Autumn Q/A&n

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Autumn Q/A&n

Autumn Q/A


I can't be the only one excited for autumn to arrive! The chill air, the smell of dying leaves, cANDLES, pumpkins, HALLOWEEN! And so much more, so I've put together a series of questions for you to answer. :3

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead?

2. What's your favorite candle scent? 

3. Favorite colored leaf?

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare?

6. Anything exciting happening this year?

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as?

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.

10. Favorite fall memory? 


submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 6, 2024 - 7:46 am)

Don't take a pic of yourself tho, for privacy reasons. maybe just lay the outfit out on your bed or the floor, if u want.

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 6, 2024 - 10:09 am)
submitted by top
(September 6, 2024 - 4:08 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't
celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? Hmm, I celebrate Halloween, but I haven't dressed up these past few years. My family usually puts out a jack-o-lantern, though :)

2. What's your favorite candle scent? I haven't smelled many candles... but if there was a lemon-scented candle, that might be nice.

3. Favorite colored leaf?  I love yellow, but I guess my very favorite would be orange-scarlet.

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year? In the fall, we've often gone to the nearby apple farm and pick apples. It's one of my favorite places ever. There are rolling hills and fields, and wildflowers, and you can see so much of the sky. And it's just really peaceful and happy there.

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare? Fun!

6. Anything exciting happening this year? For this fall, I don't think so. Not that I know of...

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as? If my family does one this year, it'll probably be a smiley happy face :)

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts? Never watched it... What's it about?

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a
picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.  I like wearing my reddish hoodie or my wine-colored sweater, with skinny jeans and boots. It's very me.

10. Favorite fall memory?  Oof, so many... maybe going to the apple farm that I mentioned earlier. Or just the general beauty and glowingness of autumn afternoons :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 6, 2024 - 5:18 pm)

Hocus Pocus is a movie about two michevious teens and a younger kid who summon the Sanderson Sisters, three hilarious witches, back from the dead. The group tries to return them back to where they came from with the help of a talking black cat and an undead zombie.

It's REALLY funny, it's not about evil witchcraft or any of that, It's just a funny halloween movie with  pretty good sequel. :)

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 7, 2024 - 4:30 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead?

I haven't decided yet!! I hope to find a group of ppl to be the Crows with (I wanna be Wylan, if my friend who introduced it to me would be a part if it happens, she'd be Nina) but idk if that'll work? I might be Hecate if it doesn't, though?  

2. What's your favorite candle scent? 

Uhhh idk I don't have scented candles or rly leave my house so idk 

3. Favorite colored leaf?


4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?

uhhh sukkot? oh for halloween we've put the candy in bags and hung them in the bushes with glowsticks 

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare?

uhh yeah they're chill ig??? 

6. Anything exciting happening this year?

highschool?! how?! oh im also going to a wedding!!  

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as?

i don't carve pumpkins though we do have the tools but i'd probably do a crow bc soc has taken over my life lol 

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?

never seen it 

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.

hmmm idk ill draw a couple fall outfits though they may not be mine and attach them in a reply to this once i draw it and this goes up 

10. Favorite fall memory? 

well my bat mitzvah was in autumn? idk abt a fav memory tho i just rly like autumn 

submitted by Rainbow, the Slat, Ketterdam
(September 6, 2024 - 5:18 pm)

1. what are you dressing up as for trick-or-treating? i....don't know yet lol. i'm thinking either a mermaid/siren type thing or the iconic outfit from princess diaries with the sunglasses and white dress

2. what's your favorite candle scent? vanilla, french baguette, or this paris candle from bath and body works

3. favorite colored leaf? orangey red, when it looks like it's on fire

4. do you have anything special that your family does every year? during fall? nah, not really

5. fall pictures, fun? or a nightmare? i think they're fun

6. anything exciting happening this year? my school has a middle school campout in october

7. what are you carving your pumpkin as? hmm, good question. probably just a basic scary face idk

8. the movie hocus pocus, your thoughts? it's not bad's funny just not the best quality movie but it's a fun halloween film 

9. do you have a favorite fall outfit? if so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. i'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas. probably my cream cable knit sweater, and my favorite jeans

10. favorite fall memory? last year's halloween, when i was coraline and my best friend was wybie, and it was below freezing so we trick or treated for like an hour, and then came to her house, ate garlic pasta and traded candy, and watched gilmore girls

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(September 6, 2024 - 7:08 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? I don't dress up, though we sometimes go see fall festivals and celebrate harvest moon festival. 

2. What's your favorite candle scent? Lavender! Not the super strong one. A subtle one.

3. Favorite colored leaf? Orange gold! Or red!

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year? Harvest moon festival! We eat mooncakes!

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare? Fun until its too much

6. Anything exciting happening this year? Nothing as of yet

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as? We don't really carve pumpkins....(though for school possibly we're carving linear functions for math-)

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?  Never watched it, but heard its good!

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas. Uhhh not really, but maybe a cozy hoodie with leggings

10. Favorite fall memory? Fall festivals and barbecue 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 6, 2024 - 10:39 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead?

oh i haven't been trick-or-treating in a few years... i really miss it, maybe I should dress up this year as something new instead of my old outfit from three years ago. I mostly stand on the porch and hand out candy

2. What's your favorite candle scent? 

most of them!! I really like earthy and woody scents. 

3. Favorite colored leaf?

I love a big pointy leaf that manages to be three different colors at once. 

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?

My dad has a super creepy mask that he digs out every year. Sometimes he'll stand very still in the window with it on and move like an animatronic when people walk by. 

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare?


6. Anything exciting happening this year?

College apps and research papers. Boooo 

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as?

Black cat! 

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?

Never seen it :(( I totally should though 

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.

