Old CBer checking

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Old CBer checking

Old CBer checking in.
Hello all! My name is Corina, although I go by Coi these days (I think I may have gone by Cori at some point on here?) I was a CBer back in 2013ish. I was thinking about this place today and feeling nostalgic, so I thought I'd check in. It's been many years, but it's nice to know this place hasn't changed all that much. I think I checked in a few years ago, but since I really am moving on to new phases in my life right now (adulthood! college!) I thought I'd say hello for one last time.
This place was the beginning of a lot of things in my life, all those 7 years ago. I was 11 when I joined here, fresh and new to the internet and to writing, and now I'm 18 and a sophomore in college and getting some poems published in a few months. In 2013, another CBer (BHR, in case anyone else remembers the old times.) invited me to join NaNo, so I did and I eventually moved on to the community I found there. Of course, I've graduated from the YWP now, but I met some of the most important people in my life through the site (and so, through extension, through this site, since one led to another). It's so strange and wonderful looking back here and remembering who I was seven years ago. So much has changed, but I'm happy to report that although the world is confusing and scary right now, growing up isn't all bad. I'm so much happier now then I was then, and I owe some of that to this community and the ways it pushed me forward. The CBers were wonderful friends when I was here, and I'm sure the CBers today are just as lovely.
I miss being 11 and pulling up these forums as the autumn sun set outside, my hands lost in the sleeves of an oversized sweater. I miss the excitement when I checked back the next morning and saw one of my posts had gone through (hello again, admins! Thanks for dealing with all my preteen cringe). I miss being so young and this little corner of the world being part of my life.  
I'm not planning on hanging around long since I'm a little old for this community, but please say hi. Tell me what's changed! Tell me what hasn't! What are the youth up to these days?
Corina, it's so good to hear from you again! Thank you for your kind words. It's gratifying to hear what Chatterbox has meant to you. We have a CB reunion each Valentine's Day, if you want to keep that in mind. 
Best wishes for the years ahead,
submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 22, 2020 - 1:06 pm)

Oh! 2013! Wow, that's a long time ago. It's so cool that you've come back after all this time!

Um... what has changed... well, a looooot of things. I think the general age of CBers has gotten a bit older -- it's supposed to be for *checks* 9-14-year-olds, but I think nowadays we're mostly in the 12-16 range. (There are a few younger CBers, though, not to leave you guys out!)

I imagine the whole vibe of the CB has changed, just about what kinds of things people post and what kinds of people are here and how we talk to each other and such. I've been doing some digging in the archives recently, exploring what the CB looked like even four or five years ago, and it was rather different, so it must have been even more different back when you were on. Was that before Crowd Sorcery? Before Kyngdom? Before AEs were a big thing?

submitted by Kitten, Daydreaming
(September 23, 2020 - 3:58 pm)

Thank you! I’m excited to check in.


That’s so interesting! I believe when I was active we had quite a few older participants as well. We had quite a lot of  active CBers who were 14-16. Obviously I belonged to a younger set, but I learned a lot from those older CBers.


Oh yes, that’s definitely the case! I dug up my oldest post (please don’t do it, 11-year-old Coi isn’t something I need anyone else to look at but me. 2013 was a different time, man.)  and it was wild to see. Yes to all of those things! I do not know what the first two are but they sound super cool and I hope you all are enjoying them. AEs were started I think while I was active and then around when I began to fade more into the NaNo YWP community because I got very close to some people there, they were getting very big. I do not think I ever participated just because it wasn’t my thing but I certainly remember when it was the newest thing.

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 8:49 am)

Welcome back! It's so nice when older CBers come back for a visit. I don't think I know you (I joined in 2017), but I do remember BHR, I think she stopped by recently. Congratulations on your poetry! That's amazing. Quite a bit has changed around here- nothing really concrete, just the general atmosphere, what people talk about, the age range, things like that. Again, welcome back, it's great to have you here again!

submitted by Quill
(September 23, 2020 - 4:23 pm)

Thank you! 11-year-old Coi is happy you all met & experienced BHR since we were very close back in the day and little me thought she was the coolest person. I have not spoken to her in a few years but I am sure she is still very cool and it’s great that I’m not the only one checking in. Thank you so much! I’m still amazed by it myself. I’ve been writing for a really long time and love it and of course I’ve always wanted to be published (and this is a small publication, so it’s not really all that dramatic) but never fully expected it to happen.

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 8:50 am)

Whoa, 2013!? That was like forever ago! I imagine that most of the people you knew on here are definitely not around anymore, because 2013 makes most of our oldest CBers seem young. Well, welcome back! I've been on the CB for about 6 month now, so not old at all, but certaintly not the newest either. Read you around!

submitted by Jade J., age 13
(September 24, 2020 - 5:00 pm)

It is forever ago! I agree with that sentiment. Thank so much!

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 8:50 am)

Hi! I've been here since February, so you for sure don't know me. Hey, it's about 6 months now! Cool!

Anyway, getting off topic. It's so cool that you were on here in 2013. I imagine the CB has changed a lot since then, but I don't know exactly how, since I'm on the newer side.

