Two Truths One
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Two Truths One
Two Truths One Lie
let's play a game to get to know each other!
All you have to do is comment Two Truths about yourself, and One Lie!
I'll go first:
1. I don't have any ideas for a future ski lodge!
2. I love vinegar!
3. I play Kelsi in our school production, High School Musical!
Now all you have to do is guess what is true and what is not! Guess Away!
submitted by Ella Starburst
(April 17, 2019 - 7:48 am)
(April 17, 2019 - 7:48 am)
For Icarus, I'm going to guess that #3 is the lie.
(April 26, 2019 - 8:10 pm)
I actually have no idea for any of you guys. #3 was the lie for me. I hate physics. (@Fidelity, heyyy, harsh. I do indeed have a girlfriend.)
(April 27, 2019 - 4:03 pm)
Yep! I'm VERY allergic to cats but not dogs, thank goodness!
(April 27, 2019 - 6:43 pm)
#1, I'm getting my braces off next week!
#2, I'm hoping to be the main actress in the high school play (next year).
#3, I'm going to Washington D.C. next week.
(April 28, 2019 - 3:36 pm)
#3, my logic is that you don't live in DC so you can't get your braces off while there
(April 30, 2019 - 9:17 am)