S.I., starting from
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
S.I., starting from
S.I., starting from now until June 5th. GO!
submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(May 26, 2010 - 3:31 pm)
(May 26, 2010 - 3:31 pm)
S.I., starting from now until June 5th. GO!
Ah, yes. The Clarifying One. Your presence will be greatly appreciated, I presume. Many of these Chatterboxers - if that's what they're called - do love to be as correct as possible. At least, if many of them want to be writers, being correct is important to them, and gives their editor less work. See, my dear, I have been doing my research on Earth and it has paid off! I know the writing process, now, and find it quite long and tedious. You might not even get your writing published! How preposterous! On my own Yepta, each and every person has the right to write, you see. There is a printing press that takes all stories and gives their creator the full potential to have their story be immaculate. This press assists them with grammar. It gives them plot suggestions. It even gives them suggestions on how to improve flat characters.
I do see that the writing system here does serve a purpose. If you do not get your work published, you must try hard again to be accepted. It is definitely high caliber. But yet, I suppose people get discouraged, and don't want to write because of what it takes to be published.
Those are my pearls of wisdom. As to you, The Clarifying One, I do admire you, and aspire to be correct in every way. And as to my cousin, well, he loves his made up names and wants to see where people take that on here. If he wanted you to know, he might have told you earlier. Maybe he will want me to tell you in the future. You never know with him. :) (See, I even know this... emoticon. I feel so accomplished knowing the language of the people in symbols! It is so hard to actually learn a language with symbols, but I did it!) :D He does say, "cttc," for now, though.
(June 2, 2010 - 8:50 am)
I am awesome.
(June 2, 2010 - 4:19 pm)
You're NDT!
(June 3, 2010 - 6:03 am)
I don't even know what I am doing on here, except that I am booooooored out of my skull and Mary said I had to because it might take my mind off of Giovanni. Yeah. Right. Uh-huh.
Only once I got on I didn't want to get off. And believe me, once I decide not to go somewhere, no one in the world can make me.
Shoot! Vivian got me with the 'one-way ticket to Giovanni's lab' threat again, although as I snappishly pointed out, once Jack has been captured she has a one-way ticket there herself. Now she's mad.
I will explain a lot of things later. When I'm not being threatened by Viv.
Andy SpamBoy Captcha what's-his-face says dkfi. You do that, Andy. *bored yawn* I really do not see the attraction in discovering 'hidden messages' in random orders of letters. Humans...
P.S. Starspirit *glares* has a tendency to rain on people's parades (or burst their bubbles, or whatever) by employing his tendency to be very blunt, especially when he's feeling grouchy. Please do not be offended or upset by his remarks about the CAPTCHA. He didn't get enough sleep last night. -Mary
(June 2, 2010 - 8:31 pm)
HA! Clarifying One, three things in your post are incorrect. You spelled 'inept' with an A. You also said 'may' instead of 'my'. And you are incorrect in believing that people are possessed when they play this game. Rather, they are merely pretending to be someone else. *smirks* Showed you.
Whatever-the-heck his (or her, depending on who you ask) says xnvi. See? No hidden message there.
(June 2, 2010 - 8:38 pm)
When do we guess????
(June 2, 2010 - 4:52 pm)
Hello. My name is Adelle. I am a big fan of reading and writing. AND TRACK AND FIELD! Today I just went to a meet. Or school placed 2nd overall. Sadly, I don't know what I got. (It was 5th or below) My best was 3 25 cm. :-( I've gotten way better than that. Peace.
Adelle, the track and field junkie
(June 3, 2010 - 3:18 pm)
@The Clarifying One, I am all so caled "the old anoying board", so I wil be speling evrything rong, MWA-HA-HA!!!! so that shud blow yor sercuts! Eether that, OR if yor human, bust yor mind! MWA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!
(June 4, 2010 - 5:29 am)
Why didn't you tell me you read TSoG? Sigh...
Ugh. I have a cold. Ugh....
Vick says uvmf.
(June 4, 2010 - 2:33 pm)
Hi!!!! I am Surfer Dude, the guy in your computer who allows you to surf the net. You know how somtimes your webpage is 'Not Responding'? That's when I trip...sorry. Bye!
p.s. How long have you had your computer? I've heard there are various amounts of time, so I don't know how old I am....and the funny thingy box thingy thingy thingy with a funny code thingy thingy says vdoy.
(June 4, 2010 - 2:38 pm)
Hello! I was the old annoying board!!! And I think Persephone is CJ. And I think The Clarifying One is either ZNZ or Ima.
(June 5, 2010 - 10:42 am)
Oooh, guess who I was! Guess, guess, guess!
Clarifying One: TNO/ZNZ
Lucinda: ZNZ/Ima
Surfer Dude: CJ
Andy P. C. says mrmr. Murmur.
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(June 5, 2010 - 12:56 pm)
My dear Wolfgirl67, you were Starspirit. And who was I? My dear Earthlings, you may want to take a guess before the end of June 5th, of the year two thousand ten. Back to Yepta I will go very soon. Farewell again, my Earthlings. I will miss you dearly! My cousin would like to let you know that he says, "rkkd." He gives you his best wishes and thanks you for all your names. He always gets excited when someone new names him. That is why he wishes to keep his name a secret. Maybe he'll let you know sometime in the future. You never know with my cousin!
(June 5, 2010 - 10:32 pm)
The codethingycodethingycapchaspamboxthingycodeandywhateverspamcodethingy says edzz. ?
(June 5, 2010 - 6:31 pm)
Why hello dearies! I, Lucinda, must return to my planet where we do not have... internet access I believe it is called. It has been such a pleasure being with you on this S.I. thread. I must now pass on my identity to its rightful owner. Can you guess who that is? You have all been so wonderful, and I will miss you dearly, but Taltanfray is calling my name. Oh, now I'm getting emotional. :'( Have a marvelous time on the Chatterbox, all of you Earthlings. I'm sorry I did not spend much time on this thread, but I must now go. My cousin would also like to give you a message before I leave. He says, "vmoi." If you have never learned French, moi means, "Me." So my cousin says, "v, me." Now it's up to you to figure that out. Farewell, my dear Earthlings!
(June 5, 2010 - 2:02 pm)