Any big sweater, loose jeans, and converse/doc martens combo.

10. Favorite fall memory?

Hmm good question- maybe watching a movie with my best friend while eating all our candy at once <3 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(September 8, 2024 - 1:17 pm)

Oooh! You should watch it!

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 9, 2024 - 7:15 am)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? not sure. my friend and I usually do a dual costume (always homemade), so two years ago we were a king and queen of chess, and last year I was a vacuum cleaner and he was a trash can :) we haven't decided this year yet though

2. What's your favorite candle scent? I don't really like scented candles in general

3. Favorite colored leaf? I don't appreciate individual leaves that much but a bunch of maple leaves in a pile would be cool

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year? there's this cranberry apple squash dish my mom makes occasionally. I used to meet up with a lot of relatives but that hasn't happened since before covid.

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare? idk

6. Anything exciting happening this year? going to Oklahoma in a few weeks for a rowing regatta, which is super cool except I've been rowing for like a month and have never been in a single and we're supposed to race a quad and singles so ack really hoping I don't flip lol

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as? a giraffe might be fun?

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts? kind of meh, to be honest

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas. umm sweatshirt and shorts heh

10. Favorite fall memory? probably some generic time hanging out with friends :)

submitted by Hex
(September 8, 2024 - 6:24 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? 

i haven't decided yet! i'm thinking maybe the dread pirate roberts from the princess bride? but i'd be wearing the costume to school that day and i don't think we're allowed to wear masks like that? and we can't have fake weapons anyway, and you can't have the dread pirate roberts without a sword, so idk - i'm still deciding :D  

2. What's your favorite candle scent? 

i'm really not huge on candles, but my mom recently acquired a lavender white tea one that is tolerable :D

3. Favorite colored leaf?

i'm going to be indecisive and say ALL OF THEM

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?

we go camping with another family in mid-october, so that's always fun :D

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare?

pictures of nature and stuff - fun! pictures of myself - a nightmare! 

6. Anything exciting happening this year?

my school always has a ton of stuff going on in autumn - there's a read-a-thon in late october where we stay overnight at the school and do escape rooms and spooky stories and stuff, and in early november there's this event celebrating the school's founders and there's skits and speeches and musical performances and a quiz show :D and there's national novel writing month, of course :D

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as?

good question! i have no idea, but the squirrels around my house will eat it regardless. 

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?

i haven't watched it either, oops 

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.

probably this white and brown stripy sweater i got for ten bucks on the side of the street last summer, jeans, converse, and maybe like my owl clock necklace or something. 

10. Favorite fall memory? 

maybe not my favorite, but certainly up there - one time when i was maybe five or six(?) i stayed over to my grandparents' apartment complex a couple days before halloween, and there was an event where kids could pick a tree and decorate it with spiderwebs and tiny skeletons and all sorts of stuff. there was a huge storm that night, and the next morning, literally everything had blown away - well, everything, that is, except for this fake tarantula i had shoved deep into my tiny pine tree, and i was unreasonably smug about it. the people who'd organized the event let me keep it and went to go comfort the sad kids, and i still have it to this day! i like to scare my relatives with it :D

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(September 8, 2024 - 9:31 pm)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? ~ I don't know what I'm going to dress up as yet.

2. What's your favorite candle scent? ~ I  don't use candles a lot but if I had to choose I think lavender is my favorite scent. That and mint but I've never tried a mint candle before.

3. Favorite colored leaf? ~ ALL OF THE COLORS!!! I love fall leaves!

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?~  my mom will plan Halloween costumes for all of my family and it normally has a theme like one year we did Pac-man and the ghosts.

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare? ~ I really enjoy fall pictures at my house. 

6. Anything exciting happening this year? ~ Not that I can think of.

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as?~ something Star Wars probably. I'm still thinking about it.

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?~ I've never watched it before but I want to see it this year. I also want to try out both Beetlejuices.

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.~ lemme come back to this one. :)

10. Favorite fall memory? ~ last year I went to Colorado and seeing the aspen trees change color and all the cool animals was fun, so that's a good memory. Also last year my cousin got married and we had thanksgiving at her and her husbands house and after dinner we watched something pretty funny, professional pillow fighting, and that I think was a fun memory for all my family. ;3

submitted by Tea’n’Tacos , age 16 cycles , Pabu
(September 10, 2024 - 2:23 pm)


submitted by Oops
(September 11, 2024 - 9:45 am)

1. What are you dressing up as for Trick-or-treating? If you don't celebrate Halloween or don't dress up, what do you do instead? I'm going as Jax from tadc, and my girlfriend is going as Gangle!

2. What's your favorite candle scent? Apple Pie

3. Favorite colored leaf?red-ish brown.

4. Do you have anything special that your family does every year?Not usually.

5. Fall pictures, fun? Or a nightmare?Fun!!!

6. Anything exciting happening this year?I'm meeting the two tony award winning voice actor AND actor, Alex Brightman.

7. What are you carving your pumpkin as? I don't usually carve pumpkins, but I may do a inkling from splatoon.

8. The movie Hocus Pocus, your thoughts?First one, awesome. Second one, I WASN'T EVEN FILMED IN SALEM.

9. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, you can draw/take a picture of it and put it here. I'm sure everyone likes new outfit ideas.I do have one, but I can't post a photo right now. 

10. Favorite fall memory? Last year, i went as Wednesday Adams. And all the little kids who were out were like "OH MY GOD LOOK MOM ITS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!". SO yeah.

submitted by GloomyBear
(September 12, 2024 - 8:35 am)

OMG! I love TADC! Jax is awesome, good choice! Gangle pretty cool too, but I pesonally love Zooble, idk why, she's just a mood. LOL! Have u seen Murder Drones?

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 12, 2024 - 4:44 pm)