A girl stood
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
A girl stood
A girl stood with a peacock feather, staring at the blank scroll. She was at the border of a shining marble city, full of wonders. In it were people of every appearance and character, making the city all their imaginations wished it. There were castles and cottages and cathedrals, a massive park full of twisted woods and enchanted lakes.
How would Stella make her mark here? Would she create a mountain range or a high tech laboratory that made you feel smart just to be inside? A library? No, there were thousands of those already! Smiling, Stella lifted the feather and began to write.
While I may have been waxing eloquent here (nothing to do with candles, or cars for that matter) I should probably give you a few plain facts as well:
-- Stella hasn't posted here before, but has looked around and knows what she's doing (she hopes)
-- She lives off of books, and cares about grammar, except when you catch her speaking about herself in the third person
-- Stella isn't my name, it's the name of my dog, who happens to be a lab, I didn't even realize the irony of my name/location until I just pointed it out, so thanks self.
-- I don't plan to post very often (we'll see about that) because of actual life and inconsequential things like that. Right now I'm off to build a telescope, so tata to my devoted minions, ahem, nice people of the Chatterbox (aka "The Cricket Thing", as I say to my brother)
(August 27, 2017 - 2:18 pm)
I have not; I'm not really a Sesame Street person. Have you seen Riverdance?
(August 29, 2017 - 8:03 pm)
Hello! I'm more of a cat person myself, and also very weird. Welcome to the CB!
(August 29, 2017 - 10:39 am)
Don't tell Stella, but I like cats too :). and weirdness should be embraced!
(August 29, 2017 - 6:42 pm)
Welcome, Stella! In continuance with what Cockleburr stated previously, September also thinks that your introductory post was beautiful and is also estatic that there is someone else who also enjoys speaking in third person (though September does it rarely, she believes that this occasion calls for it). September is very excited to meet you!
(August 29, 2017 - 11:49 am)
XD. Mercy buckets? That's like Donkey shins (Danke Schon, [I believe that's how you spell it, though I'm probably wrong] which I think is thank you in German...? Donkey shins is now a family joke, because I could never get the pronunciation right. (You kind of have to be either German or Klingon to say it correctly.) So one time I just threw up my hands and was like, "What the heck. Donkey shins!"
(August 30, 2017 - 11:54 am)
(August 30, 2017 - 5:07 pm)
Hello, Stella! Nice introductory thread, by the way. I'm elementgirl, but you can call me EG. I'm ten (10.94, DO NOT forget the .94), live in Rhode Island, am COMPLETELY OBSESSED with sailing (that's all the weird stuff in my name and location boxes, and trust me, you'll get tired of me), love reading and writing, hate tourists (I could go on a long rant right now), adore the ocean, have a phobia of squirrels (long story, don't ask), and.... That's about it......
(August 30, 2017 - 5:18 pm)