CB Census!If

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CB Census!If

CB Census!

If you don't know what this is, it's pretty self-explanatory. Post with you name, age, and location boxes as you normally do, but you don't need to post any content in your comment. This is just to see how many CBers are active and who's around. 

You don't have to if you're ghosting, but you can. ;)
submitted by Census!, age Jwyn, I’ll post soon
(June 20, 2020 - 10:59 am)
submitted by Starseeker, on hiatus (oops)
(June 21, 2020 - 1:13 pm)
submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(June 21, 2020 - 3:39 pm)
submitted by JohnF.Q, age 17 , England
(June 21, 2020 - 5:23 pm)

Not super active either!

submitted by September, age 16, Winterfell
(June 21, 2020 - 9:20 pm)

Well, I'm pretty active right now at least. 

submitted by aqua, the person
(June 22, 2020 - 10:24 am)
submitted by Peregrine, age Many moons, The Aerie
(June 22, 2020 - 11:15 am)
submitted by Barnswallow
(June 22, 2020 - 12:40 pm)
submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(June 22, 2020 - 1:10 pm)
submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 12, Kitten Kingdom
(June 23, 2020 - 11:36 am)
submitted by MountainSpirit, Wild Cat Island
(June 24, 2020 - 6:35 pm)
submitted by someon e., age 12, US
(June 24, 2020 - 8:28 pm)
submitted by someon e., age 12, US
(June 24, 2020 - 8:29 pm)
submitted by Sybill, age ????, Ikea
(June 25, 2020 - 8:59 am)
submitted by Quill
(June 28, 2020 - 2:40 pm)
submitted by Hummingbird, Attolia
(June 28, 2020 - 5:12 pm)