Waiting List SI

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Waiting List SI

Waiting List SI

This is very random, but basically a waiting list where Cbers in disguise with ridiculous names (ex, Sir Clumpybumpy Von Babbaloose the Third). People can try to guess, if they want, and every few days or so I'll post a list of who got  off the waiting list, judjing on order of posting they can reveal if they want, and they can re-post as a different name. See, told you it was random and weird (even though weird is a side effect as awesome but that's beside the point)

-Baron Von Humperdinkious Horeteeth Rothbartium Georian Roberto the Third Six times Removed

(sorry, that was too long to post up above) 

submitted by i say below
(June 21, 2024 - 8:01 am)

every usurpation should be mirrored by one such as itself! bravo to both of us for our excellent observation skills. *shakes hands fervently*

submitted by Splooch Mediobiggy, other aliases: Ellesmere
(June 29, 2024 - 12:24 pm)

Yes cheers to us! *receives fervent hand shake and gives a back pat of more ferventness in return* Shall we change our names and try again or no? \:3 I don't care either way I say.

submitted by Madam dinky winky , age Da Thord , Aka Tea'nTacos
(June 30, 2024 - 7:35 pm)

not guessed so far...

@baron humperdinkious, amity?

@duke tippy kiffy iv, zealatom or wildsong? 

submitted by Hacklesphere the 9th
(June 28, 2024 - 9:27 pm)

Not Amity!

submitted by Baron Humperdinkious
(June 29, 2024 - 8:40 am)

No one has guessed me yet!

submitted by Thonkle Thoo the 3rd, age Thonkteen, Thonky town
(July 1, 2024 - 3:41 pm)

Greetings all! I am Florentino the Frilly. A bit of a dandy, don't you know, I always like to have a rose in my buttonhole and a curl in my hair and a spring in my step, and all the girls positively adore me.

@Hacklesphere the 9th, you seem to me to be Lord Entropy?

@Baron von Humperdinkious, are you Scuttles?

@Unfortunate name, Silver Crystal or Lupine?

@WeirdlyWhimsicalRose, GloomyBear?

@Duke Tippy Kiffy IV, are you Celine, Zealatom, or Jaybells?

@Thonkle Thoo the Third, are you Hawkstar?


submitted by FlorentinoTheFrilly, smelling the flowers
(July 6, 2024 - 1:21 pm)
submitted by not scuttles!
(July 7, 2024 - 7:43 pm)

I say this is most terribly nice, I haven't been guessed yet! (We don't bring up that I haven't guessed anyone yet either, because I say that wouldn't be jolly.) Hallo FlorryTheFrilly, I say how splendid to meet you! I dare say I know who you are, but I'm sure I'm not certain. Do you happen to be that splendid chap called Zealatom? I'm toodling off now, but do please remember about brollies, and never be found on the street without a newspaper.

submitted by Duke Tippy Kiffy IV, that's wise and natural
(July 7, 2024 - 11:11 am)

Unguessed as of yet 

submitted by WeirdlyWhimsicalRose
(July 9, 2024 - 9:11 am)

I say, I've just thought of something! That's a once-in-a-lifetime happening for me, so I'm ever so excited. WeirdlyWhimsicalRose, are you Hawkstar? And oh my gracious me, I never thought I'd ask a question like that. The things life makes you do, I say. Free brollies and newspapers this way, everyone, and please remember to wear your Wellingtons.

submitted by Duke Tippy Kiffy IV, aren't I clever
(July 9, 2024 - 11:38 am)

Through the names I shall prevail,

For I will put you to the test,

and be the last Cber guessed

~And to the Baron they will hail 

submitted by Baron Humperdinkious
(July 10, 2024 - 6:17 am)

tis me, still unguessed

@Baron von Humperdinkious, lyric?

@WeirdlyWhimsicalRose, katanaluna?

@Duke Tippy Kiffy IV, amity?

@Thonkle Thoo the Third, amethyst?

submitted by Hacklesphere The 9th
(July 10, 2024 - 10:40 am)

Nope, not amethyst!

submitted by Thonkle Thoo the 3rd
(July 16, 2024 - 11:10 am)