I bet you

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I bet you

I bet you can't write a sentence without the letter A...

Previously, I was not visibly present upon the CB. This was, in complete honesty, mostly due to multiple events occuring in quick sucession within my sullen, dull life, but there does exist one prominent motive for my silent exit:  There had been a feeling of unsureness of objective gripping my mind, showing itself both within my writing, (taking the form that is, now in hindsight, better referred to with the title 'obstruction of the sucessful producing of enlightening elements that prove to be sucessfully intriguing for critics together with the writer themselves'), or in the form of inert mindsets, which were soon perceptible in the form of repulsion to forge or conserve connections between other people, without heed of whether or not they found themselves on websites or the existent world. But now this period of time is over. The prose flows from my pen once more. So presently I feel myself contented- thus on this fine, wonderful time of 2025 I resolve to bring to life this unique spot where we try our best to converse on orderless topics with the sole purpose of refusing to employ the first letter of the English lexikon, simply due to the truth- which is: It is possible. Enjoy yourselves.

Sincerely, the energetic unit of some unidentified synthetic. (Do overlook the title below, for the box does not permit such huge numbers of letters)

submitted by Zealatom
(January 27, 2025 - 6:04 am)


The hungry kitten yowled pitifully, requesting numerous, overflowing scoops of food, indifferent to the big pile left strewn in the bowl.

(forgive my moniker.)

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(January 28, 2025 - 10:02 am)
submitted by TOP
(January 28, 2025 - 6:34 pm)

Interesting subject to try. Regrettingly, it seems words become difficult to form without the letter you expressed. Yet nonetheless, I will try my best.

We just observed Spring Festivity (closest word I could find without expressed letter) with this delicious dinner of fish, soup, bbq, etc. (more foods with expressed letter) It was quite delightful to observe this wonderful festivity with those I know. I hope everyone enjoys the Spring Festivity!  

submitted by Moon Wolf, age moons, The Night Sky
(January 28, 2025 - 11:40 pm)

Zeal!! It's great to see you again!! *optional tackle hugs* Your threads and posts are always so interesting :) How've you been?

Anyway, let's try and do a sentence without the letter "A"...

Snow fell upon the ground, lightly, softly, covering everything.

Yay! And it's a true sentence, it's what's going on outside the window rn :) Sentences don't have such a nice sound if they lack the letter "a" though, or at least they get more thin and wispy...

Even Iffy is going "a"-less, she says <hxnpe> Btw, have you noticed that CAPTCHAS never ever say the letters "s" or "j"? And they never have any capitals.

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 29, 2025 - 8:50 am)

Hi Poinsettia! *recives tackle hugs with joy* Everything's been great so far! My writer's block is gone for now and life has been relatively smooth the past month actually, so yes, everything's great! Happy Year of the Snake! 

And for CAPTCHAS, no I have never noticed the absence of s and j, but I've noticed that there are always no capitals. Another great mystery of the CB code it seems.

submitted by Zealatom, House of Cards
(January 30, 2025 - 9:54 am)

I don't know how difficult your sentence-writing request will be, but I intend to find out. 


theres my sentence.  

submitted by Coyote , Penny Lane
(January 29, 2025 - 8:54 am)

ZEALLLL I've missed you and your amazing/hilarious take on the universe :D Anyway, for the above challenge, shall I just say that I bet I can~

Trying to come up with something truly unbelievable, I commenced to wonder whether the city connected to the tree, whether I could continue much longer without putting in some of the most helpful (but forbidden) words in English, whether the rug wished it were journeying round the world; in short, nearly everything that could be put into words without the use of the letter which could not be used.

Whoa it's very complicated O_o

submitted by Amethyst
(February 1, 2025 - 1:56 pm)