It's my CBversary.

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

It's my CBversary.

It's my CBversary.

Hey guys! Today (October 4th) was my 3rd CBversary!
I guess I could make a long speech here, but to be completely honest I don't always enjoy reading them myself, and I'm very tired at the moment. 
So... Q+A!! I figure instead of writing something long no one wants to read you guys can just as me what you want to know. 
Something I will say though is that I've definitely changed since 2017. Back then, I never imagined I would ever leave or forget about the CB. I thought I'd always be a creeper who was active well into adulthood. 
I'm sure I will never forget about you guys or the CB, but as I grow up and become busier I find the CB becomes less and less a big part of my life. Despite this, I've appreciated, admired, and been constantly blown away by you guys in the past three years and I still love you all!
My advice to younger CBers is to leave room for your older self. Don't limit yourself to what you think or feel or believe now, because your ideas might change. Embrace what you know now and be excited for what you'll learn later. You guys are awesome! :)
So yeah, Q+A! Ask away!
submitted by Jwyn, age 3rd, Feeling Old
(October 4, 2020 - 9:43 pm)

I would love some!! Actually I do kind of come and go on shorter terms, though no one really notices. I get it, I'm a quiet and background-sorta person. Either way I rarely pass up chocolate! :P

Haha! :D My name on here (as I've said a few times here and it never sounds less weird) is a shortened version of my nickname which is derived from my name, and I use it sometimes as a username. I've always wondered what other people thought of it, or how it's pronounced, because it would probably puzzle me. Funny you should mention typos; I notice a lot of people on the CB calling me Jywn for some reason, which I find amusing.

Indigo Feather was originally going to be the name of my second AE (who I ended up naming Inkling) but it was so pretty I wanted to save it for a possible future name change. It combines two pretty things that I love and sounds cool. I just like it. 

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(October 5, 2020 - 9:15 pm)

Happy CBversary, Jwyn!! *confetti* Wow... three years is quite the accomplishment! You've been an awesome role model and CB friend to me. :D

my question is... do you think we'll ever be able to figure out your real first name? XD

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(October 5, 2020 - 8:36 pm)

Aww, a role model?! Thank you!! :D That means a lot. I'm so honored to be called your friend! ^^

Is that a burning mystery around here? I enjoy being mysterious, but-*coughMarch2017congratulationsthreadcough*-sorry, where was I? Oh yes. I have nothing to say. :)

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(October 6, 2020 - 1:53 pm)

Oh, congrats Jwyn! Topping this thread so more people can see!  

submitted by Topper-Top-Topping, age Old :D, A very fancy Top!
(October 6, 2020 - 3:08 pm)

Thank you!

This thread is haunted... the preview in the CaC list says Oct.5th, but when you click on the actual thread it was posted on Oct.4th. ,':-| 

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(October 6, 2020 - 6:03 pm)
submitted by Indigo TOP
(October 7, 2020 - 3:56 pm)

I procrastinated posting on this because I wanted to come up with a really good question and also make you a really cute card because you're awesome, but since I have done neither (RIP) I'll just post super late and say HAPPY CBERVERSARY! I hope you see this at some point and know that you're super cool and I always love reading your posts. :) Have a good day!


(P.S. As for a question, uhhhh... how many dogs have you seen today? It's an important question.) 

submitted by Starseeker, age ???, spilling tea with a queen
(October 18, 2020 - 8:09 pm)