You know you're
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
You know you're
You know you're addicted to X when you Y.
Just because. It's quite entertaining, actually.
Short form: You list criteria (some serious, some silly, some random, whatever) that indicate whether one is addicted to... something, whether it be math or Doritos. *shrug* Optionally you can say which ones you're guilty of.
We may or may not have done something like this a long time ago. I can't remember and I can't be bothered to look it up.
You know you're addicted to accounting when...
-You find yourself wondering how to fit an accountant into your latest plot (guilty. so much.)
-You think the scene in the Whitehall and Marks building in The Producers is the most cringe-inducing part of the movie, because Leo's doodling in the journal columns. (...yes. *hangs head*)
-You brag to your friends that you get to go to Accounting while they have to go to [insert stereotypical enjoyable class here] instead. (every day.)
-Accounting class is one of the highlights of your days. (sometimes)
-You dream about making journal or ledger entries. (bizarrely enough, yes.)
-All you want for Christmas is a 10-key. (no. not yet.)
-You ask for a 10-key that can plug into your laptop for Christmas/a birthday, like that nifty one your accounting teacher has. (considering it, actually. that thing is cool.)
-Your first thought when setting about making a You Know You're Addicted post is, "oh, accounting!". (um. yes.)
-You realize you're guilty of most of the things on the You Know You're Addicted to Accounting list. (*hangs head in shame*)
-Your idea of a good holiday trip would be to beg and plead to be let into the basements of the local museum so you can see the old ledgers from the time of the Revolutionary War. (yes. shut up.)
--You suggest to your accounting teacher that she should take the class to see the old ledgers in the basement of the local museum, because you know she's more likely to get in than you will. (yep.)
-You think writing the same account titles and amounts in different columns over and over again is fun. (guilty.)
-You have trouble remembering that most people don't remember left and right by thinking of debit and credit. (well, it works better than the hand test... and it's less noticeable...)
-You have trouble not saying "debit" when you mean left or "credit" when you mean right. (not yet.)
You know you're addicted to Discworld when...
-You can't see the word veterinary without immediately thinking "Dog-Botherer". (or Vetinari... *guilty*)
-You can't see or hear the word insurance without mentally replacing it with "inn-sewer-ants". (yep.)
-When you hear Ulysses S. Grant described in history class, you write in your notes, "Grant=Vimes" (guilty.)
-You realize you think/say "Klatch" instead of Africa, because someone asks you where Klatch is. (guilty).
-You can't think about luggage or tourists without laughing hysterically. (sometimes)
-You associate the word carrot with the Captain of the Watch first, and the vegetable second. (guilty)
-You're convinced that Napoleon died not because of his wallpaper, but because of arsenic in his candle wicks. (guilty)
-You get paranoid about the placement of books on your bookshelf, because you don't want them to explode/start fighting/open a portal to another library on the other side of the world. (not guilty of this one yet).
-When you come across a question that (a) you don't know the answer to, and (b) can't be logically answered 42, you say, "Oh, it's because of narrative causality" and leave satisfied. (guilty. like, every day).
-You do things to feed stories, i.e., getting a paint handprint on a black shirt purposefully because that's what narrative causality demands. (guilty).
-You quote fluently from the books, even to complete strangers. (so, so guilty).
--You even quote the faux Latin bits. (guilty.)
-You fangirl over more than three characters. (guilty. Vetinari, Vimes, Moist, Granny, Death, Susan, Lady Margolotta, Mr. Nutt...)
-When you see bumbling policemen anywhere, fictitious or not, you name them Colonesque and Nobbski. (guilty)
submitted by TNÖ, age 16, The Rio Verde B
(January 29, 2010 - 6:26 pm)
(January 29, 2010 - 6:26 pm)
You know you're addicted to poetry when
you spend an hour and a half reading poetry and come out thinking it's been no more than ten minutes (guilty)
you wander vaguely around the house with a book of poetry, randomly reading your favorites aloud to whoever happens to be around (oh, so guilty)
you, having accidentally read poetry for an hour and a half when you want to be asleep (see no. 1) then have to write poetry for another half hour before you can sleep (guilty, much to the chagrin of my sleeping habits)
you have a poem to recite for everystinkin'thing, from yaks at a zoo to ketchup when you're eating a hamburger (very, very, very, very guilty)
your thoughts as you read your textbooks are "Oh! I know a poem for that!" "Ooh! That's where Emily Dickenson got that!" "Oooohhh that would make the perfect epic poem!" (Guilty, guilty, guilty. Very guilty.)
your notebooks are full of random couplets that have nothing to do with anything (as guilty as a tree is of having wood)
You know you're addicted to toddler books when
you and your cousin, who is similarly addicted, can spend an hour in the toddler section of Barnes & Noble, in ecstacies over Harold and the Purple Crayon (remember it?). (guilty)
you, as a teen, still have many said toddler books - and read them, too. (guilty)
you love the movie You've Got Mail because of the children's bookstore that makes you remember your old books every time you see it (guilty, I'm afraid)
you quote toddler books almost as much as poetry (not yet)
you love babysitting little kids 'cause they ask you to read to them (Ooooohhhhhhh so guilty)
FYI, Cricket supplied some of the books and other products for the bookstore in You've Got Mail! I'm not sure if you could pick them out in any of the scenes, but we are listed in the credits at the end!
