CBers as word
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CBers as word
CBers as word games!
Like, for example, CBers as anagrams, as acrostics, as ambigrams, as... well, or even as just words! You get the gist. Nothing inappropriate or disrespectful please though! And feel free to be inspired by whatever nonsense comes out of this! And please only real words please! Preferably in English! Proper nouns are fine but only if you've got nothing else.
Some anagrams:
Periwinkle- Pie Wrinkle
Sylvazia (did I spell that right?)- Say Vial Z
Darkling- Rad King L (btw, it's perfectly fine to use leftover letters like I just did if you can't find another way to put it in. However, it'd be cool if you tried not to do that (wait... then did I just imply that I'm not cool? Or what I did wasn't cool? ... Oh well.).)
Admin- Mad in, Am din
Lord Entropy- Old Ropy Rent (woah. I totally didn't think that one would work!!)
Lord of the Shadows (am I feeling ambitious and way too cocky for my own good right now or what?)- Fool Thread Shows (No. Way. No way. I will stop here now to preserve my streak. Bc no way. I must've made a mistake somewhere, that was way too easy to be true.)
but first also...
Pangolin- Pan Log In (log in with a frying pan?? Feel free to also put interpretations)
Lupine- Up Nile
Artemis- Are Mist
ok, I'll stop now so you guys will have something to do (though I will again try very very hard to get to everyone). Enjoy! Feiya says AHWCV. Ahh why see V?
btw, it'd be cool if everyone posted as their anagram (and should prob fit cuz same number of letters, excluding spaces)! So, myself....
CelineBurning Bright (why did I make this so long?! For this one I'll have to cross things out)- Rubbing Lice Night -ern (I mean, it's a suffix, but not really a complete word so doesn't count... if only!)
Can someone think one up for me please? thanks! and tell me if I messed up on anything pls!
Very clever! How about Admin - a mind ?
(August 23, 2023 - 7:13 pm)
Yes I KNOW!!! I was both cringing and laughing, like I said XD
(September 5, 2023 - 2:12 pm)
more ambigrams! Darkling, Jay, Vine, and Peri~
(September 3, 2023 - 12:22 pm)
Umm.. I don't think it showed up
(September 3, 2023 - 1:49 pm)
lol I forgot to post the image:
(September 3, 2023 - 12:23 pm)
pls workkkk:
Hex, we only publish English, with a very few exceptions for familiar words in other languages that an Admin knows. No code or other alphabets.
(September 3, 2023 - 5:07 pm)
People think you older than you are, in a way it's true
Everyone knows your advice is unparalleled
Refreshing honesty and seriousness and tips and recommendations and genuine wanting to help
Is always so so welcome. Thank you.
Magnificent islands rise and fall, flowers bloom with your writing
Over and over, detail transporting all to a different place,
One of magic and awe and beauty.
Need I say how your rhyme flows free
Wonderfully natural in your poetry
Or how your thoughts reveal such truths
Lessons learned in knowing youth?
Faubourg searched for a friend and found you.
yeah, sorry, I had to rhyme in that one :) but, really, thank you!
Poised and elegant, when I think of your name
Overcome with nostalgia, for reasons unknown.
I can time after time count on you to be always the cheerful, always the optimist
Never choosing the dark when you could have light, instead,
Still wondering why some would glory in misery.
Endless beautiful writing and honest compliments,
That fill me up to the brim.
Truthful and laughing, a laugh of delight and pleasure because how else would you laugh?
Inspired by the simplest things, music and clothes and enchanted places
And we are so grateful to have you.
Uncover the secrets of human nature
Lift the veil on thought and mind
Through writing so perfect and just right
It's true that no one can do robots and ai and human consciousness like you can.
Make a world where philosophy is showed in a masterful light and less is more
And emotions ring true.
Then there is Jenseng, which shines in your vibrant writing,
Imagery and
Motions. We are so glad to have you.
How can one's writing be so simple, so beautiful, so true, and so punny at the same time?
Exactly how can one's art and ambigrams be so perfect and one be so friendly at once? And how can
X be such a hard letter to write a line with outside of using xertz? We are beyond lucky to have you.
and I will do more later! Hope these are all fine
(September 4, 2023 - 12:55 am)
The Antiquarian (bc I realized I forgot the "the" last time)- antique art hi an... hi, an antique art?
Nyxie- ex yin
KatPrincessForever- cress pin take fervor (no way.. I just turned the second part (princess) into two words (cress pin), the first part (Kat) into one word with one letter from the third word (e), and the remaining random assortment of letters from the third word (forver) actually make an actual word!!)
Cloud Bunny- loud cub nny (New New York? Hmm... interesting idea for a story...), or the easy way, cold u bun ny/old cu ny bun/bold cunny (? Like cunning? No?), or the easy easy way, Bunny Cloud! :)
Ayles C- yales, c (see?)
BookGirl- look, rib g OR rook, big l OR boo rig lk/kl
Sterling- restling!, ten sir lg
Blackfooted Bobcat- coat bed folk cob bat! That was surprisingly easy! :)
Ultimatum- u lit mat um
Zealatom- mat laze o, zeal o mat, zeal a tom (woah! I'm amazing! :)), zeal moat, zeal oat m
Oldish Books- sold bookish, hold sob oiks
Jwyn- wy n j??????
Seadragon- drag on sea :) , (or Sea drag on/no) jk, gone sad ar, rad son age, rad sage on, nose grad a
Scuttles- cuts, lest (lest what?), test sulc(?)
Artemis- team/tame/mate/meat sir, tea/ate/eta/eat mr si (or sir m), art/rat/tar mise(??)/semi
Tsuki- itusk (like iphone but tusks??)
Tsuki the Skywolf- hot key swift sulk
Forest Nymph- for nest mph y
Writing- wit ring/grin, win grit, wing tri
Writing_in_the_dark- win grit in death kr (uhh..)
Sinusoidal- lad son us II
Peregrine Falcon- prefer coin gealn(?)/prefer line cog an
(September 6, 2023 - 1:03 am)
Creating many possibilities
Expressing thoughtfulness
Living with joy and care
Inquisitive of the universe
Never to be stumbled but
Entranced by the wonders
Hardworking and humorous
Exceptionally caring
Xenacious and bold
Honorable and full of goodwill
Amazingly created poetry
Warmhearted towards all
Kind and knowledgeable
Sure to make you smile
Talented with writing
Awesome and cool
Ready with support
Super kind and thoughtful
Youthful and energetic
Lively and full of ideas
Virtuous and vibrant
Empathetic and caring
Rarest to come by
(September 5, 2023 - 11:19 pm)
CelineBurningBright: beginning lurch tribe
Nyxie: xi yen
Cloud Bunny: cud bun only
Sylver: rev sly
Admin: mad in
Cruciverbalist: verticil carb us
Jaybells: jabs yell
Hawkstar: sark what
Luna silvermoon: alluvions me nor
Darkvine: rave kind
Amari: air ma
Reuby Moonnight: theonomy grub in
(September 6, 2023 - 11:38 pm)