How has the
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
How has the
How has the CB changed your life?
I was inspired by all the posts from old CBers returning, or checking in, or just popping in to say hi, and thinking how incredible it is that they remember the CB after so long. And then it occurred to me that of course they remember the CB after so long; it's such a huge part of our lives!
And then I got to thinking, if I left the CB and came back in five or ten years, what would I say when I returned? Would I talk about how much the CB changed my life? And I have lots of ideas for that now... so why wait until then?
The CB introduced me to actually good poetry, and amazing writing, and lots of cool art. Through the Poetry Contest, RPs, ski lodges, the DTIYS challenge, I've tried new things and expanded my skills. Probably half of everything I've written in the past few years has been inspired by the CB and/or shared on the CB. This is where I learned about NaNoWriMo, and NaPoWriMo, and Inktober. This is where I got the inspiration to start working on my novel. I could certainly go on.
So I'm wondering about everyone else-- how has the CB changed your life? How different would you be if you'd never stumbled into this corner of the internet? And what amazing things have you seen or learned or done while you were here?
(September 23, 2020 - 4:06 pm)
This was my first experience with forums and social media, I started on Kyngdom first. I think it was a good, gentle, and safe way to start.
(September 26, 2020 - 1:34 pm)
(September 27, 2020 - 4:18 pm)
(September 27, 2020 - 5:10 pm)
(September 26, 2020 - 1:35 pm)
Where to begin? The CB has definitely changed my life, in a lot of ways. My writing has improved so much by reading what other people write, by challenging myself in different styles and genres, and writing more frequently. I've really grown as a writer, and I have the CB to thank for that. I was also introduced to NaNoWriMo here, which has honestly worked wonders for my productivity, and I love chatting with people on the site!
I was also encouraged to improve my art skills, after seeing people's beautiful work on the Art Posting Thread. Everyone there inspired me, and I got some tips when I was just starting out. I've come a long, long way, and I've still got more to improve! It's something I love doing and probably wouldn't enjoy half as much if I hadn't persued it more seriously.
The CB has also really impacted my personal life. I first joined right after I moved, which was a really hard time because I had no friends and didn't know how to make them. I withdrew into my shell, and the CB actually helped me feel less alone. I was really socially anxious, and I was able to let go of that here, which is still true. Knowing I had friends here helped a lot. And I've met so many wonderful people, and made real friends, and I'd definitely be worse off not knowing them!
In addition to that, the CB is a huge part of me being able to accept my identity. When I first realized I was bi, I was literally terrified that I was going to lose all my friends and everyone was going to hate me, because I didn't know anyone else who was LGBTQ+. Then June came around, and I found the Pride Thread. Seeing other people like me really helped me come to terms with it and realize that it's okay. That it's something to be proud of. Now, the CB is a safe space for me, the only place where I can be truly open about my identity, and that means the world to me.
So yeah, this place means a lot to me, and so do all of you! This is a great thread, Kitten! Love you all! *hugs*
(September 28, 2020 - 3:21 pm)
The CB has changed my life because it made me feel better in so many ways, my art has also gotten out and also my writing. the CB also helped me make new friends and learn new things. I got my sister to start Cricket and now she loves it, it's brought us closer. Also it's helped me have fun and I other people's thoughts on me, and how they draw me is fasinating. Thanks, Kitty <3
(October 10, 2020 - 4:08 pm)