I'm New Here!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I'm New Here!

I'm New Here!

*enthusiastic wave* HI!

I'm not sure exactly how to "officially" join the community (everyone here is so great!), but I thought maybe an introduction would be a good way to start. 

I've started to join the Chatterbox once or twice, so I decided to try and become active before I posted an Official Debut. 

*cue the fanfare*

So here I am.  My first post from a loonnnggg time ago is still probably somewhere in the backstreets of Blab about Books.  By the way, it seems like they used to have a different system for that a while back..?

I'm Marigold (not my real name), I'm homeschooled, I like "fashion", I foster cats, like to dr8kaw, and don't really have any favorite books (not to say that I don't like them... I just like them all!!!)  Are there any other homeschoolers out ther who aren't getting a summer break?  I'm not, but I can't say say that I really mind.  It's really hot where I live and I take scattered breaks in cooler times of the year.

Also, does anyone else ever enter the Cricket contests?  I really enjoy them.  (If you do enter, let me know if you win/have won!)

P.S.  Thesauruses are seriously amazing (astonishing, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, prodigous...)

submitted by Marigold, The State of Mind
(May 14, 2018 - 9:45 pm)

Hello Marigold, welcome to the chatterbox! :) I clicked on the link of the book reveiw, and the comment was made by my older sister a long time ago. XD 

submitted by Butterfly, age 14, Fleet Street
(May 17, 2018 - 12:34 pm)

That's a pretty neat coincidence!

submitted by Marigold, The State of Mind
(May 17, 2018 - 2:57 pm)

Hi, Marigold! Welcome to the Chatterbox! If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. I've never entered a Cricket Contest, but maybe I will one day. I like Gail Carson Levine, too! I've read Ella Enchanted so many times and I loved The Two Princesses of Bamarre. I've seen your art on the Art Thread and I really like it. The way you use color is gorgeous. I hope to see you around some more!

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 18, 2018 - 11:42 am)