Goodbye. Um

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Goodbye. Um


Um...hi guys. I haven't been spending any time on the CB, and that's because I'm not feeling connected to the CB. I take long breaks from the CB and basically forget about it. I'd rather go on other sites, write my "The Life of a Nat", and read than go on the CB. Last year, I went on the CB in all of my free time, but no longer. Instead of posting less than once a month, I decided that I should leave. Everyone on here probably doesn't know my name anymore anyways. I have almost disappeared, but instead of coming back, I'm saying goodbye. 

Goodbye, everyone. I will look at this post for the next few days, then leave. I might check in once in a while, and I'll visit on Valentine's Day 2019.


See you someday or never,



P.S. Now, in the real world, I'm going by Nat. A lot has changed since I was last here. CAPTCHA says arbi. 

submitted by Moonlight , age 12 , Ellesmera
(August 9, 2017 - 5:12 pm)

Aww....I'm sad that you're leaving, Moonlight. I've really enjoyed having you on the CB...but I suppose we all have to leave sometime. Please do come back for visits and for Valentine's Day.

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(August 9, 2017 - 5:21 pm)

Aww, I'll miss you. I'm not going to try to convince you to stay, cause it seems like you've made up your mind. Make sure to come back to visit on Valentine's day! 

submitted by Crookshanks, age 2nd year, Hogsmeade
(August 9, 2017 - 9:07 pm)

Everyone will certainly miss you! <3

submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 9, 2017 - 10:11 pm)

Aww, I understand - I feel the same, often. Of course, I have not forgotten you, Nat! I've been here for all your name changes xD (and brilliant ideas, might I mention!). It's been great knowing you, I know you will go far in life. Keep dreaming and check up on us every now and then! *Hugs*

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 10, 2017 - 12:24 am)

Aww, man, am I gonna miss you!  I understand that a lot of us really don't have as much free time, so I understand why you're leaving.  I guess I'll see you 'round, then.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(August 10, 2017 - 1:28 am)

Aw, you're leaving? Well, I want to respect your choices, but I hope you'll come back Valentine's 2019! ^^

submitted by Killim
(August 10, 2017 - 5:54 am)

Thank you everyone! 


<3 Moonlight


P.S. "bzbe" like busy bee! 

submitted by Moonlight , age 12, Ellesmera
(August 10, 2017 - 9:37 am)

Goodbye. I can't say I knew you very well, but I can say you will be missed.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 10, 2017 - 10:11 am)

Oh, no! I'm going to miss you so much, Moonlight. :( You are a wonderful, creative human being and you are as brilliant as a star. Never forget that we love you, ok? I hope to see you in 2019. Good luck with everything! :)

submitted by Cockleburr
(August 10, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

Aww... bye Moonlight. I'm so sad you're leaving, you've been here almost the whole time I have, I think! I won't try to argue or convince you to stay, because I've been having the same problem myself lately. Don't forget to check in every once in a while.

We'll miss you.

~The Riddler 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 10, 2017 - 3:40 pm)

Awww sorry, Moonlight. :( We will miss you, I hope you come back soon! If not...see on you V-Day/19 <3

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 10, 2017 - 5:28 pm)

Goodbye...I am soooosoooosooooo sad you're leaving, but...


submitted by Foxy (Lola C.), age 11, The Forest (New York)
(August 10, 2017 - 6:54 pm)

We will definitely miss you moonlight! If leaving the CB feels right for you, then do it! It's no use trying to force yourself on here because you know others will be sad. We will be sad! Some things in life will be sad! But we will always remember the great times we had with you, and be happy! 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(August 13, 2017 - 12:23 pm)

Aw, bye Moonlight! We'll miss you! Never change. See you VDay/2019. 


submitted by Leeli
(August 14, 2017 - 11:13 am)