Name Guessing Challenge!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Name Guessing Challenge!
Name Guessing Challenge!
I've just got an idea of this challenge! The title describes the rule! You pick one of the CBers and then you guess their real names! When you are picked, you can't tell your real name, but you can pick the next CBer and guess their names! If you are pciked, but don't answer in two days, we'll skip your turn because if we wait for you for a long time, it can disturb our challenge. Here's an important rule:
*YOU CAN NEVER TELL YOUR REAL NAME* Or IF you want to tell your real name, don't tell your middle name and last name. You can only tell your first name. But I highly recommend not telling it.
I'll start off this challenge.
I pick Phoenix Tears and I think her real name is Stella. Phoenix Tears, please pick the next CBer and guess the name! Please type it in in the comment.
(November 8, 2021 - 1:51 am)
*laughs uproariously*
*wipes tears from eyes*
OK...let's see... I pick Pancake. Pancake, I think your name is Rachel.
(November 8, 2021 - 9:57 pm)
Wait I just realized you were actually really close when you guessed Stella...that's freaky...
(November 9, 2021 - 2:22 pm)
(November 12, 2021 - 9:35 pm) got almost all the same letters, just in the wrong order.
(November 13, 2021 - 6:22 pm)
(November 9, 2021 - 1:49 pm)
Very wrong Phoenix Tears! I guess... Tsuki's real name is Skylar.
(November 9, 2021 - 5:43 pm)
Wrong as well, Pancake! (I don't think any of those letters are in my real name.) I think Shining Star's real name is Riley.
(November 9, 2021 - 6:38 pm)
Hmmmmm...... I guess that KittyCat's name is... Amara, or Aoi?
(November 9, 2021 - 8:31 pm)
Nope! I guess Raven's real name is Raven. *Heh*
(November 12, 2021 - 3:56 pm)
Not even close! Are you... uh... Alex? I don’t know, it was the first name that popped into my head haha.
(November 21, 2021 - 8:22 am)
Phoenix Tears' real name is Astrella
(November 14, 2021 - 12:54 pm)
Are you guessing?
(November 14, 2021 - 3:57 pm)
Yes, I am guessing
(November 21, 2021 - 2:49 pm)
I think you should ADD ME IN THIS GAME! I am pretty new and haven't posted....ever.
(December 30, 2021 - 2:08 pm)
(March 7, 2022 - 5:53 pm)