What You're Afraid
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
What You're Afraid
What You're Afraid Of Thread
Umm... yeah. This thread prooooooooooooooobably isn't going to get the most posts ever. But idk. Anyway, I'm afraid of:
- Ghasts
- Ghasts
- Social Awkwardness
- Ghasts
- Predicting things wrong
- That no one will like my art
- Ummm... did I mention ghasts?
Ghasts are the worst.
Neko says dubue. Double? Do you want me to make another CAPTCHA?
submitted by SeaWolfWhite, age 11, The Basalt Delta
(June 5, 2020 - 3:34 pm)
(June 5, 2020 - 3:34 pm)
-basically any bug with more than six legs
-being outside in the pitch black
-being publicly humiliated
-being betrayed
-having people distrust me
-having people doubt me or my abilities
-being rejected
-a lot more
(June 11, 2020 - 12:52 pm)
-That I'll say something that will make someone feel bad
-The creepy, dusty, attic where the door always slams behind you unless you hold it open and it feels like you got locked in
-singing in front of people
-dying (just to be clear, I'm not scared of what happens after you die but I'm scared of all the possible ways I might die)
-people that can read my mind (Winterblue, you are not alone!)
-once I convinced myself the Grammys were going to be bombed
-junebugs (large green flying beetles which my entire school is scared of for good reason also they make this AWFUL buzzing noise) landing in my hair (that happened once)
-stinging things (wasps, yellow jackets, etc.)
-on an unrelated note, when I was 6 I woke up crying because there was no more strawberry jam and only orange marmalade (which I didn't like at the time)
-and probably a lot more I can't think of
(June 11, 2020 - 1:43 pm)
Let's see, spiders, heights, public speaking/social situations, small spaces, coming out, and my own mortality. I used to be scared of roller coasters, but I got over that last year and now I enjoy them.
(June 11, 2020 - 2:03 pm)
(June 11, 2020 - 4:42 pm)
I know, I'm working on it (that sounded kinda defensive, haha sorry)!
(June 12, 2020 - 2:21 pm)
Oh, I'm also scared of thunderstorms, tornadoes, health problems (Trust me, I worry a LOT about my health.), mold, taking the trash out at night, (Which rarely happens), Herobrine, Woodland Mansions, anything that can kill you, and I had this dream, where my mom and I were in our car, just driving home from the store, when this guy was following us, and he broke into our car and he had a GUN. I know that it was just a dream, but I had a dream several years ago that a fish got sucked into a filter, and several years later, this year, IT HAPPENED. Do my dreams mean something sometimes?
(June 11, 2020 - 2:56 pm)
I'm terrified of writing sci-fi ._.
(June 12, 2020 - 6:08 pm)
~Fire (but like, out of control fire)
~losing family members
~losing friends
~getting yelled at
~scary movies
(June 13, 2020 - 7:31 am)
agree with all of those. out of control fire is INSANELY SCARY
once there was a lightning storm at a 'social distancing party' my neighbors hosted, and we were all outside watching the lightning strike five miles away. my other neighbor joked we could have lightning strike the fire pit and then go warm our hands (wut)
(June 13, 2020 - 11:21 am)
- Wasps, hornets, etc. Not bees though, I can respect bees.
- School shootings
- The idea of death and how someday my life will be over and there will be nothing at all
- What might happen to the world in the future, with climate change and overpopulation and future pandemics
- Open ocean and huge waves
- Getting rejected from all of the schools I'm applying to (I'm going into my senior year of high school)
- Everyone that I know dying
- Driving
- Meeting new people
- Getting trapped in small spaces
That was slightly all over the place, but what can I say? I'm well rounded :)
(June 14, 2020 - 4:43 pm)