CBer Names?-

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer Names?-

CBer Names?


How'd you come up with your CBer name?


I came up with mine because I used RX1NB0W for a custom license plate project back in like sixth grade, and I was listening to a song that was like "Living like a rIoT, sEtTing ofF the sIrEns," so I thought it would be cool, and I'm also a total otaku so I kind of copied Red Riot from MHA XD

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(November 6, 2020 - 6:23 pm)

Oh, this is cool! 

I got my name quite simply- the Heroes Of Olympus was my favorite series, so I typed it in xD 

I sorta want to change it, since its just... so wrong now, in a way. It isnt me, but I cant let it go lol 

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age i feel old, Anxietea
(November 10, 2020 - 6:29 pm)

Eh first joined under Spirit since that was my character in a book me and some of my friends are writing, then I changed to Nightfall since I love the night. So y'know, logic :D

submitted by Nightfall
(November 11, 2020 - 12:37 am)

WAiT A SECOND are you the nightfall who said she might leave CB because if so I'm so glad you stayed!

submitted by Princess Juniper, Camelot
(November 12, 2020 - 8:36 am)

Mine is pretty simple. I love papillions! They are my favorite dog with their little noses and big ears. So, I was thinking of a name and it was the first thing that popped into my head. 

Everyone liked my name so I think I'll keep it. It seems to fit me. So, yay! :) 

submitted by Papillon, age a million, Somewhere
(November 11, 2020 - 12:03 pm)

As you can see my name is kind of boring so if any of you can think of a better one then please send it to me. 

submitted by Joel, age 10, nowhere
(November 11, 2020 - 12:35 pm)

i came up with mine because it very obviously describes me. :)

submitted by NerdFace, age infinity, in the void
(November 11, 2020 - 5:52 pm)

Okay, I didn't actually make the name Sammy Everlast on the CB.

My friend (Who would like to remain anonymous for now.), wanted to join a RP her best friend (La'Crosse) made on here, except didn't want to fully commit to the CB. 

She didn't have any confidence in her writing skills (Which is totally lame, she's better than I'll ever be), and thus made the first part of the CB name my name so she could give it to me after the thread died.

Little did she know, I have been looking for this website for a while. I used to share an account with my older sister when I was 5, and then forgot the name of the website.

Anyway, my anonymous friend chose Everlast for 2 reasons (3 reasons actually, but the other reason's sacred.).

1) Her favorite book is Tuck Everlasting.

2) Her favorite hoodie had the word Everlast on it. 

And yeah, that's how I got the name.

I probably should mention my friend made most of my OCs/AEs for me. Literally everything about them. Backstory, appearance, personality... It's all thanks to her!

I really hope all of you guys will see her on the CB someday! She's really cool!

submitted by Sammy E
(November 11, 2020 - 8:30 pm)

I went kinda in depth to how i got the name Sirfire in the "I'm changing my name" thread that I made like in August? I forget when. but anyway, let me look for the original thread...

*goes into a rabbit hole of reading my old threads while looking for the original post*

Found it! I basically just listed a bunch of names (Zephyr, Picadilly, Jubilee, Lemonsorrel, and Liliadite) and asked you guys to vote on them... from what I'm reading I see Lemonsorrel got 8 votes, Piccadilly didn't get any, Jubilee got 3, Zephyr got 4, and Liladite got 6. Sooo I guess I should have chosen Lemonsorrel? But being my stubborn self, I chose Jubilee, the least voted for one besides Piccadilly XD. I guess I just really liked it and thought it suited me. I think these are the reasons why I chose those names:  

Lemonsorrel, because me and my dad used to pick all the wild lemonsorrel growing around our house

Picadily, because Bakerloo had just come back and had explained that his name was from a train line in London and so I looked up train lines and liked the name Piccadilly.

Zephyr, because at the time I thought VS was super cool and I looked up to them and Zephyr reminided me of them

Liladite because I made an OC that I used briefly and I named her Liladite

Jubilee because I was reading Hokey Pokey and isn't the bicycle named Jubilee? Idk I never got into it. 

Welp I'm done  

^-^wz you!^-^ 


submitted by Jubilee, age unknown , the stratosphere
(November 12, 2020 - 9:40 am)

I came up with Honeybee...magically! Ok well no, it's just I like honeybees, I use Honeybee in other places, and um, I didn't have any better ideas. The end!

submitted by Honeybee
(November 12, 2020 - 3:45 pm)

I came up with Chickadee, because that's what my mother calls me sometimes. I've just heard the word a lot around the house and I thought that it's a cute name. It's also a bird, and I really like that bird, so yeah.

submitted by Chickadee, age 10, Maldives
(November 12, 2020 - 7:19 pm)

I'm a Star Wars fan and Sabine Wren is a character from a Star Wars tv show. I had been drawing her on the day I joined the CB so yeah

submitted by Sabine
(November 13, 2020 - 2:28 pm)

I love lizards, and I made up a character named Lizardo the Great. I started going by Lizardo the Great, and then I decided Lizardo is shorter and I liked it better, so now I'm Lizardo. Here!s a drawing of Lizardo he Great:

submitted by Lizardo
(November 15, 2020 - 11:11 am)