I am in

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I am in

I am in shock (no, this isn't an old thread; I just like to start all the threads I make with "I am in shock") at how many random test/quiz thingys there are on CaC, and, as the creator of "RANDOM TEST/QUIZ THINGY #1!!!!" from a loooooong time ago (haha, the first one!), I believe I shall make another, and I shall call it "RANDOM TEST/QUIZ THINGY #11", because I think I stopped at nine or ten.  Maybe. :)

Nearly all of the current test/quiz thingys seem to be the "write your favorite [animal/veggie/etc.] here", so I'm going back to my favorite.  For those of you who don't know it, it's basically Scattergories (BEST GAME EVER!!!), and for those of you who don't know what that game is, just take the first letter of your name (K for me, because my [fake] name's Kenzie) and try to think of a word for each catagory I list (if it were "animal", I could say "Koala", because it starts with K).  If you don't understand, you can ask me, or just look at my answers or somebuggy else's. :):) Also, try not to give the same answer for different catagories, and instead think of different words each time!  And, you're only allowed to use one of my example answers per round, 'kay?

AND, if your name starts with J, K, O, Q, U, V, X, Y, Z, or any difficult letter, use your middle name, or your last name (but don't tell us what it is completely!!!).  I'm using K, because I'm up for the challenge. :):)

1. Item found at the grocery store (e.g. macaroni, cash register, etc.)

2. Crayon name (e.g. Raspberry Red, Macaroni Yellow, etc. [you can make them up!])

3. Character from a book/story (Little Red Riding Hood, Harry Potter, etc.)

4. Wild animal (puma, yeti, etc.)

5. Fruit! (banana, boisenberry)

6. Item found at a beach (water, fishing pole, towel)

7. Magazine or newspaper (Cricket!, The Westbrook-Gorham Gazette, etc.)

8. Bird (parakeet, ostrich, chickadee, etc.)

9. Country (America, Czechoslovakia, etc.)

10. [somewhat] Famous person in history (George Washington, King Henry VIII, etc.)

And here are my answers! :D

1. Kit Kat bars! :D

2. Oh, no, I chose a hard letter... Well, P for Paige, so Parakeet Green! :) I'm a cheater...

3. Keira from a story I'm writing! :D

4. Koala!

5. Kiwi

6. Krill!!  Is that how you spell it?

7. Umm...  Not sure...  But I bet ya that Kennebunk or Kennebunkport has a newspaper, so I'm making up The Kennebunk Times.  Hee hee. :)

8. Kingfisher

9. Kazakhstan, of course :)

10. I'll use King Henry VIII. :)

submitted by Kenzie
(September 10, 2009 - 3:59 pm)

1. Evaporated milk

2. Evergreen

3. Eragon!!!!

4. Emu

5. I can't think of one!

6. Expensive souvenirs :)

7. I don't know

8. Emu (hee hee hee, I can use the same answer twice!)

9. Grr-can't think of one

10. Edgar Allan Poe

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, Colorado, Home
(September 13, 2009 - 3:31 pm)

Phooey-I wasn't in my right mind yesterday, folks. I am now putting down banana for fruit (my middle name) and for country I am putting down England.

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, A Jonas Brother
(September 14, 2009 - 2:59 pm)

1. Item found at the grocery store (e.g. macaroni, cash register, etc.) eggplant

2. Crayon name (e.g. Raspberry Red, Macaroni Yellow, etc. [you can make them up!]) eggplant

3. Character from a book/story (Little Red Riding Hood, Harry Potter, etc.) Eragon

4. Wild animal (puma, yeti, etc.) elephant

5. Fruit! (banana, boisenberry) Emily doesn't know

6. Item found at a beach (water, fishing pole, towel) Early swimmers (lame, I know)

7. Magazine or newspaper (Cricket!, The Westbrook-Gorham Gazette, etc.) Yes (Mathcounts speak for no answer)

8. Bird (parakeet, ostrich, chickadee, etc.) Emily doesn't know

9. Country (America, Czechoslovakia, etc.) Estonia

10. [somewhat] Famous person in history (George Washington, King Henry VIII, etc.) Elizabeth I



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(September 13, 2009 - 4:37 pm)

YAY!!!!! Sorry, it's just that the other quizzes were taking up the entire CaC, and I'd done so many that I'd gotten bored of them, but Scattegories is awesome! In fact, I think I'll do my real name (K), my pseudonym (I), my middle name (N), my last name (B), and possibly even the names of some of my family members and pets all at once :D! However, the Admin don't post exceptionally long comments, so I'll make several. I'll use K first.

