Typing Game...

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Typing Game...

Typing Game...

If you don't know how to play this game, it's where first I type a sentence or phrase or whatever and then the next person tries to type it without looking at the keys or the screen (?) and then they give a new sentence for the next person to type and we go on in this way. If the "reply" box says somebody commented but their comment hasn't shown up yet please wait until it does, so the sentences won't get mixed up, because when they do, well, we get mixed up and...yeah.

Okay, first sentence is:

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost...

That's a LotR quote btw; and you don't have to do the "..." Anyway...Have fun!!!!!! 

submitted by cerinthe, age 13, Tired
(November 14, 2019 - 10:16 am)

FReinds, Tomans, cointeumen, lenf me uoir ears!.

Heyyyyy not as bad as I thought it would be. Here's a quote from my brother when I was drawing:

Her outfit's kinda weird and circly.

It's because you're weird and circly. 


submitted by Aqua, (marine)
(November 19, 2019 - 1:20 pm)

Friends, Romans , coiryymen lend me your ears!

Not as bad as I thought it would be! 

This one is from A Wrinkle In Time.

It was a music more tangible than form or sight. 


submitted by Lilac, age Secret, Lake of Tears
(November 19, 2019 - 1:46 pm)

It was a misic mire magical than form ir sight

Apparently I really like my I, and I forgot the sentence

I am Iron Man 


submitted by Barnswallow
(November 19, 2019 - 5:11 pm)

Ok, trying on my phone: 

I an his. Man

Aaaaahhhh autocorrect! Trying again:

I am iron man


Ok new sentence (from Mirror’s Edge): 

We don’t exactly fit in anywhere. And we’ve made that our greatest strength. 


submitted by Agent Winter , age Classified, TKD
(November 19, 2019 - 6:34 pm)


Wow, that was really bad.

Expecto Patronum!

I still remember when Harry Potter just yelled that dramatically... 

submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(November 19, 2019 - 7:25 pm)

I like this game.

Especto Patorju@

Oof, i missed that exclamation point. XD

the new sentence is (courtesty of Hamilton) ;D

I'm just like my country. I'm young, scrappy, and hungry.

submitted by Lilac, age Secret, Lake of Tears
(November 19, 2019 - 9:19 pm)

Technically, all spell names sound so weird that I would believe it if 'especto patorju' was actually a spell. 

submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(November 19, 2019 - 10:39 pm)

I'm just like my country I'm young, scrappy, and hungret!

Wow, I was soooo close! Heres the new one:

Unicorns fart rainbows, but only if they eat blue cheese. 

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(November 20, 2019 - 10:11 am)

unigornbs faert raincows. but only id they eat vkue cgeese



A metafore xd 

submitted by Starlight Tales
(November 20, 2019 - 12:20 pm)

a neta die xd/

lol, that's not rights.

New one.

She sells sea shell by the sea shore.

~ Lilac 

submitted by Lilac, age Secret, Lake of Tears
(November 20, 2019 - 7:14 pm)

She sekk seas shell by rhw swea shoew 

'sea shell' turned out pretty good, the only typo was seas instead of sea.

Love makes the world go round.  

submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(November 20, 2019 - 9:24 pm)

Love makes the world go round.

(Yes, I did type that blind. I can touch-type, okay?)

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(November 21, 2019 - 12:18 am)

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!

Haha, I needed that. New sentence (from one of the Halo games, I forget which): "There are those that said this day would never come. What do they have to say now?"

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, I got this!
(November 21, 2019 - 5:10 pm)

there are thise shtat sad this dayw ould never ocme What do that vave to say now>

Woah, dat was bad. XD New quote from 1984, by George Orwell

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

~ Lilac ;D 

submitted by Lilac, age Secret, Lake of Tears
(November 22, 2019 - 6:43 am)

War us Oease, Freedon is SLavery. Ugnorance is Strench.

Wow, okay. Try again?

War is Pease. Freeson is Slavery. Ignorance is Strgnth.

Third time's the charm?

War is Peace. Freesom is SLavery. Ignorance is Strenght. 

Alright, good enough. Here's the next one, from an old favorite book of mine, The Two Princesses of Bammare:

Step follows step, hope follows courage, set your face towards danger, set your heart on victory. 

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(November 22, 2019 - 5:28 pm)