Color SI.&nb

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Color SI.&nb

Color SI.


The name explains it.

Let's start guessing!!

submitted by Black
(June 2, 2022 - 3:02 pm)

Well, well, well. You figured me out. Yes, I'm Rainbow. But I'm also not that person who discovered you.... Heh heh heh.....

submitted by Mulberry/Rainbow, age 12, Purplelandia
(June 19, 2022 - 10:14 am)

Take your guess! (Hint: I'm on here quite a lot but I don't post all that much.)

submitted by Bistre
(June 19, 2022 - 9:30 am)

are you Agent Winter?

submitted by Darkvine/Green
(June 19, 2022 - 8:47 pm)

Scheele’s green are you jaybells maybe?

submitted by Olive Green
(June 19, 2022 - 1:58 pm)

Nopity nope! You seem to me like Celeste of the Gold Moon. Correct me if I am incorrect, which you may not have to do if I am correct, in which case assuming I might be incorrect was in itself incorrect and I am now correct (I think).

submitted by Scheele’s Green , Wallpaper/Lungs/Graves..
(June 19, 2022 - 9:57 pm)

AGH! I have not been so active on Chirp at Cricket, so I didn't see all of this. I was lookingn back and saw that someone guessed me as Rora...and in Blab about Books, I believe it may have been the same person who guessed me in the WoF Roleplay...I forget who guessed me.

Well anyway, Sky Blue, I have a suspicion you're Snazzycakes.

And Rose, are you ChangelingChild?

Falu, are you Reuby Moonnight???

Burnt Orange, are you Fallen Leaf?


OOh! I was just looking back. Black guessed me, so I need to revenge them.

Black, are you Jwyn? Everybody needs to give at least SOME hints. Except me, cuz I got guessed! :) 

submitted by Lilac/Rora, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(June 21, 2022 - 12:45 pm)

Yes you got me! How though?

submitted by Reuby/Falu., age Pigment, Color Palet
(June 21, 2022 - 5:21 pm)

I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything like that, but in my tag game on Inkwell, when you wrote your part it had some kind of format when you posted. I don't want to anger you though, if you take this personally, but when you first posted in the Color SI, I saw the format and I knew it was you.

Also, I know this is totally off-topic from the Color SI, but in the Winged Cats RP Nightingale could bump into Tinder if you want, I don't want you to get left out of the Roleplay. :) 

submitted by Lilac/Rora, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(June 22, 2022 - 12:33 pm)

Oh it's totally fine, I write most of the things I post (Like the story for your Tag Game, btw, did you like it, the chapter?). And then the post comes out funny, no this didn't hurt my feelings, it's the app's fault anyways. An sure, I'd love for Reuby to see Tinder. I already asked CC and Darkvine though

submitted by Reuby/Falu, age Pigment, Color Palet
(June 22, 2022 - 5:43 pm)

I am not the fallen leaf.  

submitted by Burnt orange
(June 22, 2022 - 12:18 pm)

Unfortunately, I am not Snazzy. However, my name is commonly associated with the color blue, and it is also my favorite color :D

submitted by Sky Blue
(June 22, 2022 - 4:31 pm)

Peri? (I had others, but then the computer DELETED it [how rude!]. But anyways, they were mainly just because the name made me think of some color of blue.... Hey, one of the people's name is actually a sky blue in my mind! So, Sky Blue, are you Gallium?)

submitted by Mulberry/Rainbow, Purplelandia
(June 22, 2022 - 6:34 pm)

No, I am neither Peri or Gallium. Here's a hint: my CB name is two words... 

submitted by Sky Blue@Mulberry
(June 23, 2022 - 10:41 am)

Ooooo Fallen leaf, is that you? Or Blackfooted Bobcat? OR Silver Crystal? Red Starlight? Agent Winter? Um yeah?

submitted by Mulberry/Rainbow, Purplelandia
(June 24, 2022 - 8:03 am)

oh my dear darling scheele's green, since we are both sadly mistaken greens may i inquire if your are instead darkling or hex? may this guess be correct 

submitted by Olive Green
(June 21, 2022 - 8:19 pm)