Masquerade Game

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Masquerade Game

Masquerade Game

This is a game where you pretend to be other CBers.

How it works:

You post a comment as yourself saying that you want to join the game. This gives others permission to pretend to be you and you can pretend to be others who are also part of the game. Do not pretend to be CBers who aren't part of the game!

Now you can pretend to be others! Here is how you do this:

You post a comment as someone else in the game. You write a little thing, i.e. "Hi, I am Feline Fantasy's doppleganger! You shall never guess who i am! mwahahahahahahahahahaha!" Maybe write it how you think that person would to make it more realistic. DO NOT make fun or tease, i.e. "I am Felinefantasy and i'm so weird and crazy all I ever do is talk about cats!" (that is true though). 

You can also guess who others  are! Here's how:

When someone posts a masquerade post you can reply to it as anonymous, or anonymous2, or anonymous3 etc. (to differ between anonymous guessers). Guessers have to remain anonymous so that they don't narrow it down.

You may choose whether to reveal yourself or not.

REMEMBER: This is just to have fun! 

I'm not sure about this, FF. We've had problems with impersonations before. I know you mean it all in fun for only those who wish to participate, but people might have trouble keeping track of who's in and who's not. We're not going to support this. Maybe you can revise to masquerade as fictional characters from well-known books?



submitted by Feline Fantasy, age no, really, like, actually, I am
(July 10, 2020 - 7:19 pm)

Are you aqua? 

PS I'm in! 

submitted by Not Spottedleaf, age ????, ????
(July 15, 2020 - 7:51 am)

Nope, I'm not aqua. Good guess, though!

I almost put my real (well, not REAL, but you know what I mean) name in the name field. That was a close call.

submitted by Not Peregrine
(July 15, 2020 - 11:21 am)

There’s no way you could guess me. >:)


submitted by Not Emekittycon, age Not That, Not There
(July 15, 2020 - 8:06 am)

Shoot, someone already took Emekittycon. Ignore my previous post. I wanna be Not Mahriel!!!

submitted by Not Mahriel, age Not that, Not there
(July 15, 2020 - 8:09 am)

Oh wow! I feel so flattered that you chose me! <3

submitted by Mahriel, age 20, Graza
(July 15, 2020 - 5:34 pm)

You will never guess who I am >:) XD

submitted by Not Agent Winter
(July 15, 2020 - 12:29 pm)

Yowill never know!!!! *fades into the shadows*

submitted by Not Starseeker
(July 15, 2020 - 5:36 pm)

Are you Emekittycon k? 

submitted by Not Spottedleaf, age ????, ?????
(July 16, 2020 - 5:50 am)

I shall never be guessed... mwahaha

submitted by Not Sirfire
(July 15, 2020 - 6:00 pm)

AAAHHH! Me! I'm so flattered! 

I'm making wayyyy to big a deal out of this XD 

submitted by Sirfire, age unknown , the stratosphere
(July 16, 2020 - 5:49 am)

So, yeah, I'm here, masquerading. WILL YOU GUESS ME?


Shut up. 



I'm on an emoticon kick.



Okay, I'm gonna stop now. 


submitted by Not Joel
(July 16, 2020 - 8:20 am)

Are you Emekittycon Kitty? 

submitted by Not Sirfire
(July 16, 2020 - 3:05 pm)

Not Joel are you...aQUA????!?!?!?!?!!?

Mwahahahahaha I shall never be guessed!

PS Join my Book Masquerade! I didn't spell that right!!! 

submitted by Not Spottedleaf
(July 16, 2020 - 4:42 pm)

Heh. Sorry to break it to you but Spottedleaf isn’t my username. I’m someone else using a mask owo

submitted by Spottedleaf
(July 16, 2020 - 8:59 pm)

I'm not Sammy E., but-

@Not Joel, are you Sammy E.?


submitted by Not Sammy E., age nope, definitely not!
(July 16, 2020 - 9:36 pm)