Is Paige P.

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Is Paige P.

Is Paige P. still here? If she is tell her to come here. I need to talk to her in private. And if she is here when I'm off guard,,,,,THERE'S A NEW GIRL ON MY STREET!!!!!!HER NAME IS DAISY!!!

submitted by Nathan C., age 9!!!!!!!!, mushroom kingdo
(August 8, 2009 - 12:11 pm)

:) :) :)

submitted by Laura
(August 13, 2009 - 5:26 pm)

*suddenly realizes what this is all about* *turns

around and leaves, as well*......

submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(August 10, 2009 - 1:59 pm)

Yes, Nathan, I'm here. Hey, you're nine!! Happy birthday!! :) *<:) Sooo, what do you need to talk about?? I promise not to freak out at you... But, may I ask (DON'T get mad!), what happened to Diana?? So sorry if I shouldn't have mentioned her name.

submitted by Paige
(August 10, 2009 - 4:45 pm)




DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!


submitted by nathan c., age 9, mushroom kingdo
(October 14, 2009 - 5:10 pm)

Uh, okay...

submitted by Lena
(August 10, 2009 - 5:28 pm)

Thank you everyone for answering me! *whispers so no one will get angry* Mind telling me where I can find this old thread? I want to see both sides of the argument. If u don't want to that's fine. I'm not the type that looks up old threads, so I figured I'd tried asking.

submitted by R~D~, age 13
(August 11, 2009 - 10:36 am) Here, R~D.

And here.

Does that clear you up?

submitted by Emily L., age 14, WA
(August 11, 2009 - 1:24 pm)

Thank you very much Emily L.  Sorry, I know I'm annoying.  

submitted by R~D~
(August 11, 2009 - 4:33 pm)

OH NO!!!! SCARY THREADS!!! SCARY THREADS!!!!! *runs and hides* Can I come out now?? :)

submitted by Kenzie
(August 11, 2009 - 4:51 pm)

No, no, no, don't look at both sides!!!! I was evil, sarcastic, and immature, and I really want to delete a few comments!!!!! :( *guilty look*

submitted by Kenzie
(August 11, 2009 - 5:56 pm)

Ummm, that wasn't supposed to go there... Weird... :)

submitted by Kenzie
(August 13, 2009 - 4:30 pm)

Nathan?? YOu still here?

submitted by Paige
(August 11, 2009 - 11:12 am)

I think we all had crushes when we were nine :) I think I did! :) Hey Nathan!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, MN
(August 11, 2009 - 5:16 pm)

Um. Not that this isn't, um. Interesting... but yes... *coughs* *waves* *sashays quietly out*

submitted by Mary W., age 11.64, NJ
(August 12, 2009 - 3:53 pm)

Not me!

submitted by Lena
(August 12, 2009 - 5:27 pm)