Ultimate peace...

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Ultimate peace...

Ultimate peace...



1. Choose ONE mythical animal. Shapeshifters are not allowed (With the exception of kelpies, selkies, things that only turn into only a few other things)

2. You are now that mythical animal.

3. Fight in whichever way possible.

4. Be fair, no teams. It's one for none, none for one.

5. Previous alliances and opposers are now forgotten.

6. No killing abybody.

7. If you are challenged, the Ultimate (that's me), will present the challenge. You can do various things.

8. The first person to complete the challenge will be the victor, and the loser will not be able to challenge anybody else for one round. 

submitted by The Ultimate, An all-powerful being
(October 1, 2018 - 12:46 pm)

It begins when the first Challenge is issued.

One little tidbit, I am a uncomprehensibly huge hydra, old as time itself.

Another little tidbit, I decided to do this because I am a hydra, and with my multiple heads I can issue more challenges at once. 

submitted by The Ultimate
(October 5, 2018 - 3:33 pm)

I did some research on the Mothman and the only powers or abilities it seems to have are being seven feet tall, having wings, red eyes, being terrifying and causing accidents. With this in mind, may I rove around wrecking havoc?

submitted by Cockleburr
(October 6, 2018 - 4:20 pm)

The downsides of being a cryptid... at least you're not alone, the only thing a Fresno Nightcrawler can do is walk around and maybe kick something, as they're essentially a pair of walking pants.

submitted by S. Clockwork
(October 6, 2018 - 11:53 pm)

H'rrm... Dragon! HEHeHeHeH... *blast of flame*

submitted by Catsclaw
(October 6, 2018 - 7:16 pm)

Heck, I'll challenge first! I challengeeeeeeeeee ARTISTICBIRDIE! Yes? No? Maybe? YES.

submitted by Insomniactic
(October 6, 2018 - 10:27 pm)

A unicorn, tossing her streaming mane out of her eyes, steps forward into a stone ring. Her alicorn glitters in the cold light of the moon.

"I, Insomniactic, challenge artisticbirdie for our first round. Do you, artisticbirdie, accept??" A gorgeous fairy, adorned with flowers in her hair and shiny wings upon her back, steps forward.


artisticbirdie what is your reply? You can either say 'I accept your challenge.' or 'I do not accept your challenge.' If you do not reply within two days you Insomniactic will be the winner by default.

This is the Ultimate just for general knowledge... 

(October 6, 2018 - 11:55 pm)

Anybody want to challenge? :) <— Welcoming smiley face!

*Morphs into an underwater lynx (real thing*

<3 Fidelity  

submitted by Fidelity
(October 7, 2018 - 2:15 am)

How do you challenge? How do you fight? I've never done this before! 

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(October 7, 2018 - 12:17 pm)

*watches Venom* *suddenly wishes I had chosen a venom infested Wendigo*

submitted by Darkking, Regretttttttt
(October 7, 2018 - 2:43 am)

Sure, I accept. This should be fun...

*slips wand into belt*

submitted by artisticbirdie
(October 7, 2018 - 3:29 pm)

The fairy twirls her hair as she sticks her long, slender wand into her belt.

"I, artisticbirdie, accept Insomniactic's challenge." As soon as the words escape from her mouth the ground begins to shake. Every CBer in the area looks to the rock at their various forms of feet. Then, a giant, draconic head emerges from a cave about fifteen or twenty feet above the CBers. A few screams and shouts ring out. The head looks pleased.

"Greetings, CBers. I am The Ultimate. A pleasure to see the Arena at it's proper intellectual use once more. Now. On with the first challenge." The head snakes it's way forward and downward until it is level with artisticbirdie and Insomniactic. "Ahh, the contenders...! Hmm. Since this is the first round, I'll give you a relatively easy challenge to complete." The great lizard's face shows contemplation for half a second. "I've got it. Here is your challenge:

"Go to Inkwell. Click on the square that says 'Kyngdom' on it. From there, I want you to state, on this thread, which Role Play threads are on the front page of the RP Board." The head declares, smiling. "If you read some of them, you may be inclined to participate...!" A longing gleam enters the great beast's eyes as it watches both contestants pixalize. The round has begun.

"Whoever answers first wins this round!" 

submitted by The Ultimate
(October 8, 2018 - 1:29 am)

The RPs are:

Olive Den, Charrie Theme Songs, Normality (though not really), Kyngdom Thread, Sage RP Thread. 

submitted by Agent Winter, currently a phoenix
(October 8, 2018 - 11:31 am)

Agent, I think since Insomniactic and artisticbirdie were involved in the first challenge, they are the only ones to complete it. I may be wrong though.

I challenge you for the next round! 

submitted by Coroline@AgentWinter
(October 8, 2018 - 5:22 pm)

Hmm... I think that the answer is “The Olive Den”, “Charrie Theme Songs”, and a bunch of others. Do I need to say more? Also, did I completely overlook this and do the wrong thing? If so...

submitted by artisticbirdie
(October 8, 2018 - 9:14 am)

-The Olive Den-, Charrie Theme Songs, Normality, Kyngdom Thread, and Sage RP Thread. Aww, Artisticbirdie got it first.

submitted by Insomniactic
(October 8, 2018 - 3:26 pm)