Old Cricket
(February 7, 2010 - 8:13 pm)
I point that out to my family every time we watch the movie and smile at it every time I watch it alone, Old Cricket. I think it's great. I love that little store. . . .
(February 8, 2010 - 12:19 am)
I hate poetry and didn't even read that part, but I'm afraid I'm guilty to every single one about toddlers' books. Harold and the Purple Crayon! *is happy*
(February 8, 2010 - 4:05 pm)
Nice with the poetry, lav. I am guilty of quite a lot of those. You are also addicted to poetry when you start thinking in rhyme after reading it for too long and then you can't. Stop. Thinking that way. I do that sometimes.
SBC says poee. He is trying either to say Poe (as in Edgar Allen) or poem. I can't decide.
(February 8, 2010 - 4:54 pm)
Yes, Kenzie, yes. Harold and the Purple Crayon. *tacklehugs people around randomly*
And that's one I forgot, ZNZ, because it does happen to me, but not often enough to actually make me good at rhyming poetry. :P
(February 9, 2010 - 9:42 am)
Oh no, I'm not good at writing rhyming poetry at all. :P But I do read it a lot.
(February 9, 2010 - 1:03 pm)
Guilty of a lot of things to do with being addicted to reading. Here's another one: You're so tired you can barely keep your eyes open, but duck under the covers with a book and flashlight anyway (guilty).
You know you're addicted to Harry Potter when:
A) You and your little brother, who is also addicted, spend ages pretending to be characters from HP (guilty)
B) You can immediately quote a certain part of HP word for word (guilty)
C) You can use the abbreviation HP and know what you're talking about (obviously guilty :P)
D) You hear somebody say/see somebody do something and say, "That's just what [insert character from HP here] would say/do!" (guilty)
E) You post on everything to do with it (guilty)
F) You write fanfiction (guilty)
G) You make long lists about signs of being addicted to it (um, guilty, kind of duh)
H) You own all the books, reread them regularly, and use their abbreviations: SS, CoS, PoA, GoF, etc. (guilty)
You know you're addicted to Mewtwo when:
A) You swoon over books, movies, pictures, etc. with him in them (haha, guilty)
B) You find yourself somewhere (, CB, etc.), posting all about him whenever you can (guilty)
C) You watch Mewtwo Returns/Mewtwo Strikes Back just because of him (guilty)
D) You write fanfiction about him (as lav said, as guilty as a tree is of having bark)
E) You include him as a character in your imaginary world (guilty)
You know you're addicted to dogs when:
A) You beg your parents for a dog for years (guilty)
B) You become ecstatic whenever you see the word 'dog' mentioned in a book, only to become disappointed when you realize they're not talking about dogs (guilty)
C) You read and reread every book you can find on dogs, whether fiction or nonfiction (guilty)
D) Whenever possible, you watch and rewatch movies with dogs in them (guilty)
E) You find yourself slipping dogs into stories every time you write one (guilty)
F) You have over thirty stuffed/model dogs (guilty)
G) You talk about dogs whenever somebody gives you the chance (guilty)
H) You automatically think 'Dog' whenever you see the word 'bark' even if it's about a tree (not quite yet, but getting there)
I) When taking a walk, you look at all the dogs you see and try to guess which breeds they are (guilty)
And one more, You know you're addicted to wolves when:
A) If, in a book/movie, even for a small space, someone mentions wolves in a positive light, it makes the entire book/movie better for you (guilty)
B) If, in a book/movie, even for a small space, someone mentions wolves in a negative light, it makes the entire book/movie wose for you (guilty)
C) You read every book and watch every movie with wolves in them you can find (guilty)
D) When you see a German shepherd off his leash, your first thought is, "Oh my gosh, a wolf!" (guilty)
E) You completely ignore everything else that's wrong about a "cat" posting on a thread and saying, "I hate wolves. They kill cats and eat them." and just reprimand them for talking bad about wolves (guilty, check out "Jean Craighead George's books" on the second page of BaB to see that)
F) You pretend that you can turn into a white wolf and use the name Wolfgirl whenever you can (guilty)
G) You seize every oppurtunity to make people see the truth about wolves (guilty)
H) See "B" in "You know you're addicted to dogs". (guilty)
Well, that's all of mine! I know I'll think of other things sooner or later, but in the meantime, tata!
Andy P. C. says onie. Is this something you're addicted to, Andy?
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(March 11, 2010 - 4:11 pm)
You know you're addicted to YW when ...
You greet people by saying, "I am on errantry, and I greet you!"
and if they say "What?" you think a) Now I'm gonna have to wash her brains! or b) Tom?! (Not quite there yet, but almost.)
(March 21, 2010 - 1:57 pm)
Thread revival. I am a necromancer. *evil grin*
(May 26, 2010 - 8:24 pm)