Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi CBer's. I am new.
My name is Maple becuse it is my favorite tree. I hope someone doesn’t alredy have that name. If they do then I will change my name to Lilac my favorite flower. Well here is a list of thing’s about me in no partclar order.
1. My older sister is Panglin.
2. My favrite color is purpel.
3. My favrite animal’s are cat’s, dog’s, and horse’s.
4. I am 8 and almost 9 years old.
5. My birth day is in june.
6. My favrite font is comic sans. I put it as that in google doc and I hope it goes thrugh. It might not.
7. I love drawing but I migt not be able to uplod because of my computer.
Well that’s all I can think of. I know I’m bad with spelling but my sister is doing work for school and can’t help me rite now. Anyway I’m so ekcited to meet all of you. I want to make AE’s and Captcha’s but it will have to wait becuse this is alredy prety long and also I’m only allowd a certin amont of screne time a day. Well bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Maple/Lilac
P.S. If anyone is called Maple or Lilac then please tell me.
P.S.S. Mewy hi to Pussywillow!!!!
Welcome, Maple. We used to have a Maple Syrup, but I don't think she's around anymore. And I don't think we have a plain Maple.
(January 31, 2021 - 11:50 am)
Hi! I'm Cynthia Maple! We both like Maple trees XD Welcome to the Chatterbox! I hope to see you around soon!
(January 31, 2021 - 5:04 pm)
(January 31, 2021 - 6:41 pm)
Hi Maple! I'm Starchaser :) I like your name! Maple trees are awesome.
(February 1, 2021 - 12:09 pm)
Nice to meet you, Maple! I'm Peppermint, but you can call me Pepper, if you'd like. I hope you enjoy it here!
(February 1, 2021 - 4:17 pm)
*drops through ceiling*
(February 2, 2021 - 8:44 am)
Hi Maple! Welcome to the Chatterbox!
(February 4, 2021 - 8:19 am)