2nd CBversary!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

2nd CBversary!!!

2nd CBversary!!!

Today is officially my second CBversary! It's been two years since I made my first post on here. It's kind of flabbergasting to think about.

Over these past two years, the CB has changed my entire life and brought me so much happiness. In fact, the period since I first posted here has been the happiest of my life, I think (not just because of the CB, but in large part!) I've done a lot these past two years, and through everything, both good and bad, the CB has been a part of my life, always accompanying me. I've been so lucky to be a part of this community: I've made so many good friends, found a place where I can be myself, and had wonderful times on here. The CB has changed me, too, and introduced me to new things (the Indigo Girls, Love and Gelato [which I only read because Phoenix Tears recommended it once!], and probably other things), which I'm so grateful I discovered. It's given me ideas, led to my Kyngdom characters, and been fundamental to my poetry. I wouldn't have discovered my voice as a poet, nor would I have written the poems that I did, if I hadn't read the amazing poetry that's on here; it shaped me as a poet, showing me a completely new way of writing that I've stuck to ever since. I still look up to poets like Luminescence, Silver Crystal, peppermint (I'll always be a huge fan of your poetry, @pepper :D), and so many more.

The CB has changed a lot, I think, since I joined, but there are still plenty of familiar faces and new ones, and it's still basically the same place it always was. It's so rich with ideas and personalities. I've even always loved looking at the old threads, just because they're so fascinating.

I think some of my favorite CB things this year were

-the King Arthur SI, which was pretty funny :) here it is: https://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/560857

-the surveys and forms

-the Greek Gods SI from last October, where I was Zeus

-the Formal Speech Thread - that was fun :)

-my Stronger than the Sea story - admittedly I'd already written it before, but I was editing it and adding it new pieces of writing as I posted it, and I loved sitting down in the evenings, listening to some music, and escaping into the world of Seleni and Dalriad

-the Poetry Contest, and reading everyone's poetry in general

-the Gardening and Tea thread

-the Time Trio ski lodge, and the AE Ski Lodge (which I still haven't commented on, come to think of it. Gosh darn it. I'm so darn busy these days :/)

-the general witticisms and humor

Those are just some things, though - there's much, much more that I could mention, like the screenwriting thread, and the CB Author Interviews, and, well, much, much more that I could mention, like I said :) Shoutout to all of you for being who you are and for making the CB and the world such a wonderful place! You're all stupendous :) And a huge thanks to the admins and the webmaster and whoever came up with the idea of the Chatterbox in the first place - I owe you so much, and I will always be grateful.

Lastly, I'll finish off by saying that it's possible I won't be on here as much anymore, because I'm probably just going to get busier as the year goes on. But I'm not planning to leave - in fact, I will probably never be able to make the decision to leave, if I live to be 80 you still won't be rid of me >:)

Anyway, for celebration, I was thinking of starting an AE Ball? I've never hosted an AE event before, and I'd really like to try. And also another Q & A! Feel free to ask any questions you want to :)

submitted by Poinsettia, age ?, a sea of crystal waters
(September 6, 2024 - 9:51 am)

Happy CBversary Pointsettia!!! I'm so happy you're on the CB. for Q and A, what is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(September 6, 2024 - 3:36 pm)

Thank you :) Hmm, that's a pretty tough question... I guess maybe the Clothespin Game. It was on one of the orientation days at my new school. Everyone was hanging around outdoors, and there was a huge crowd: we were crammed together. And for some reason, everyone had a supply of clothespins. The game consisted in stealthily hanging the clothespins onto someone else's clothes, without the person noticing. But the drawback was that someone might have stuck a clothespin onto you in the meantime... It was very entertaining :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 12:55 pm)
submitted by top
(September 6, 2024 - 5:09 pm)

Poinsettia!! Happy CBversary!!! *throws eco-friendly confetti enthusiastically* *accidentally throws the confetti too enthusiastically and it exits the atmosphere and gets caught in Earth's orbit* ...welpp that's fine, right?? It's eco-friendly! :D mOvInG oN ~ I'm so happy to have gotten to know you this past idk year and a quarter? You're such a bright, fun, happy person, and your posts are always so inspiring and full of light---srsly, love you sm/p, you're amazing! I remember one of the first posts I made on here was on the Proud to Not Have a Phone thread (or something like that), and over the months, your various posts/debate threads have really made me think about stuff that I've never really thought about before (and ironically, since your phone thread, I am now proud to have a phone. I used to look down on people who were always glued to their phones, but that's a very judgy thing to do, and I get it now, because the CB's on here! But that thread really made me think about using my phone responsibly, and really thank you (and everyone who participated in that thread) for that :) )! Also, thank you (and thank you too to @Amethyst; I forgot to say this on your CBversary thread ack sorry...) for introducing me to all manners of things---Martina McBride, te regalo, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Lisa McHugh, probably more stuff I'm forgetting... I really do love all of it :D And your poetry and writing are so amazing too!! Your Iridescence solo write!!!!! Yes, good luck with school... YESS PLEASE NEVER LEAVE!!!! Hmm and for Q&A... are you drinking enough water?? It's been REALLY HOT lately---okay, okay, semi-joking ;) Q&A for actual this time, what's your favorite food? And if you could recommend one food for me to try, what would it be? If you can't tell, I'm hungry rn ;)


