
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Welcome to the CB Recipe Club (#2)

Here is the link to the first thread if you would like to check it out:

Hopefully it works!

Now, we're going to stick to the same rules, but maybe we will only have three suggestions for recipe before voting. And for those people who have dietry requirements, if the recipe doesn't work for you, let us know, and we will make a secondary recipe which you can post reviews for, for those hungry readers. Let's get cooking!

Ok, so the following people are part of the club, but feel free to join. We just have a sign up so we can keep track of the dietry requirements, but it's not a commitment or anythig.



Brown Bear

Kelidiscope Griffon

Green Mango

Ms Banana



So, here are the suggestions so far. Lets vote again. By tomorrow night, the recipe with the most votes is made! Then, the person who suggested that idea in the first place posts the recipe.

Chocolate Macaroons

Doughnut and Berry Skewers

Choc Chip banana bread

Apple Sauce

Monkey Bread

Ok, let's start! Enjoy. 


submitted by LilyPad
(June 26, 2017 - 5:22 pm)

Ok, great! Voting is over tonight, last chance!

Chocolate Macaroons: 4

Doughnut and Berry Skewers: 5

Choc Chip Banana Bread: 3

Apple Sauce:

Monkey Bread:

Thanks evryone for voting! 

submitted by LilyPad
(July 1, 2017 - 7:32 pm)
(July 1, 2017 - 9:45 pm)

Chocolate macaroons and doughnut and berry scewers

submitted by GreenMango
(July 1, 2017 - 10:59 pm)

Hey! Can I join? I love baking and this looks like so much fun!!

<3 Pixie  

submitted by Pixie , age 13, The Woods
(July 2, 2017 - 12:03 pm)

Anybody can join, you're good.

I think the voting has passed though. You can still participate. 

submitted by @Pixie: yes
(July 2, 2017 - 5:24 pm)

Sorry Owlgirl, I didn't see your post. That's perfect though, thanks. Voting over! I will post the results later. 

submitted by LilyPad
(July 3, 2017 - 4:37 pm)

Ok, so we will be cooking doughnut and berry skewers. This was not my original recipe, I got this offline. I have never made this before, let's give it a try!

Note: The berries on the recipe are just a suggestion. You can use any you want. Also, you may need help from an adult for this recipe. Good luck!

You will need:

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

4 cups of vegetable oil

2 cups of all purpose flour 

1 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 large egg

1 cup of milk

Assorted berries. You can use whatever you want, I think rasberries, blackberries and strawberries would taste great!  



Mix salt, sugar, flour and baking powder together, sift, and set aside.

In a smaller bowl, whisk eggs, milk and vanilla extract.

(Help from an adult!) Pour oil into a saucepan and using a thermometer, heat until 130° C (266° F) watch the thermoter carfully! Too hot will ruin the doughnuts. 266° is perfect.

Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix well! Add melted butter and mix.

Once the heat reaches 266°, drop in little dough balls (not too many  at a time). When the underside turns golden brown, flip using a folk. Coninue until the doughnuts are golden brown all over. 

Remove and leave to cool.

Then, skewer them on the sticks with berries and serve. Post your reviews! 

If you are allergic to any ingrediants in this recipe, let me know, and I will post a second recipe for you. Enjoy!



submitted by LilyPad First Recipe
(July 4, 2017 - 7:36 pm)

This sounds cool! I'll join!

Name: Pastella

Dietary Requirements: None! 

submitted by Pastella, I'm back!
(July 5, 2017 - 11:13 am)

Hi, pastella!

Guys, the recipe is great!

submitted by LilyPad, lacking her lips
(July 7, 2017 - 6:50 pm)

Thanks, Lilypad! I'll try it in about a week (as soon as I can, unfortunatly) and tell you how it came out.

Also, I forgot to say.

I am allergic to all tree nuts except almonds and pine nuts. I can eat peanuts too because those are from the legume family. 

So bascially hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans, macademia nuts, pistachios, chestnuts, and Brazil nuts. (It stinks, because I used to be able to eat Nutella, and then I got this allergy...)

submitted by GreenMango
(July 7, 2017 - 7:43 pm)