1: Kalli the cashier!

2: Kapok brown

3: Katie from Kira-kira

4: Kangaroo

5: Um... Is there a Kapok fruit? Kenzie did kiwi...

6: Kevin the lifeguard!

7: Um... Kettlingor Times? That's made up, by the way.

8: Kiwi!

9: Um... Katie's country?

10: King Henry I! (If there was an 8th, there would have been a 1st)

submitted by Ima
(September 13, 2009 - 6:05 pm)

And now I'll do my psuedonym!

1: Items!

2: Indigo

3: Ima from Pharoah's daughter

4: Insect!

5: Icky, moldy, disgusting grapefruit!

6: Items!

7: Ima's newspaper

8: Indigo macaw

9: Indonesia

10: Indians who are famous!

submitted by Ima
(September 13, 2009 - 6:18 pm)

*snickers*  Indians who are famous?  *giggles*  That's my favorite.  :)

submitted by Laura
(September 13, 2009 - 11:31 pm)

And now I'll do my last name!

1: Banannas

2: Brown!

3: Brid from the Dalemark Quartet

4: Bear

5: Bananas!

6: Beach balls

7: Boring American Girl!

8: Bird!

9: Bhutan

10: Saint Bridget

submitted by Ima
(September 13, 2009 - 6:27 pm)

Now for my middle name!

1: Names of brands!

2: Neon green

3: Nanna from A Dig In Time

4: Newt

5: Nigerian fruit

6: Novels

7: Newspapers!

8: Nightingale

9: Norway

10: Nigerians that are famous

submitted by Ima
(September 13, 2009 - 6:42 pm)

Lawdy!  You did a lot!!!  :)

submitted by Laura
(September 13, 2009 - 11:32 pm)

1. Item found at the grocery store.


2. Crayon name.

Hmmm, Magic Mint. :D (it's a real color,


3. Character from a book/story.

Mary from the Laura Ingalls Wilder series.

4. Wild animal.

Monkey. ;D

5. Fruit!


6. Item found at a beach.

Mermaids! :D *coughnotcough* Okay, fine...

Magazines...? Ya know, because some people

like to read at the beach... Ah well, it's the best

I can think of.

7. Magazine or newspaper.

Muse. :)

8. Bird.


9. Country.

Hmmm, Morocco.

10. [somewhat] Famous person in history.

Martha Washington (George Washington's wife).

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(September 14, 2009 - 3:21 pm)

1. Item found at the grocery store: Bacon

2. Crayon name: Boring Blue :)

3. Character from a book/story: Boromir, from LOTR 

4. Wild animal: Badger 

5. Fruit: Blueberries!

6. Item found at a beach: Um...Big waves? :) 

7. Magazine or newspaper: Boston Times

8. Bird: Bobwhite

9. Country: Brazil

10. [somewhat] Famous person in history: Benjamin Franklin 

submitted by Brynne, age 14, Middle Earth
(September 16, 2009 - 1:51 pm)

1. Item found at the grocery store (e.g. macaroni, cash register, etc.)


2. Crayon name (e.g. Raspberry Red, Macaroni Yellow, etc. [you can make them up!])


3. Character from a book/story (Little Red Riding Hood, Harry Potter, etc.)


4. Wild animal (puma, yeti, etc.)

Meercat (sp)

5. Fruit! (banana, boisenberry)


6. Item found at a beach (water, fishing pole, towel)

Many people (is that cheeting?)

7. Magazine or newspaper (Cricket!, The Westbrook-Gorham Gazette, etc.)


8. Bird (parakeet, ostrich, chickadee, etc.)

*goes to get bird book*  Merlin!

9. Country (America, Czechoslovakia, etc.)

Mesopotamia  (is that still a country?  Hay, I was going to do Kazakhstan with my last name...  My aunt lived in Kazakhstan for a while!  She also got me a doll there that I don't really play with,and hats from Thailand, she also got a sun umbrela thing...) 

10. [somewhat] Famous person in history (George Washington, King Henry VIII, etc.)

Bloody Mary  (, as people call her...  Oh, and Mary was her finst name, I think, and i don't know her last name, so, uh, bye...)

submitted by MeadowSage
(September 16, 2009 - 8:36 am)

Did I spell Jules Jewels?  Ah well, that should have been his name anyway. Who wants Jules, when you can have diamonds, right? AHAHAHAHAHA....well...

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(September 18, 2009 - 11:39 am)