Dear CBers,
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Dear CBers,
Dear CBers,
I am The Activist. I want to change the world. And you can help me. Read my posts, please. And please spread the word.
Everyone matters.
Black lives matter.
LGBTQIAP+ lives matter.
All lives matter.
These days, we need to take care of the people in risk of getting Covid 19. You can help by wearing a masK! Just wear a fricking mask!!!!! I'm serious! You can save a persons life by wearing some stupid mask. It's not like you're being forced to wear it. It's a free country. But be a kind person and just wear it.
Thank you.
The Activist
submitted by The Activist, who’s asking?
(July 3, 2020 - 11:17 am)
(July 3, 2020 - 11:17 am)
YES YES YES YES YES This is best thread in the entire universe!!! To much? No way.
Black Lives Matter
I LiTeRaLy have done a bunch of mini one person protests around my neighborhood
Just wear the mask It'll save lives
Thank you.
The Protester
(July 6, 2020 - 4:05 pm)
I agree that all lives matter. It doesn't need to matter skin tone, identity, or anything else. Everyone was made by God and even if you disagree with someone or are biased against them, life is a sacred thing and you need to respect it. But I do disagree with some of the prostests. People aren't even distant. And there is no excuse for the innocent children being shot.
(July 10, 2020 - 10:45 am)
YESS thank you for this thread!!!
There's a lot of super terrible stuff happening right now, but I've also seen a lot more Black Lives Matter & other important signs in people's houses, which I just think is awesome. We have a BLM sign in our window, and I think it's a good way to make a teeny tiny change especially with social distancing when you might not want to go to a protest. Of course, signs in people's windows isn't going to stop police brutality, but at least it's something!
(July 11, 2020 - 7:34 pm)
I just realized that earlier I said all lives matter in my post, and afterwards Kitten commented that that phrase can be used to invalidate the BLM movement. When I said that I wasn't saying it to invalidate the movement, but I know that I should've thought over my words more carefully. I'm really sorry if I offended anyone by saying that. I believe in the Black Lives Matter movement, it's a terrible thing that people are treated differently because of their race. Unfortunately in the US and other countries, there is a long history of black people being treated unfairly, and I hope that in the present/future that will change. I believe that the BLM movement is very important. Again I'm really sorry if I offended anyone by my comment, I didn't mean my comment to be offensive. Thank you however for pointing out my mistake so that in the future I can be more sensitive. I also have a question. So I'm white and I go to a mostly white school, so I was wondering how can I better show respect and support the BLM movement in my life?
(July 12, 2020 - 10:58 am)