100th Commenter Contest!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
100th Commenter Contest!
100th Commenter Contest!
Welcome everybody, to the very first 100th Commenter Contest! This idea is based off of one from one of my favorite podcasts, so all credit goes to them.
The premise is simple - people comment on this thread, and the 100th commenter will win...something! The prize is at this point unknown, but I'm sure we'll have something exciting soon! Orson, would you like to-
Alrighty then...
Now, as with any game, there are some rules:
Don't spam this thread, please! There are so many better things you could do with that comment! Things like:
-chatting with friends
-participating in a Drarry v. Dramione debate (not to take sides, but Drarry FTW!)
-sharing some random thoughts
-advertising other threads
-playing a game (Two Truths and a Lie, anyone?)
-talking about your favorite TV shows
-starting a Ladybug fan club (how is this not already a thing?)
Try to avoid posting replies if you can - they might mess up the count.
Whoever posts the 100th comment wins!
And I think that's everything! If this is successful, there might be other Commenting Contests, so keep your eyes peeled (peeled eyes, gross) On your marks, get set... Orson, do you want to-
...okay! On your marks, get set, go!!! Comment, comment, comment!!!
(October 21, 2020 - 10:04 am)
(November 21, 2020 - 11:48 am)
I doubt it, (because all of you are younger), but have any of y'all seen the show Psych? It's so funny and so good!
(November 20, 2020 - 11:59 am)
70 comments to go!
(November 20, 2020 - 3:57 pm)
purple. yes, purple. to the unsuspecting mind, purple is a large city robot. to intelligent life, this begs the question, to which the answer is that begs the question forever in the human society. many have been found conversing with the large city robot, which begs the question why, to which the answer is purple.
No this is not auto-generated text.
No I do not know why i wrote this.
Yes I do regret everything.
(November 21, 2020 - 11:52 am)
I like goat cheese. Also, now I'm the closest to winning. (:
(November 21, 2020 - 12:10 pm)
Ladybug, you are the most amazing creature in the universe. Never let the naysayers get you down!
-A fan
(November 21, 2020 - 2:19 pm)
Drarry Vs. Dramione?
Definitley Dramione. Okay, okay I know everyone thinks that Draco is a terrible person, and yeah, he did do some bad things, but he was forced into it by his parents. Later in the book series, his options were literally be a death eater or have him and his whole family die. BUT even when all of that was on the line, he didn't kill Dumbledore because he has a good heart, it was just currupted by his toxic parents. If Draco had chosen to change earlier in the book series, and gone against his parents, I honestly think he would be a good person. I just don't think that Harry would be willing to see this part of Draco; Harry is so set on hating him. And if you look in the books, there is no way that Draco and Harry would even be friends, even if the circumstances changed. Hermione would be willing to help him change and become a better person.
That... was longer than I intended it to be. Sorry 'bout that. Anywayyy, now I'm the closest to winning XD
(November 22, 2020 - 8:16 am)
You can't ever be doing nothing. Think about that for a bit. You're always doing something. Also, the only thing you can truly know is that you can't truly know anything.
(November 22, 2020 - 12:48 pm)
This is the 39th comment! Keep talking so there can be a winner!!
(November 24, 2020 - 7:28 pm)
Random Thought: Hot chocolate made with milk is 309% better than hot chocolate made with water.
(November 24, 2020 - 11:07 pm)
I agree! OwO Though, hot chocolate isn't really my favorite drink anyway, and it's so... chocolatey that I could probably only drink half a mug at most lol.
(November 25, 2020 - 12:15 pm)
Well, I guess I am now technically closest to winning. Only 59 more comments to go!
(November 25, 2020 - 9:17 am)
Yo guys my two year old brother calls me Chippy and I can't get him to say my real name
(November 25, 2020 - 12:07 pm)
I'm going to change my cb name. I just posted the thread, so it hasn't appeared yet, but please help me come up with ideas if you can :)
(November 28, 2020 - 10:48 am)
why is it called an oven if you of in the cold food of out eat the hot food?
(December 1, 2020 - 8:22 am)