I was...twelve, when

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I was...twelve, when

I was...twelve, when I came onto the CB for the first time.

I was Lucy B., that girl with short hair

Who wanted to dye it rainbow

Who wished fantasy was real

Who wanted to share her art with the world

It's been two years, I think.

I'm fourteen.

Still that girl with short hair

Who wants to dye her hair obnoxious colors

Who wishes her imagination could come to life

Who wants to become an artist

But a lot has changed.

I've had my fair share of identity issues,

Who hasn't?

I've finally come to terms with some things I didn't want to believe

I've lost confidence,

Lost friends,

But in time, gained confidence

And made better friends,

And I never thought I would leave here.

It's been a long time since I've typed in this format,

Name, Age, Location

It's been long enough to feel a little foreign.

And even as I'm typing

My fingers are shaking.

More than they do when I'm crying

Or playing a piece faster than I'm used to.

It feels weird, too.

I know this place.

I've come, been part of too many roleplays,

Made alter egos,

Even had a hiatus.


I don't know whether I belong anymore.

I'll come back sometimes.

Maybe on my birthday?

My CBversary?

Valentine's Day, even though it's passed.

I'll come back every year.

I promise. 

After all, this place...

It's a part of me, it was at least, 

And I love every metaphorical inch of it,

Every person inside it,

There's a bond that I don't want to break. 

But, for now, my friends,

This is goodbye. 


-Lucy B./FountainPen/Everything I've been before 

Auf wiedersehen, Lucy (which means till we meet again)!


submitted by Everything I've been, age 14, Everywhere I've been
(March 3, 2019 - 10:46 pm)

Lucy, I never got to know you, but I will certainly miss you. Your post made me cry. *waves*

submitted by Secret
(March 6, 2019 - 7:06 pm)

Bye, Lucy! I'll miss you and I hope you return, at least to give us life updates.

submitted by Applejaguar, Wisteria
(March 5, 2019 - 5:38 pm)

Bye!  I'll come back for visits sometimes, just to see how everyone's doing.

Oh!  Elena has a message: muff

I wonder what she means... 

submitted by aFountainPen, age 14, Formerly Lucy B.
(March 6, 2019 - 12:27 am)

Aww I’m going to miss you so so much. You were one of the first people I knew on the CB. I wish you didn’t have to go, but I know it’s your choice. I hope to see you around as often as possible! <3 <3 <3

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(March 6, 2019 - 12:24 am)

PS: I hope you die your hair rainbow someday :)

submitted by Fidelity
(March 6, 2019 - 12:25 am)

Goodbye, goodbye, Lucy... you've been a constant fixture in the CB since I joined a few years ago. I've enjoyed seeing your art grow and change over the years. I respect your decisions for leaving, but I hope you'll come back to visit!

Until next time,


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(March 6, 2019 - 2:40 pm)

Aw, Lucy, I’m going to miss you! I’m glad you’ll be visiting, at least, and we shall eagerly await your return. I hope you get to dye your hair obnoxious colors one of these days. :P May the road rise to meet you, and may the wind be ever at your back. Farewell, friend. <3

submitted by Leeli
(March 7, 2019 - 11:45 am)

Aw, Lucy! I'll miss you. Please, please visit sometime! <3

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(March 7, 2019 - 5:05 pm)

All the CB will miss you, Lucy, and you will always have a place here if you ever decide to come back. Your poem was beautiful and it’s been so wonderful to have you on the CB for two years. Good luck with everything and I wish you good friends and happiness!

submitted by The Riddler, age 16, Here
(March 9, 2019 - 3:03 pm)