CBers as songs!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBers as songs!

CBers as songs! Like the CBers as colors thread, but with music! 

Darkling - You Can Call Me Al, by Paul Simon; somehow it just has so much of a Darkling vibe

Red Starlight - Does Your Mother Know, by ABBA

Jaybells - Cruel Summer, by Bananarama - again, it just has a very Jaybells vibe (not so much in the lyrics, but in the sound and instrumental.

submitted by Poinsettia, age ageless?
(August 10, 2023 - 11:45 am)
submitted by top
(May 22, 2024 - 2:33 pm)

personally i think endless_parodies gives "i really want to stay at your house" (himemiya rin version, the hyperpunk remix) 

i think poinsettia gives "birds of time" (enna alouette)


hmmm ill have to come back and add  

submitted by th3mysticw0lf
(May 22, 2024 - 9:15 pm)

The other day I was listening to the album "Snacktime" by the Barenaked Ladies (rly good, I totally suggest it), and I was like "wow, the song Louis Loon reminds me of Celine" so yeah :)

submitted by Rainbow, On our way home /ref
(May 23, 2024 - 10:43 am)

I think GloomyBear seems like Redemtion or Nightmare by RIELL

submitted by KatanaLuna
(May 23, 2024 - 10:58 am)

Ooo! I like those names, I'll check them out!

How'd you like the song I gave you? 

submitted by GloomyBear
(May 23, 2024 - 11:47 am)

I know I'm semi-new/not that active on here, but... what song do you think I'd be?

submitted by Ellesmere, age of ages, Barton IV
(May 23, 2024 - 12:45 pm)

Memories by NATIIVE and FINLAY

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 23, 2024 - 5:30 pm)

What song do y'all think I am???

submitted by Thunder, age 15almost16, Lightnin' City
(May 28, 2024 - 10:16 am)

For obvious reasons, Thunder, by THe Imagine Dragons, because of the name and topic, and also it gives a storg but silent sort of vibe. 

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity
(May 28, 2024 - 2:20 pm)





All of these give off a GloomyBear vibe,becasue they are kinda dark but have a REALLY cool beat.

submitted by KatanaLuna
(June 5, 2024 - 7:18 am)

Back with more :)

petrichor ~ Good Luck John by Joe Crookshanks

riddle_wren: Into the Unknown by Panic at the Disco (this song also kind of suits anastasia)

Writing: the Monster Mash by someone or other, but this song is famous so you probably don't need to know the name of the artist to find it :)

Luna-Starr: Royal Blues by Rachel Bissex

submitted by Poinsettia
(July 24, 2024 - 8:59 pm)
submitted by top
(July 27, 2024 - 9:28 pm)

pangolin - I still kind of think of you as "Red", but for some reason I can't listen to "invisible string" (Taylor Swift, ofc) without thinking of you

Rainbow - Emmylou by First Aid Kit

Celine - Vive con ilusión by Carlos Baute

Darkling - absolutely You Can Call Me Al (I know Poinsettia always said this, but it's just sO Darkling)

submitted by Amethyst
(July 28, 2024 - 9:45 am)

Always said this?? Noo I meant already said this, and ideally already said that. This is why one goes back over comments before one posts them :/

*reviews this post scrupulously*

submitted by Amethyst, correcting O_o
(July 28, 2024 - 8:22 pm)

ik i'm new here, but do y'all have a song for me?

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(July 28, 2024 - 7:15 pm)