CAPTCHA! Wait did
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CAPTCHA! Wait did
CAPTCHA! Wait did I spell that right? I hope so. Well I've been seeing a bunch of CB users with CAPTCHAS (again, I hope I spelled that right) which from my understanding is basically the thing that says the little tricky word thing in order for you to make a post. Here's my Captcha!
Name: Jay
Gender: Male
Species: Blue Jay, a little obvious
Appearence: Blue, with a white belly and lighter blue spots on his wings
Personality: Very chatty, scared of big things and loud noises, very social
So that's Jay! Let's say him to him now. Jay come here! [Hi everyone! Who likes cupcakes? I love cupcakes. Guess what my favorite code is iokmw! I'm really good at making codes. I also think I should be let out more because it's hard to get out in quarantine so I am all cooped up!!! Also-] That's enough, Jay. Can anyone introduce their CAPTCHAS so Jay can have someone to talk to? He is very annoying in the house all day... [No I'm not!] Ok, I've got to go. Bye!
* I don't actually have a pet Blue Jay, I just thought of this.*
(June 15, 2020 - 8:02 pm)
hhiii I'mmmm Everg reen's captc hhaaa. mmyyy naame iiiss Styxx.
[TRANSLATION: hi I'm Evergreen's captcha. My name is Styxx.]
my CAPTCHA is new too. I made her up a little while ago when I got a CAPTCHA that said "sstcx" but I hadn't posted anything about her.
Styxx is a CAPTCHA based on a fictional species in one of my stories. She's basically a cat with bat wings. And she has white fur and wings, and red eyes.
nnice tttoo mmeet yyoou.
[TRANSLATION: Nice to meet you.]
(June 15, 2020 - 9:07 pm)
(June 15, 2020 - 9:46 pm)
[Hi, Styxx! Do you like to fly? I like to fly. Maybe we can fly together!]
If you were wondering, Jay doesn't talk in fives because it got too annoying so I taught him how to talk normally. But he still prefers talking in fives.
(June 16, 2020 - 6:00 am)
Hiiii Jaayy! Iiaam Chnce, Agent Wntrs cptch. Niice ttooo meett yoouu!
Chance is a white pit bull with pale, shimmering teal dots all over him. He also has white wings with a slight shimmer of rainbow on them.
(June 16, 2020 - 8:17 am)
How do you chat and/or make friends on NaNo?
(June 16, 2020 - 12:23 pm)
{Hiya Jay! I'm Jwyn's CAPTCHA, Elliana! (you can call me Elli for short)}
Elli is a black cat with white paws, and she loves whipped cream!
yesss! whipd cream!
(June 16, 2020 - 2:45 pm)
helo jayy! iamm basl!
Hi, Jay! This is my captcha, Basil.
She's a bird too! She's a sky blue budgie.
iiii love cpks! itis nice tooo meet youu!
(June 16, 2020 - 2:54 pm)
[Yay you like flying and cupcakes too! And we both are blue! And we're birds! We have so much in common!]
(June 17, 2020 - 12:17 pm)
wedo! lets bbee frnd! here iiss cpke!
(Basil prefers captcha language, so to translate, that says: We do! Let's be friends! Here is a cupcake!)
(June 18, 2020 - 4:18 pm)
Hello Immmm Fusee. Immma Kestt relll (Kestrel). Barns walow issss myyyy owner. Itsss veryy nicee toooo meett youuu!
Hey Jay, this is my new CAPTCHA Fuse, he a kestrel and he loves to fly if you want to go flying.
Yesss Ilove flyin!
(June 17, 2020 - 8:45 am)
*hello iiamm yager starr chsers captch*
(hello i am yager starchaser's captcha)
*nicee tomet yojay maybe ilsee youuu arond*
(nice to meet you, jay. maybe i'll see you around)
That's my CAPTCHA Yager. He's not very social but is nice when you get to know him. He's a bearded dragon.
(June 17, 2020 - 2:41 pm)