and wow I forgot about the Formal Speech thread! *gazes fondly out of a nearby window as nostalgia clouds my view* 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age *confetti-, wait is that Jupiter?? :P
(September 6, 2024 - 6:10 pm)

Thank you! *attempts to spot the confetti that is now somewhere in space* Anyway, seriously thank you so much :) Love you too /p!! :)

*gasp* am I drinking enough water??? *rushes to the sink and fills a very large glass and gulps it down* there, that should do it :) Favorite food, hmm. it kind of varies, sometimes I get a craving for one thing or another. Some of my very favorites would probably be fideos, the grilled steak my dad makes, peas, pasta with parmesan, and chicken with breadcrumbs. Anyway I'd recommend all those, but maybe also baby bananas? You might have had them before, but they're basically very small bananas with an extra-sweet and flavorful taste. They're really good :D

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:03 pm)

Happy CBversery Poinsettia! I know I say this to everyone, but it's 100 percent true, I'm so glad you are a part of the CB! You are such a fun and sweet person, and I'm just so glad you are here! I'd love to participate in an AE ball if you do make one :)

For question , why is Poinsettia your CB name? I hope nobody already asked that...

submitted by Hawkstar
(September 7, 2024 - 11:57 am)

Thank you, that's so sweet of you - I'm glad you're here too :) In answer to your question, when I first discovered the CB, i wanted to join it, and I spent some time thinking of a name. Eventually I thought of "Poinsettia" and decided to go with it, because I like poinsettia flowers - they're very vibrant and I feel like they sort of match my personality - and because I liked the sound and the look of the word itself :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:06 pm)

Happy CBversary!! *eco friendly confetti spawns everywhere* You are such a kind and warm person and I've really enjoyed reading your poetry and stories. Your Stronger than the Sea story was really spectacular and your other solo writes...wow. 

An AE Ball sounds great! For q & a, what has been your favorite story or poem that you wrote and why? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 7, 2024 - 12:05 pm)

thank you :)) It's been lovely to have you for a reader :) My favorite story would probably be a novel that I started in October, about a girl who finds herself engaged to a prince - it just has a lot of personal meaning for me, I love the characters, and it feels way more vivid to me than a lot of my other work. The Stronger than the Sea story is also one of my favorites, though. For poems...  I have quite a few lol. In fact, after a moment of thought, I'm still not sure I could choose :/ So here are just a few of the ones I like best:  a couple of poems in Spanish about ~Romantic Love~ (because I love the sound of the words that I used for them, and just the way the lines of the poem come together, and the rhymes), another poem in Spanish about a rose of love (because it just sort of came to me, I hardly had to think about it at all - and I'm still sort of surprised at how well the rhymes and the sound of the language turned out), and a poem called "Daydream," because, again, it has personal meaning for me and also because it describes such a happy scene; reading it is like slipping into a beautiful world for a moment or two.

Anyway that was a fun question to answer :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:13 pm)

Happy CBversary, Poinsettia! :D I haven't really talked to you, I don't think, but you're a great person. And your writing is amazing. Stronger than the Sea was so well-written 

submitted by Amity
(September 7, 2024 - 5:32 pm)

Thank you! I had no idea you had read "Stronger than the Sea," that was a nice surprise :) Yeah, we haven't talked much, but I'd love to properly get to know you sometime!

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:14 pm)

happy CBversary!! I really admire your positivity and boundless energy. can't believe it's been two years~

submitted by Hex
(September 7, 2024 - 8:43 pm)

thank you so much! yeah, time flies, doesn't it? oddly enough, for me, this is one of those rare occurences where the amount of time actually feels right - very refreshing for a change :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:16 pm)

Ahhhhh happy CBversary Poinsettia!! The CB is soo much better and brighter with you on it. Your advice on the Confessions thread, your kind words, your writing; you're truly a cornerstone of this community! Thank you so much for the poetry shout out, I admire your writing so much as well :)

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(September 8, 2024 - 12:53 pm)

thank you!! this made my day :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 8, 2024 - 1:18 pm)