....., what you

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

....., what you

....., what you mention is not a sin or even bad. We celebrate each contributor to Chatterbox and know that you have many friends here who care about you. Chatterbox is not, however, the appropriate place to seek help if you are seriously upset.

Best wishes,


submitted by .....
(June 8, 2017 - 2:47 pm)

This isn't fair. How can we help what we don't know?

submitted by Gared
(June 8, 2017 - 5:39 pm)

My guess is that the admins thought that whatever that person said was not something that was appropriate for the CB, and while whatever it was wasn't bad, this wasn't the result for place for it.

However, whoever posted this, we support you! No matter what it is, we support you! 

submitted by Kitten
(June 11, 2017 - 7:19 pm)