Name Change

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Name Change

Name Change

So . . . I just suddenly decided I didn't like Random Person, so now I'm Raining Rainbows! 

Yeah I'm changing my name!

Okay what else do I say.

Um . . . did you know owls don't have eyeballs but instead they have eye tubes? 

Okay I'll leave now, XD 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 9, 2020 - 10:31 am)

Cool! I like the new name. 

Ew, that's really weird, I did not need to know that owl fact tho XD

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(June 9, 2020 - 11:57 am)

Oh yeah that's a nice name! Also eww what does that even mean

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Enceladus
(June 9, 2020 - 2:17 pm)

That's a cool name! To be honest, I like it better than the old one.


Why did I decide it was necessary to comment on here


I like your name, anyway!

And that owl fact is gross and weird but somehow interesting.

Imma stop now. 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, Pyrrhia
(June 9, 2020 - 7:28 pm)

Nice! I like the new name, though I will kind of miss Random Person. 

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(June 10, 2020 - 9:43 am)

That is such a great name! I think it works especially well since it isn't drastically different from your old one, but it still is fresh and new. I've actually been considering changing my name, maybe for just on the Inkwell? Jwyn is me, but it doesn't hurt to change things up a little when you need some inspiration, right? I already have a name picked out, and now I've talked myself into it...

Well, anyway, love the new name! It's very bright and optimistic. As for the owl situation, I don't know what to make of that...

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(June 10, 2020 - 1:05 pm)