This is a
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
This is a
This is a feel-good-make-other-people-happy thread.
Basically, the idea is that you write one thing you are proud of yourself for (chatterbox related or not), and give someone else a compliment (probably chatterbox related). The thing is, you have to choose a person who hasn't already been complimented, so that everybuggy has something nice said about them eventually! (e.i., so that 14 different people don't compliment TNÖ:P)
Oh, and you can't just compliment yourself without giving another person a compliment. Or vice-verse. And the person you pick doesn't have to be someone you know well, just someone who you can say something nice about.
So here's mine:
I am proud of myself for being on the Chatterbox since it opened (I remember when there were two threads on Down to Earth!) and, hmmm... I want to compliment Grace for always having great ideas, like SI and book clubs.
(June 17, 2009 - 11:52 am)
*Emily L. (Although Emily H., you're cool, too! :) But that doesn't count as my complement, so somebuggy else can do you!!) :D
(June 18, 2009 - 3:28 pm)
:):):):):):):):):) I hadn't even noticed this thread! :):):):):):):):) Hee Hee, And I was just about to complement you!
I'm proud of myself because I just actually finished (yay, finished!) A story I was writing.
I would like to complement Paige (P.) for how she can always bring a smile to people. It seems like she always is cheering someone up or being encouraging. Thank you Paige!
(July 2, 2009 - 4:46 pm)
I am proud of myself for being a published author and want to compliment Allison for being a great writer! I really liked your poems. (But everyone's writing is great. Hers just stuck out in my mind because they're poems, and other than Emily's fantastic poem, no one's really posted much poetry on here.) Oh, and also for being a kind of peacemaker. :) And to Mary W. for being my best friend who is also a stalker, excellent villian, and plaigiarist. (How do you spell that?) And to everyone on the Chatterbox! You all rock.
(June 18, 2009 - 5:16 pm)
I am proud of Laura for saying she will eat a banana!!!! :D:D:D (Ok, I'm kidding, on a serious note, I am proud of her for auditioning! That takes a lot of courage to do!)
I am proud of myself for not being horribly angry with Kake for quitting Lego Robotics.
PS: Laura, eating that banana will change your life!
(June 18, 2009 - 6:31 pm)
Hee hee. You are sweetly funny!!! :) :) :) :) :) Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
(June 19, 2009 - 1:58 am)
Pardon me, but I'll pass on the first section of this little activity. And I'll compliment TNO just because no one else has and I don't know very many people on here well enough to compliment them. I hereby compliment TNO on being a good writer and the only fifteen-year-old I know (I think) who's willing to hang out virtually with a bunch of eleven-twelve-thirteen year olds. That shows a tremendous amount of patience from my point of view because TNO doesn't seem like someone who's just so immature that she's only comfortable in the company of people 4-2 years younger than she is. She adds a lot to the Chatterbox. (I'm not knocking eleven-twelve-thirteen year olds, since I'm one myself, just saying that it's something not many people do.)
(June 18, 2009 - 7:24 pm)
*sigh* Not again.
I guess I better start putting my age in again. No one, I repeat, no one seems to remember how old I am. I'm only a few months younger than TNÖ!!! (I'm fifteen too!!!!!!)
(June 19, 2009 - 2:01 am)
Ok, sorry. I think I said as far as I knew TNO was the only one.... but hey, that compliments you too! :D I'm so sorry - I would hate to be mistaken for an eleven year old just because I'm older than that. I won't officially compliment you, though, so someone else can. :P I love to compliment people, hate being complimented. Weird, that.
(June 19, 2009 - 9:16 am)
It's ok! I know it was an accident. :)
I wont be offended, I swear, but how old did you think I was? I'm just curious. I wouldn't mind if you thought I was two. :) :D :D :D
(June 19, 2009 - 12:30 pm)
I thought you were thirteen, maybe twelve. Don't know how I got that idea. Sorry. :D
(June 20, 2009 - 12:43 pm)
That's ok. :D
Chatterbox is one of the only places I fit in, because I can act the age I feel, and not have to worry about stereotypes. No one can judge me by the way I look. Only by my character.
(July 13, 2009 - 9:04 pm)
I'm proud of myself for my artsy-craftsy side, which I don't take quite enough advantage of. And I would like to compliment Paige for always being kind to her fellow Chatterboxers. I can't remember one time that she has been mean or unwelcoming to anyone, and she doesn't seem to get as steamed as most of us in our famous debates ;D
(June 18, 2009 - 8:01 pm)
(except global warming) Hee hee. I do love you though, Paige! :P
(June 19, 2009 - 2:02 am)
And "romantic" eight-year-olds!! Don't forget that!! :):) And evolution/Creation!! And... :):):)
(June 21, 2009 - 9:13 pm)
Hee hee...
(July 13, 2009 - 9:05 pm)