Cricket used to
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Cricket used to
Cricket used to be so innocent.
What happened? Everyone is talking about mental illnesses and debating over gender equality.
I'm not saying that I don't love Cricket. I do, greatly. But, certain people are not making it a fun, safe, and creative enviroment. I really want my 8 year old little sister to be able to join Cricket, but I'm not sure anymore because the topics we're talking about now are very mature.
Futhermore, I'm not saying that things like gender equality, mental illnesses, etc. are not important topics and that they shouldn't be disscussed but Cricket is becoming slightly toxic.
I love all of you and the Admins and I just kind of hope things get better
We do limit mature topics to some extent. But we also allow discussion of some real issues. If some of the discussions we do allow are too advanced for you little sister, I suggest you steer her to any of the sections of Chatterbox except Down to Earth. I think most of the topics you're concerned about are there.
(May 22, 2019 - 9:59 am)
Claaws, this is so very yes that I can't even express how much respect I have for you right now. Can you come preach this to my classmates?
(May 29, 2019 - 8:47 pm)
I can sympathize with you about mental health, because I personally am really sensitive and reading about others' problems can sometimes set me on a path of anxiety for a while, because I worry about getting those same problems. However, I recognize that discussion of mental health is very valuable and necessary and helpful for a lot of people with mental health problems, so I just try to steer clear of the threads myself, but I completely respect the helpfulness of those threads and I definitely don't find them "toxic" or even unsafe, because they're helping people be safer.
(May 30, 2019 - 6:33 pm)
(June 9, 2019 - 10:47 am)