Pollen + Allergies!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Pollen + Allergies!

Pollen + Allergies!


*ah ah ah ah......*


Sorry Guys, but it’s definetly becoming pollen season. Who else has allergies? My allergies have been terrible! Every second my nose is either like a faucet or sneezing. Who can relate?

Also on the topic of weather, what is your favorite season, and why?

You can probably tell by my name. :) 

submitted by AutumnArtist (A.A), age 13
(October 21, 2017 - 11:39 am)


I feel ya, A.A. I don't have real bad allergies right now; I think mine tend to be worse in the spring, but u definitely know the feeling when you're all stuffed up and just miserable. It's not fun. My whole family gets allergies, even one of my dogs gets a runny nose sometimes. XD 

As for the topic of seasons, my favorite has always been Winter. I love the snow, and the holidays, and the warm cozy nights by the fire, and hot cocoa, and fuzzy socks and sweaters and fur coats. I also HATE hot weather (apartl from the whole swimming thing) so the cold can be a welcome change. Winter here in Kentucky was miserable last year though. We barely got any snow, and when we did it was flurries that didn't stick but instead just made slush. I hate it when Winter gets rainy and muddy and grey and cold. Fall is definitely a close second to Winter. In fact, they're probably about the same for me. I love the colors and the weather and the pumkin-spice everything, the chilly breezes, the scents, and the boots and sweaters. Next comes spring. I love the weather, the life, the crisp mornings, the birds singing, the flowers blooming, and the sun shining. Lastly there's summer. I have a love hate relationship with Summer. I love the no-school, the swimming, vacation, roasting marshmallows, picnics, swimming again, and the GREENESS. But I absolutely HAAATE the heat. I'm a generally hot person. I tend to get hot easily. I would much rather be cold than hot. My philosophy is that when you're cold, you can put on as much jackets and blankets and extra socks as you want, but when you get hot...there's only a certain amount of clothing you can take off until you're stuck. 

Anyway, there's my rant on seasons. I know a lot of you will disagree and say summer is your favorite and that winter is terrible, and that's fine. I get used to it.  

submitted by Leeli
(October 21, 2017 - 12:53 pm)
submitted by Top!
(October 23, 2017 - 6:39 pm)

@Autumn Artist- Oh, man. I get allergies SO BAD. I walk around looking like I dyed my nose red, with a constant trickle of snot below it. Then the sneezing.  If there was ever a contest to see if someone had the most sneezes in a row, I would win. Hands down. This year has'nt been particuarly bad, though. Probably because we've had such a cold summer, and now all within a week, the trees have changed color, and died. So, not really very much time for any plants to decompose, or send of their little pollen sacks of destruction. Spring is usually the worst. Up here, Spring is very gradual, and drags out till the middle of June. Lots of time to do the afore metioned destruction. And the ladybugs. Ugh. Those diserve a whole post to rant on just themselves. I know, the 'real' ladybugs, not the aisan ladybeetles, are supposedly going extinct, but at my house...they are anything but.

 Favorite season? Hmmmm. I do not have ONE sollid favorite. Aside from the leaves, and stuff-yourself-silly-holidays, I do not find Fall particularly enjoyable. Too unpredictable, and after the leaves are gone, too bleak. Too boring. I love winter. With it's cold, short days burroed in your warm, comfy snow fort, I could stay there all year. Plus, in the Winter, I feel like your life slows down. You get the time inside, away from the snow and ice, tucked inside in the world of books, relaxing after your busy Summer. More time with family. At least, for me. Then spring makes it final. You slip out of the blank mood you did'nt realize you were in, and find an Earth full of new life. A time for new begginings, new creatures, and plants. Overnight, the world turns green. Plus, just that smell of Spring, you know? Almost like mud, and dirt, and decomposing leaves, mixed into the fresh, clean smell of new life. Double plus, my birthday is in the Spring. Definatly some points added for that. The Summer. Time for travel, long days spent outside, away from school work for a short amount of time. The Summer storms, with their lightning, and thunder, huddled wiht your family. Safe. Swimming, and making new freinds. For some reason I always seem to do that better in the Summer. Then the long, hot evenings. Those I could live without. Filled with little stinging vampires, sweat, and late night camp-outs. Well, everthing, but the camp-outs, that is. :)  Roasting marshmallows underneath a star lit sky...

So, yeah. I love all the seasons, for all different reasons. Hey! That rhymes! I am very fortuate to live in a place where I get to expereience the seasons as they come. I cannot imagine a place where there is all Summer, or all Winter. It would definatly be...different.

submitted by Vyolette(Vee-o-LET)
(October 22, 2017 - 7:53 pm)

I used to have to get 2 shots often, every week or couple weeks or so. Quite recently, I stopped, and I’m doing well so far. I also used to have asthma. I found Benadryl and Manuka honey to be my friends. I felt worse for my father, however, because he used to have to get four shots. We used to joke he was allergic to everything, but we’re both doing a lot better now. 

On the side topic of shots, a lot of people are afraid of them, but I’ve gotten so used to them they don’t bother me anymore. XD And I would get the shots the size of flu shots, not the easy breezy immunisation shots (or at least I didn’t find them that bad. It hurt more afterwards because the immunisation medicine made my arms sore).

Anyway, I suggest Manuka honey. It’s natural and good for allergies and colds. If you’re allergic to honey, I suggest Bragg’s apple cider vinegar. Mix it with orange juice, and it’ll taste a bit better. Then there’s always Benadryl, but sometimes it made my allergies worse, so I’m not sure. 

But I hope you all feel better! ^^ 

submitted by Doctor Who?, age The 13th , The Blue Giraffe
(October 22, 2017 - 9:31 pm)
submitted by Top for allergies
(October 24, 2017 - 10:01 am)

UGH!!! I HAAAAAATE ALLERGIES!!! I've got the most obnoxious dust allergy ever. It's not serious, but it's super sensitive, meaning I spend almost every day of my life sneezing! IT SUUUUUUUUCKS!!!! I actually am surprised if my nose isn't running. On a happier note, I absolutely love fall!

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(October 24, 2017 - 7:30 pm)