I think that's it! I'm glad you stopped by! 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, (she/her)
(September 25, 2020 - 8:00 am)


It's good to be here! I think that having a safe and comfortable place online in this generation for young people growing up is really important (I'm living proof of it), and that is just what the Chatterbox is. 

Oh, I'll definitely be back for that, then. That's a lovely thing to have! 

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 8:41 am)

Aaaah hey Corina! I'm Leafy, but I used to be Leafpool--I don't think you know me though, but I definitely have seen some of your old posts around! I've been here for almost five years now, although I'm kind of on an unofficial hiatus right now but I popped in and saw this so I wanted to say hi! Thanks so much for visiting, it's always really nice when older CBers come and visit. I definitely remember BHR, and I miss her :( she hasn't been here in a long time 

Oh man I'm getting a lot of nostalgia now haha but anyway it's great to hear from you! Good luck with college and huge congratulations on the poetry! *tosses confetti* 

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(September 25, 2020 - 12:19 pm)

It's nice to meet you!

Five years is a long time. It's lovely that you have been here that long.

Oh, tell me about it! I'm feeling so much nostaligia right now. Thank you very much!  

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 5:53 pm)

Hi! Welcome back! 

You and I are the same age! Do you have any tips for getting ready for college? I'm kind of nervous for that part of life...

Wish I could say more, but I'm on short time.... see you around! :)  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 18, Camelot
(September 25, 2020 - 9:42 pm)

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Oh, lovely! I certainly do. For some context, I'm a design student and I attend an art school (I'm studying interior design, which is on the very technical side of creative fields but still an "art & design" field) so obviously some of this might not be super applicable to a liberal arts student. I also do not dorm! I have commuted my entire college experience so far, and now my college is entirely remote so that isn't an issue. With those disclaimers, here's some general advice:

Firstly, some reassurances: Being nervous is valid! I was super nervous about the transition to college and being responsible because it felt like such a huge jump. But I think in some ways it's easier then high school. Not in terms of workload. At least not for my field of study. But in terms of that you are older, people are older, there's less drama. Also, you will find your people! If you are worried about that, since I certainly was. if you aren't, ignore this part. You do not have to reinvent yourself to do it. There are so many people and so much world and there's going to be someone out there who needs you in their life just the way you are. I am perhaps not the easiest person to become friends with casually (for various reasons, mostly because I do not fit the mold of typical person very well. Also I have witch energy, apparently? (which, side note, best compliment I've ever recieved)), and I was concerned about that going in that I wouldn't find anyone. But I did! You will find the people who will stay late on Thursday nights to eat ice cream and gossip. You will, and it'll be wonderful.


1. If you are dorming, learn life skills before you leave home if you don't know them already. No one is going to do your laundry for you. I had to teach one of my close friends how to use a coffee maker my first semester. Learn laundry, cleaning, basic cooking, and other upkeep. How to clean a toliet. Basic stuff. 

2. Learn organizational skills, if you don't know them already. You're going to need them, and either college will strength the ones you have, or it will let you know how very much you do not have any at all. The first one is better. 

3. Do not neglect time management. This is not high school anymore, and while college professors can be actually less demanding then high school teachers, they do not hold your hand. You have to learn to manage your time yourself.

4. Get to know your professors! I am a teacher's pet, always have been, always will be. Most of that is because I come from very little money and even less opportunity, so I have learned to cling to any scrap of opportunity. And it's worked! I have gained wonderful mentor relationships. Basically, (most, definitely not all) professors really want to help you to succeed and you just have to make the extra effort to take advantage of it.

5. Say yes. To everything. From club activities to dinner after presentations with your classmates to helping your professor. You have no idea where an opportunity will lead you, and what friends you'll make along the way. Don't ignore your own boundaries and instincts, but step outside your comfort zone.

6. There is no "college experience". It's a hoax made up by TV shows to make people feel nostalgic for experiences they didn't have. I'm joking, partially, but everyone's college experiences are very very different and you can have whatever experience you want. For example: I much prefer lying on my friend's dorm room floor eating cookies & talking for hours to parties and such. That's not necessarily the "college experience", but it's mine and I love it.

Basically, just relax, have fun, and don't forget you're there to do school and learn. Sorry for the long post, I am incurably longwinded.

If you have any specific questions, I would be more then happy to answer. What are you studying? 


These are a lot of great tips, Corina. Thank you. I'd like to add one: If/when classes are in person, do not be afraid to sit in the front row. I found it easier to pay attention from the front row, and the professor can see you and get to know you better.


submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 25, 2020 - 10:46 pm)

Hello Corina! I'm Sammy Everlast!

We were both on the CB at the same time, but I never actually talked to you.

So, it's nice to see you visiting! Hope we can be friends! 

submitted by Sammy E
(September 27, 2020 - 7:17 am)

Hi Sammy! I remember seeing you around I think. 

I also hope we can be friends! It's lovely to think of our paths converging once more in this way. How are you? How are things going?

submitted by Corina, age 18
(September 27, 2020 - 12:01 pm)

I'm embarrasingly new. What are AEs?

I think they're alternate points of veiw you use to talk right?

(Like me! calvin!)

And me! Hobbes! 

submitted by Howdee, age 13, CONFUSION.
(September 30, 2020 - 8:10 am)