able to meet Vida sometime if our parents would let us and she even wants to and we arrange it properly. She lives close to Austin, and I go to Austin a few times each year, and my mom goes much more often than that and would certainly let me come if I really wanted to. I don't know, though... I probably sound really stalkerish, don't I?

submitted by Ima
(November 21, 2010 - 10:42 pm)

Thank you for the warm welcome everybuggy! Hey Charlotte, if you have a guitar lying around the house you should try and learn to play it!! It is really fun!! It is neat how you like chocolate too! What is the weirdest chocolate thing you have had?? For me it is chocolate covered bacon! It tastes a lot better than it sounds! Meadow, I have only been on "offically" for a few days but from threads I have looked at and stuff Kimmie has told me, I also think it would be awesome if all the buggies got to meet each other!

submitted by Becka B, age 15, USA
(November 20, 2010 - 3:03 am)

Bacon? Err... wierd.  I haven't had wierd chocolate before.  Well, the chili chocolate was different.  My dad got some spicy chocolate once.

We've tried organizing ways of getting together before, but they never work out. :'(

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Lost in my mind
(November 22, 2010 - 5:40 pm)

Hi Becka! :) You play the flute?? How long have you been playing? :) I just started learning it at the beginning of the school year!

submitted by Grace♥, age SC, 14
(November 21, 2010 - 2:01 pm)