2 Truths &
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
2 Truths &
2 Truths & A lie!
I'm sorry I used texting language there, but I've had a specific CB game on my mind. And that is Two Truths and a lie!
How it works: Two truths and a lie is a game where you state three things about yourself. Two are true, and one, quite obviously, is false. Whoever guesses the most lies wins! (I will be keeping track of the posts; please don't reply to something that's already been guessed correctly and say that you posted it when the other person's post hadn't loaded in. I will be keeping track. nOthIng EscApEs mE....)
Now that you know how to play, I present--
Two truths and a lie, Chatterbox Edition!
1) Please only post three things about yourself.
2) You may post under a pseudonym if needed/wanted.
And that wraps it up! Here are my three things--
1. I joined the Chatterbox in 2016.
2. I love Roblox.
3. I love Minecraft.
(January 26, 2018 - 9:07 pm)
Ok... here goes.
1) I have a slobbery, adorabe, yellow lab named Thorin, after the dwarf.
2) I play piano, violin, and my voice.
3) I have a little 3 month old sister named Clara.
Guess away!!
(February 21, 2018 - 9:08 pm)
Is it number three?
(February 23, 2018 - 5:30 pm)