Holiday-Related Personali

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Holiday-Related Personali

Holiday-Related Personality Quiz~

Because 'tis the season to be quizzing, here is a personality quiz! (since CB seems a bit quiet lately) If you haven't done one of these before, basically just fill in the form, and I'll reply with the holiday-related item that I think matches your personality the best! For example, it could be gingerbread, candy cane, snowflake, etc. And also, feel free to do AEs/OCs/CAPTCHAs as well (no limit)!



Appearance (if holiday-themed): 


Favorite color(s):

Favorite song (preferably holiday, but if you don't have one, any):

Any winter holiday that you want the answer to be related to? (left blank - Christmas):

Favorite quote:

Out in the snow or in a warm cabin with a fireplace and presents?:

Favorite part about holidays: 


submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Holiday Quiz
(December 18, 2024 - 7:14 pm)


Name: celestial_mango

Appearance (if holiday-themed): Tanned pale gold skin with a small nose and almond shaped chocolate brown eyes. I'm short and am wearing an ugly sweater that really puts the 'ugly' in. It's bright red, with a huge tinsel-y gold star and LED lights. I'm wearing black leggings under that and fluffy slippers.

Personality: Very chaotic, outgoing, fun, sometimes annoying with a sharp tongue to anyone irritating.

Favorite color(s): HOT PINK!

Favorite song (preferably holiday, but if you don't have one, any): Last Christmas (mostly because, in the last half of the last English class of 2024, my classmates started singing the brainrot version of Last Christmas and a kid from the neighboring class had to come in and tell us to shut up. And then we marched over to their classroom and started singing. Apparently either the teachers were okay with it, or just decided to let us have our fun because winter break is tomorrow!!!  

Any winter holiday that you want the answer to be related to? (left blank - Christmas): Lunar New Year, New Year's, or Christmas.

Favorite quote: Is it normal or not normal that I don't have one? I'm personally not a quote person.

Out in the snow or in a warm cabin with a fireplace and presents?: Warm cabin, though it was a tough decision. You know how much I loooove skiing!

Favorite part about holidays: Winter break or being with family (thats just an excuse to bake for my siblings and parents)  

submitted by festive_mango, and a happy new year!
(December 18, 2024 - 9:35 pm)

You are most like fireworks, being bright, dazzling, energetic, and lighting up the room upon entrance. 

submitted by Moon@festive_mango, age lunars, A Holiday Quiz
(December 22, 2024 - 11:39 pm)

Why is that so accurate tho?? 

submitted by festive_mango
(December 23, 2024 - 11:18 am)
submitted by top
(December 18, 2024 - 11:05 pm)
Appearance (if holiday-themed): Tall, pale skin (overcast and cold ain't doin anything good for me), Long, fluffy (almost fur like) black, short straight fringe (normally called bangs, but listening to British people talk has infected me), tired, black, void-like eyes, sharp teeth. Normally wears black and purple, but settles for dark red, with hints of silver, during the holidays. Claws painted black with red tips, ends of fingers pale blue.
Personality:Tired, cold, easily distracted, not normally rude, but usually thinking something rude. Often zones out.
Favorite color(s):Black and lavender.
Favorite song (preferably holiday, but if you don't have one, any):Jingle Bell Rock.
Any winter holiday that you want the answer to be related to? (left blank - Christmas):
Favorite quote:"It's not impossible, it's just hard!" - Kotaru Bokuto, Haikyuu!!
Out in the snow or in a warm cabin with a fireplace and presents?:FIREPLACE. PLEASE. I NEED TO BE WARM
Favorite part about holidays: The lights. And food. Also seeing my little cousins open the presents I give them (they always look so happy, I'm crying.)
Btw, I put up Carmen's POV on the Holiday party thread. 
submitted by InkTea
(December 19, 2024 - 9:36 am)

You are most like a snowman/snowwoman/snowpal, being sometimes cold on the outside and often lost in thought though also being resilient and friendly, and a yearning for warmth.

submitted by Moon Wolf@InkTea, age lunars, A Holiday Quiz
(December 23, 2024 - 10:45 pm)

OoooOoooo! Fun!

This is so me tho, very accurate! 

submitted by InkTea
(December 24, 2024 - 10:55 am)


Appearance (if holiday-themed): thick sweater, beanie, and canada gloves


Favorite color(s):purple

Favorite song (preferably holiday, but if you don't have one, any): Hanukkah, Hanukkah, Chag Yafeh Kolkach (Hanukkah, Hanukkah, What a Beautiful holiday) (Admins please don't zap this I translated it for you)

Any winter holiday that you want the answer to be related to? (left blank - Christmas):Hanukkah

Favorite quote:

"They can silence the artist but they cannot silence the art." - Dmitri Shostakovich.

"To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable." - Ludwig Van Beethoven

"Simplicity is the final goal." - Frederic Chopin

Out in the snow or in a warm cabin with a fireplace and presents?:Both

Favorite part about holidays: Winter break

submitted by Sinusoidal
(December 20, 2024 - 6:16 pm)

Name:Climate Bee

Appearance:Wearing a Santa hat, holding a menorah like a torch, wearing that bracelet I got from Ghana

Personality:weird on purpose, avoids classic girl stuff like the plague 

Favorite color:green 

Favorite Song :IDK

Any winter holiday you want the answer to be related to:N/A

Favorite quote:

Out in the snow or in a warm cabin with a fireplace and presents.:SNOW!

Favorite part about holidays  ... family? Or maybe presents and food?

submitted by Climate Bee
(December 20, 2024 - 6:46 pm)